So much energy is put in the outer focus of what another being in relation to you is doing or not doing.
From my understanding when I can put all my beliefs aside and peer into the greater revelation’s that any experience holds for me to dismantle deeply held or embedded beliefs that I have been operating on in response to my triggers then I can relate any experience as an opportunity to be free from judgment.
Even in the midst of your utter turmoil you are still learning if you are open and honest enough within yourself, to truly ask what it is within you that is being called into question.
So many are quick to rid themselves of their triggers in response or relation to others, as this belief tells you that you are better off alone. A deeper inquiry would say that, if not that person, another person with the same storyline will come along for you to fulfill the role in your lesson in relation with another.
Every relation is showing you deep seated conditioning that you believe yourself to be separate.
This is a very challenging ideology because it would mean that you are not a victim of circumstance. It would mean that you have not gone beyond your conditioning, as you are not fully recognizing that the same experiences will present themselves until you integrate the lesson.
Well then what is the lesson?
That is something that you and you alone will have to dive deeper into through letting go of everything that you are always telling yourself in response to life. When you stop backing up your beliefs with more beliefs.
Maybe you are meant to continue allowing the Universe to provide you with certain relations to trigger you so you can see yourself in them more fully. A grandiose play set in stone no matter who is playing the role to grab your undivided attention, and your focus to be set primarily within yourself, casting aside all your stories, beliefs, and disbeliefs.
Ownership stings.
Because it means that you have fully taken accountability for your own part in your own play, the characters in it are only giving you a mirror to see yourself more clearly.