The fall of the banks is rumored to be the black swan event we’ve heard so much about that will trigger the Global Currency Reset worldwide (it’s already happening piecemeal, 66 countries rumored to have gone).
Once the GCR and Reval have occurred, and after vacations, it’s showtime: We build Nova Earth.
And, as we start, it’s so important for us to remember who is here. Angels, archangels, seraphim, elohim, etc. That’s us, all of us.
It may be a good idea to know a little bit more about … well, us.
The Company of Heaven asserts that we are all angels (I prefer using the word “angels” to “angelics”). (1)
According to them as well, we cannot lose what we’ve learned from all our lives; we can only forget. (2) And we are in a process, because of the rising love energies, of remembering. I know I am.
I’d like to repost here a discussion prompted by Archangel Michael’s desire to broach the matter that we are all angels, something he believed we were not ready for before.
He shared stunning revelations here, such as that angels (us) partake of Source. No more stunning a revelation could be made that I can think of.
Things just keep expanding.
When we see that we’re all angels, archangels, seraphim, etc., AND start remembering what we know and can do, our mere presence and beingness will become our most powerful instrument in insulating ourselves against the dark and radiating all-conquering love.
The forces of darkness shun the light. Only the Law of Freewill allows them to perpetrate their mischief and that time has ended. They cannot stand before the love that we angels flow out to the world.
I’ve gone on. I apologize. Without further ado, here’s Archangel Michael on us inside the body and inside our angelic realm:
“Archangel Michael on the Angelic Kingdom,”
An Hour with an Angel Special on the Angelic Kingdom, June 7, 2014
GD: Hello and welcome to a special edition of An Hour with an Angel with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon to discuss the Angelic Kingdoms, Steve Beckow is interviewing. So with that, here’s Archangel Michael.
Archangel Michael: Greetings, I am Michael. Welcome, I will try and get everything right. (See footnote 3.)
Steve Beckow: Yes, indeed. You’ve got your monitors there.
AAM: And then some. You know very often what you would think of as the organization, of the angelic and archangelic kingdoms, of the various roles, responsibilities, what you would think of as powers is not truly of great concern to the human race. This often is the case simply because they have forgotten from whence they came
And they have also forgotten, in their busy-ness to deal with the human reality, the scope of what lies above and below, not only in terms of the angelics and the archangelic kingdoms but also in terms of the greater universe, multiverse. Now we do not say this in a critical way, for you do have a lot on your plate. And it is more important, first of all that you understand the realm in which you live but it is also important to understand the broader picture.
So first you have gone to grade school, then middle school, then high school and now you understand you are in graduate school. That is what Ascension is about. It is ascending from any school into the truth and fullness of who you are.
SB: It’s sort of like not even knowing the kids down the block though.
AAM: Yes. It is disconcerting and it is disconcerting to you now because it has reached a point where you have progressed or advanced enough that you have raised your frequency that you want to know who your neighbors are.
SB: Right. Yes.
AAM: Now before you were simply concerned about who was in your house and who was in your classroom. But the broadening of your being, the expansion of your being, the rising of your frequency creates a situation of curiosity.
SB: Yes, I’ll turn this over to you and please tell us about the angelic and archangelic kingdoms. We know so little about them. We don’t know how they’re organized, we don’t know what form you appear in, what form is native to you. We don’t know if you live on a dimension or not or how it is that you are able to communicate with us at such a low dimensional level. And there is just so much we don’t know.
AAM: There is so much you don’t know. (Laughter between Steve & Michael)
Where to begin? First of all there have been esoteric studies and channelings of the various levels. Let us group, first of all, angels and archangelics together. Now, let us go back. We know that we have covered this territory before but if we are going to have this conversation let us cover the waterfront, shall we?
SB: Please.
AAM: Birthed from the heart of one, birthed from the heart and form, the light, of the Mother as what you can think of as sparks, pinpricks, filaments of light.
