Evergreen Supertanker
(Continuing from Part 3, yesterday.)
Before continuing our history, let’s clear up one confusion. Michael tells us that chemtrails have stopped and they haven’t stopped. Planes are still spewing out clouds of spray – that much is true. But the clouds of spray have been neutralized and contain nothing harmful.
With that background, let’s hear Michael discussing a seeming disagreement with the Federation of Light:
Steve: A channeling from Blossom from the Federation of Light on August 11 said chemtrails were still happening. Blossom asked, “I had heard that the chemtrails had stopped” and they responded, “From our knowledge base and with respect, we would say that you have heard incorrectly.”
Are chemtrails still happening and, if they are, are they still toxic?
AAM: No, they have been, shall we say, absorbed, primarily by your brothers and sisters from UFOG [Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies].
But what is happening, and this is also where some of the misunderstanding occurs, is that the appearance of vapours, of clouds that look like chemtrails are often still seen. But inside of them, there is no chemical, no poison, no toxins.
Steve: Is that by the cabal’s doing?
AAM: No, it is simply that UFOG leaves the signature but removes the danger. It is science that you’re not privy to as yet. (1)
Later we’ll hear him say that part of the reason for leaving the chemtrails after neutralization is so that the cabal does not realize the deception. If they suspected it, they’d fix their machines or change their methods.
So things are really not as they seem.
In 2019, Matthew announced that the deity of this universe had granted Gaia’s wishes that chemtrails be stopped. He confirmed what Michael said, that chemtrails would still be allowed as long as they were neutralized or transmuted.
“We have joyous news—the spray that forms chemtrails no longer has toxic elements. This development went through the chain of command, you could say, so it wouldn’t deny Creator’s gift of free will to those who are behind the spraying.
“Gaia asked God to end this endangerment to her residents, air, waters and soil; thereupon God authorized the special forces volunteers among you to transform toxins in the spray into chemicals natural to Earth. Thus, the individuals who have ordered the chemtrails still may choose to do so, but any trails that may crisscross your skies are harmless.” (2)
With that announcement, either I ceased to follow the subject or else fewer discussions appeared because the subject doesn’t appear in my databases after 2019.
I’d now like to double back and look in more detail at what our star family is doing to protect us from chemtrails.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 17, 2018.
(2) Matthew’s Message, Oct. 15, 2019, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/10/15/matthews-message-through-suzy-ward-october-15-2019/.