We eat mushrooms and mushrooms eat us when we die, right? Wrong. They’re not waiting!
(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.)
Let’s continue with the discussion between Blossom and the Federation of Light on the fungus attack and the call for a new vaccine.
On Feb. 27, 2022, the FoL emphasized that the attack was being allowed as a means to get people inside for the planned announcements.
Federation of Light: Regarding the lockdown, yes indeed, it has been spoken of often by us. What is ‘useful’ to know is that ‘whatever is presented’ as a reason to bring this about is merely a deploy [Ploy? Decoy?]. The tactics used are a disguise in order to ‘have the people’ where they need to be.
Blossom: And where is that?
FoL: SAFELY in their homes. Again, we try to explain without giving ‘the Game away’ for that is not suitable. This Plan is vast and, as in a game of chess, strategies and contingencies are always changing in order to make one’s next move the most beneficial.
B: Yet, you say the Light has won.
FoL: It has. Without question. Yet, The Game must be played out, for there are essential ‘properties’ that need to be in place. Therefore, The Game must be finished so that those of/from the Light-Forces can complete their mission(s). …
We DeLight in the movements of upliftment from many heroes on your Planet, that are showing the world and those that live upon it, that what is not right regarding ‘Freedom status’ must be dealt with.
The walls are crumbling and tumbling down around your Planet. Remember that most of what is presented to you is a smokescreen. A completely different ‘play’ is taking place behind the scenes and it is getting close now to the curtain lifting, in order for the audience to participate and ‘view’ for themselves that which is TRUTH.
B: Really? Is that ever going to happen? No-one knows what to believe any more … about anything. It is hard to decipher and discern what is real. I know many feel fearful about a worldwide lockdown. I say bring it on and let’s get this show on the road. At least we can feel we are moving forward.
FoL: It has to take place. And indeed, Blossom, it will move things along in ways that will ‘Blow people’s minds!’ This is another reason for an ‘indoor curfew’ 24/7 for a while because that which is brought to Light will leave many in states of shock, abhorrence, and disbelief. (1)
Thus from all angles the lockdown works for the white hats, safeguards us, and allows for us to receive information without us panicking ad resorting to conflict.
On March 14, 2022, the FoL added:
Federation of Light: As we say, Blossom, when the time comes for one to remain safely indoors, the prospect of this and the propaganda around it, will certainly be enough to ‘have the desired effect’.
Blossom: Can you elaborate?
FoL: It will be ‘presented’ as ‘more deadly’.
B: How can you get more deadly than dead?
FoL: Then, would we say, more ferocious.
B: A FEROCIOUS FERGUS FUNGUS! You gotta Love it! Yet, how will it present in terms of symptoms?
FoL: A rash …
B: So, it’s real then? …
FoL: Yes. It is. Yet certainly not ferocious and certainly not deadly. …
Your role as you know, now and when this takes place, is to send your Light. (2)
They do mean it, folks. Send your light and your love to the world.
They absolutely tantalize us on June 12, 2022 with the possibilities Fergie brings.
Federation of Light: That which is to ‘befall’ your Planet may appear on the outside to be disastrous, abominable, and indeed, as unbelievable as unbelievable can be. Yet, that which is to enter into your Heart is to uplift you … give you Strength and Encourage you to see your mission through in ways of such BELIEVABLE proof … that it is for One to look forward to that which lies ahead.
Life and all its Mysteries are to unfold as you allow yourself to open up to all possibilities. Some beyond your wildest imaginings. (3)
That sounds like a description of higher-dimensional love to me. I read it as a suggestion that, at the end of the announcements, the Ring of Fire will occur.
We heard the FoL say in their first discussion what would happen:
“What takes place during that ‘Incubation’ will shake one to the core. Yet, it is the ‘Core of the Being’ that, in many, needs to be shaken in order to awaken. Many shall ‘emerge anew’ and in alignment with the Truth that is to be revealed [in the ten days broadcasts?].” (4)
Shaken to the core and emerging renewed. Broadcasts followed by Ring of Fire, followed by Reval? Just a guess.
I share the view that we as a planet need to go through a wake-up. I don’t think some people will ever wake up without ten days of broadcasts. (5) As long as they don’t, there’s the possibility of civil war.
In my opinion, we cannot let forces that want to take over the world and kill most of the population succeed or even exist as a residual that then can sprout again. Nazism did that after the Second World War, with our willing help (via Operation Paperclip).
The elitist behavior must altogether stop this time around. I don’t advocate executions. We’re in a Golden Age, not an Iron Age, any longer.
Rehabilitation is what’s wanted and needed. In the meantime, everyone put some money and supplies aside for Fergie’s Lockdown.
Let me continue in Part 3 tomorrow, because I consider this important information for us to know, take in, and prepare for.
(1) “The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, Feb. 27, 2022,” February 26, 2022, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2022/02/26/the-federation-of-light-through-blossom-goodchild-feb-27-2022/. [Hereafter FoL.]
(2) “FoL, March 14, 2022,”
(3) “FoL, June 12, 2022,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2022/06/12/federation-of-light-via-blossom-goodchild-june-12-2022/
(4) “FoL, Feb. 14, 2022,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2022/02/14/federation-of-light-through-blossom-goodchild-feb-14-2022/
(5) Some may never wake up. But their light will probably prove insufficient for their bodies to survive the Ring of Fire.