Greetings and Salutations,
We are all saluting and holding high watch energies for all the good that will be done once all of this is handled. Just be assured that we know of all the sadness and the frustrations —we see it and we definitely understand it. Just be aware of taking the high road as much as you can. Be at peace; always. Be at peace…
We are all applauding the efforts of the little guys and the contenders and the rocket scientists who are trying to forge ahead. Just be assured that paper work is being readied and missing paperwork is a hairy issue.
Just hold steady and keep the faith. There are many voices and most are illusional. We are holding to the intended high watch….
We are assuring you that we continue to validate the efforts of this configured system and we know that you are losing your minds over it, but don’t. Good things come to those who wait and you have certainly done plenty of that!!! We are on it and we see the end results coming within the framework soon now.
Love and Kisses,