Humanity Rising.
The countries nationally and the USA in particular have dreamed of being the “Greatest” compared to everyone else and taught its children that they could be and to strive to be.
And now there is a 101 “oppositions”.
How else could it be?
The old is rising because it is leaving. All the manmade divisions and mind filters are being exposed to fall away. They are leaving.
Contrast is the way the old Collective viewed things. It was required in order that we experienced all the dramas and traumas we chose to experience in the 3rd density.
There is no energetic to support any of it any longer. All the “Loops” of miscreation are being exposed in your selves and internationally in the “out there” Movie. To be erased., including the loop of so called “karmic debt”.
Left versus Right.
So here it is for all to see. A kind of “sick joke” the Collective Heart of HUmanity has put before you in order that you make a moment to moment CHOICE to be both and neither.
Now it is about detecting the more subtle contrasts. Your own subtle deeper and personal Knowings of where you wish to move and how you wish to take your own Power. How openly you can see and acknowledge the Shadows that have been in your own field all along and are rampant in the Human psyche.
To look beyond the traumatizing contrast and see the inner beauty beneath, within and above and beyond. Are you going to listen to your Knowing and be prepared to make daily choices to step back into a New Life Stream that you are creating OR are you still enjoying the gross contrast of the now defunked nightmare dream sequence.
To erase of all the loops of slavery you have carried for yourself and all humanity.
Entirely up to YOU. There is no judgement here just a Profound Love that is calling you from WITHIN to make your “REAL” choices. A calling that is coming, not just from Soul Being but from all the countless layers of Light Beings in your Support Teams.
You need only talk to them through your Feelings and be prepared to ask for their mentorship, being prepared to follow the ensuing dialogue in deeper, more subtle, subliminal, FEELINGS.
I So Love You
PS: And those who already dialogue with their Company of Heaven I humbly suggest that maybe it is time to look and feel “higher” in the hierarchy of your Light mentorship. There is an almost Infinite “authority” hierarchy of LIGHT and LOVE. We help each other all the way back to Source WE ARE.
Ask for help and be open to Receive. It will be given.
Beyond the beyond Within/Above.