by Sophia Love, June 21, 2023, via email
It is the One.
Thank you.
You are living through and conducting the manifestation of a new world; your New Earth. In the days ahead of you there will be reference to “The Builders”. These Builders are you. These Builders are the Great Ones who saw first, and continued to see possibilities for change. These are the Masters who collected themselves from far and wide in order to facilitate the Shift in Consciousness.
For make no mistake my dear, dear humans. This happens now because you are here. It happens because you have deemed it so. It happens because you are persistent and with that capacity you have seen, and not ever given up on, a New Earth.
This reality is yours to envision. It is made possible because you have spoken it aloud as possibility. You have seen beyond the control matrix that took hold here and envisioned something else.
You, with your visions of peace, equality, gentleness, health, abundance and power, have created these things as possibilities. Notice the term “created”. It is at the heart of what you do…
For nothing exists without first being seen as a possibility. It is you who have introduced the possibility. There have been way-showers always. In this now moment you gather here in abundance. You agreed to do this in order to seed the vision and to feed and nourish the vision and watch the seedling take root and grow.
Are you seeing the growth? It is everywhere evident. Every part of your world shows evidence of your work This is seen in unrest and innovation, in protest and in unified action. It is seen in you.
Your purpose here has been to initiate the shift in earnest and in real time. It is to participate in the process as human so that others, other humans, will witness your actions and hear your words and see your work and know these things are also possibilities.
For in order to create anything, it must first be seen as a possibility and then believed. Your relentless expression has held that and provided that. It is now made manifest.
Your New Earth has been introduced and is now seen by many. These humans will carry on because you’ve shown them what is possible. You’ve done so with your Light.
There will be many who come after you. They will continue the process. They will enter a different world than you have entered. It will be a world that holds a solid vision of Unity and Global Restoration. This is the world you have created. This exists because of you.
You are the Builders.
You came to create, to encourage, to introduce, to maintain, to show what was possible. All of you, each of you, here for this work.
You will see it through. You will know it has taken hold. This is why you came. This is why you feel like an outsider. You are. You never intended to fit in perfectly. If you had, your work would not have succeeded.
The work is not over. Yet you’ve accomplished your goal. The New Earth exists in the minds of many. It is spoken of, visualized, written about and fought for. It is real because of you. Your Light has led the way and continues to illuminate the path.
You are the Builders.
Your masterpiece is taking form.
There are further stages to go. Know that your presence facilitates each of these.
You will see. It will be worth every step taken.
That is all.
Thank you.