by Nicky Hamid
“Unless ye be as little children, ye cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven”
Rediscover your Innocence.
It is vital to your New Self.
Tune into your 2 year oldness.
You had only a moment ago come out and stepped “down” from your Pure Godliness into a little body.
When you came here you Felt what was in your proximity, totally and immediately without any filters.
As human consciousness you knew….NOTHING…. as separate. There was just a flow of experience from one moment to the next.
Nothing but the present moment of what was in front of you and how the experience of it felt to you.
Tune into or pretend that you are in your 2 year old awareness. Feel it.
This was and still is your most beautiful Innocence.
You were taught to filter your pure experience to fit your families filters of what was possible and impossible, what was good and what was not irrespective of how you felt or what you saw.
So let us Play with that reality. Bring back some of that 2-6 year old.
Retrieve our Innocence by playing with the “unknown” with the curiosity, the immediate joy of discovering the new, the fantastic, other worlds, that were as real to us then as it has to be NOW in our retrieval of who we ARE.
So SHARE something now as a comment. Let us trigger each others memories of the joy of our Innocence.
If you cannot remember then make it up.
Pretend is the precursor to creating the real because you cannot imagine anything that is or has not been “REAL”. It was the alchemaic key formula we knew naturally when we were very young.
I So Love You
PS Don’t be shy. Let us play together. Anything goes here. What can you, or have you experienced that would give you joy to experience? Let’s play Pretend and create some Magic, Mystery and Possibility for us All.
Did you see little Beings?
Did you sit with a dragon?
Did you travel to other places?
Did things speak to you?
Did you have a friend whom only you saw?
Did your toys come to life?
Etc, etc, etc.
There were things you saw or knew when you were very young and one way or another you were taught to hide your knowing or that it was not “real”.
Now you remember or are remembering.