SB: Is this the Atman? (4)
AAM: Yes, some of us would think of this as the fire element as well. Now, at each step, just like how you have taken many steps to become human, at each step there has been, can we say, differentiation. And so – this is one thing we want to make very clear as we begin – this is not a hierarchy.
Human beings have a tendency to think in terms of hierarchical structures, institutions, layers of power. While we have differentiations of power it is not that one is considered higher or lower, stronger or weaker than another. Because in each form there has been a choice of what to transmute or become.
So the angelics and the archangelics want to be very particular, the seraphim were the first form of the angelics. Now does that mean that every being started as a seraphim? No. What it means is that some of those sparks of light in the expression of what they wish to become, which were beings, formed basically of pure light, of love, stayed as close as possible to home, as it were. That was their choice.
Now you still have billions upon billions of sparks of light and this is something that we have never really talked about before, in the Mother’s infinite creation there are still billions of those sparks of light being birthed to this day.
SB: And these were the seraphims or all of the angels?
AAM: No, all the angelics, if you take it as a very large group.
SB: Okay.
AAM: Then as you know, the second form was the cherubim and these were beings who have a great deal more connection to human beings and to the guarding of the light, of the love, of the Mother/Father/One than is assumed. Cherubim don’t tend to act in an interpersonal way very often, but they do with the human beings, because we are going to make our reference point with the human beings.
But they are known to guard the light within you, and that, sweet angels, is very important. They also guard places that are requiring, shall we say, special protection. Now protection simply means an extra shield of light and love. They are guardians often of the temples, of the churches, of the sacred places. The cherubim have been very involved in the protection, the anchoring, and the bringing to Earth of the Cities of Light. And that has never been discussed before.
They have a tendency to be on call for the Mother, and when she needs, be very clear with this word divine intercession, the cherubim flock to her side to do this work. So there are many of you, my beloved friends, who often pray for divine intercession, not intervention. It is slightly different.
And when there is interceding taking place, the cherubim’s energy and light is literally being propelled into either you, your field, the situation, in front of a temple, a sacred vortex, a holy place, and there are many on your planet, so they act as a prevention team. So they intercede before, shall we say, intervention is needed. You tend to think of them as these sweet little Valentine angels that look like chubby children and that is not the case at all. (Laughter)
SB: And what do they look like?
AAM: They are massive, often confused with the archangelic realm. So if you were to, in a human way, see a cherubim, you would think of them as 20-25-30 feet high, wings that would expand outward. Now, can they shrink into those cute little babies? Yes. We have – and you know this, my beloved friend, because you have seen me on the street – you know we have the ability to assume any form we want.
But as you have put it, what is our native form? Well, the native form of the cherubim is exceptionally big. Think of it. They do not simply watch over Gaia, the sacred places, they are also charged with the omniverse, the galaxies, the intergalactic realm.
So they bring energy when it is needed. And inside that energy, of course, is wisdom. Loving wisdom. That is why the cherubim have been so romanticized because what they instill into any situation, place, person, galaxy, is knowledge and wisdom and inside of that is the most massive infusion of gentle love. It is beautiful.
And so they are often thought of as very soft and cuddly, and from our perspective they are. They’re very social, both in terms of their desire for unity, they tend to travel together and that is also why you never have a vision of a cherubim, just one. They do their work as a unified force.
(Contin ued in Part 2, tomorrow.)
Footnotes Follow
Download An Explosion in the Meaning of Happiness at
An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness 11Footnotes
(1) See An Explosion in the Meaning of Happiness at
(2) The Arcturian Group: Upon arriving, growing up, being taught, and continually subject to the three dimensional world you forgot who you really were and aligned with the three dimensional belief system. However, since an attained level of consciousness cannot regress, the state of consciousness you arrived with has never been lost, just forgotten for awhile. (The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, March 12, 2023, at
(3) Linda had said in the opening prayer that the room suddenly filled up with angels. I had quipped that they were there to see that AAM gets it right.
(4) The Atman is the Hindu name for the soul, the Self, the Christ, the Buddha Nature, the pearl of great price and treasure buried in the field of the body (i.e., in the heart).