On Forgiveness
Forgiveness centers around a Gift. Think of the word for a moment…. ‘For Giving’.
So you chose to forget who you are, the unconditional lovingness that you are. And thus before you incarnated you set markers in your life and arranged players to willingly present you with gifts that would awaken your Full power of Love.
And so you were presented with the experience and when you saw the gift in it you would awaken to more of your own truth. The truth that connects you to everything.
And the Gift comes in the Present, which is in the unwrapping of the mind and emotions, of pain and hurt , and in bringing to bear your Love and understanding for the other, it would illuminate your own Lovingness, your compassion for yourself.
For forgiveness ask “what was the gift for me in it”.
When you can see the gift then there is the deep heart felt “thank you”. Then it is over if you say so. The tears, the gift, the sigh, the smile, and the ‘thank you’.
So in fact there is no need for forgiveness, of the other, or yourself because it is ‘all good.
However looking to forgive is an effective guide in recognizing the gift.
I know it is easy to say this. It is only mind that wants to hold on to negative experience and emotions that keep running the hurt of the old, worn out thought loops that are reinforcing the unkind lie that perhaps you are unworthy and are somehow deserving of the pain (self pity)..
To See, feel, and then Know the gratitude for the experience and remembering and “Poof”, it is released.
And from time to time you will be reminded just to ensure that the seeing of the gift and the freedom from the habit of hurting self is totally released in the fire of your Lovingness of it all and the deeper Compassion you now can own.
What Gifts you are to me.
Gifts are For Giving.
You give me the Gift of remembering and I give you the Gift I AM.
It is For giving.
I So Love You
PS And when there are still people or someone you cannot forgive there is still a depth of your own Compassion for yourself you have not reached.
And there is no judgement here.
Only the judgement you are making of yourself, Beautiful HUman, Magnificent Soul Being.