by Nicky Hamid
There is nothing more to fix.
And how did this come about?
Because you are now beginning to truly LOVE YOURSELF and in so doing you are Loving it all back in to the MAJESTIC DIVINE PLACE it has always been.
Do You Get IT!
I So Love You
And someone has said to me: “This is hard to accept, upon awakening …there comes a sense of some personal responsibility and need for amends. that some kind of action personally should be taken.
I have always had compassion for people, animals, the earth and that grows more so and at times I feel heartbreak for what’s going on in the world, less worry about myself but my children, that is harder.”
Sweet Friends, think of it this way. Every time you feel the passion and compassion for our beloved planet and all her creatures just Love yourself some more and feel the joy of it. Love who you are and what you are connected to.
Try this. You are 80% percent water and you have stood in the toxic waters of humankind’s blindness. Now that you see, the Lovingness you bring to bear on yourself and your life, as you find it, is clearing your waters. And as you do so the wave of your Love fills and brings tonal circles flowing out of the energetic field of you (like ripples from a raindrop on a pool).
You are clearing the toxins with every move of Lovingness you make. And we are quantum so we have an effect everywhere. Nothing is lost, you are that powerful. And so the deepening of your love, my love, our LOVE is changing everything.
You had better believe it. The Age of the Water Carrier (Aquarius) is here.
Can you see the crystal clear waters flowing in and around and through yourself and everything everywhere? ………I can.
And I am not saying do nothing else. Your passion, your purpose, your living, your giving, comes from your LOVINGNESS. So first things first.