I’m gripped with a desire to get present with money in preparation for the Reval.
And so I’ve taken all my money out of the bank, in $5 notes, and am doling it out to myself for computer supplies, household expenses, etc.; then keeping records.
It isn’t that I need to do any of this. It’s that I’m making contact with money again, given that I’ll be working with large sums later on. I don’t want to stay asleep to financial matters and only wake up the day of my currency exchange.
Vladmir Putin declared a global currency reset. Whether or not his prompting will result in a response from the West, the subject has been broached.
I think the world will crumble and declare a reset country by country until a landslide occurs.
I don’t know the reason why I want to dig my hands into the soil, so to speak, and deal in physical currency at this moment. Why does moving these physical notes from pile to pile wake me up? I don’t know.
But running through this exercise is definitely helping me reorient to the world. It’s also a lot of fun. I’m feeling joy playing with this Monopoly money, without which we’d … have trouble.
I have these little stacks of $5 bills, which I’m imagining are post-Reval stacks of greater value. I’m allowing myself to be like a kid with his Dad’s poker chips. It’s the financial equivalent of taking deep breaths.
It’s requiring me to use parts of my mind that have been largely working at half capacity, shall we say? OK, asleep.
Up till now what I’ve done is just look at the amount in the bank account and say yes or no to further expenditure. And go back to bed. (OK, I’m exaggerating.)
Meanwhile of course I’m going deeper and deeper into myself, committing to the divine qualities, busy elsewhere.
So this is part of me turning around now and saying, that’s enough for a while. The Reval is looming. That’ll be a life-changer. Be prepared.
Let’s see, I need $50 for groceries, $58 for a monthly bus pass, $98 for new toner … this is great!