by Nicky Hamid
Many times I am have been asked what do I do to remain in peace and not get drawn into the dramas of the day.
I would have to say that it is “going within”. What you might call “Meditation”. And for me is not a “refuge” that I withdraw to. It is like Home. The to be STILL and place in myself where I am AT HOME whole and complete.
It is in stillness but one that is palpable all around and within me. And it has become such that it is the place that resides as me (I AM) all the time as an ever Present watcher. And has become my place to consciously choose even when I am immersed in “doing and the”out there.”.
Not only do I Choose Smile, but I AM SMILE, totally without effort or direction.
Where I AM the Essence of Being.
And there are no words. It is the mystical place of no thing, ineffable and beyond boundary. It is LOVE. So because it is the place I am always drawn to, I call it “HOME.
Singularly I would say to you that the greatest thing you could do for yourself is to build a daily dynamic of finding this Peace of Being, that goes beyond all understanding or description to connect to
Where you do not disconnect from Life. But where you CONNECT to LIFE.
An Eternal, Multidimensional, Expanding, Loving expression of Who YOU ARE.
I So Love You
PS: And I know many of you have found it hard to “meditate”. be in total Stillness. You have fought with your “monkey mind”.
But I know that not only is it the place we are all moving to but it is also absolutely essential to ground this daily choice until it becomes the place in your day that you would not miss for anything.
To ascend, to become aligned, and Present, HOME has to become so much a part of you that you never feel you have left wherever you place yourself in time and space.