The Mother I AM
As I have breathed in the feminine energies and owned them more fully, the “Nicky” I AM has become more and more at One with Divine Mother.
She is a living Expansive, All pervading (NON SEPARATION) Presence, and over the years I noticed the falling away of the “courser” elements of my conditioned and inherited ‘maleness’, a rising power and fearlessness of Father, and the giving way to childlike qualities of a young and eager “boy”.
The Love I AM is Mother Love Essence of the Holy Spirit I AM.
As I let go I AM in pure awareness. That watchful. ever patient, ever flowing, ever embracing of everything in Her/Our Creation.
Washing dishes, gardening, writing notes for fb or my next book, smelling a flower, walking a busy street, talking to friend or stranger all is perfection, everyone is a precious child of My/Our Creation.
And when I forget, or when I feel annoyed, or sad, or envious, or lacking, it is fleeting in the background of my Being and reminds me of the Brilliant Colours of Life and how glad I am to be here now and how awesome it is to play in so many different playgrounds and with such an amazing variety of other people.
I no longer need anyone or anything and yet everyone and everything is always here and all I do is think of it, think of you and you are here.
My prayer is my expanding Love for you All Ways. There is no more Karma. No more serious processing to be done. No more looking back over my shoulder to see what I have MISSED.
All the bodily changes that are happening (including aches and pains, parts missing, and ageing) are part of a perfect unfolding of the new range of self-awareness.
Just letting go of the egos wanting to know and control, and the mental mind’s constant need to warn and make something out of nothing from old worn out habits of thought.
It is enough to experience the interplay between the child who plays totally in the moment with whatever is present (Human), and in the spaces, pure awareness and peace of the watching (SOUL BEING).
MOTHER, who nurtures, supports, loves and give birth to absolutely everything in Her creation, in a Flow of Perfection, from Her/Our “black womb of “Nothingness” deep in the Source, my Heart.
Any remnant of the old feelings of fear, when there are symptoms that are beyond my control or with no explanations, disappears in pure awareness, or fades when bathed in (Mother) Love I AM.
These symptoms are the adjustments to the energies that are entering our bodies. Trust, rest, ground in the Light of pure awareness of being here. All else will and is in constant change, each will pass.
Our body is Divine and if you Love it, it will show you what it needs. If you must then move with joyous expectancy to some remedy or healing modality that will give your body help and comfort, but it knows what to do if only we believe and Listen.
Speak to it like a Mother would speak lovingly to a child who is finding his/her own way in the world. And hear the constant whisper of the Divine Mother within you.
Thank you, thank you.
May you travel Light and Free.
Love Fearlessly.
Shine On
I So Love You
.And for the curious. The picture is my favorite painting (an oil painting of which hangs on our wall). Title “Mother of the World” by Nicholas Roerich (1924) painted from an experience he had in his long periods of living in his beloved Himalayas.