Reader Amanda Lamond has a calling to create a spiritually-based organization (council) of awakening lawyers to receive the frequencies for the creation of the next legal system. If you’re an awakening lawyer or can help her find them, read on….
An invitation to lawyers who are called to build the next legal system – one that is way beyond what 99% of humans can currently imagine.
Amanda Lamond, Awakening Lawyers, 2022.
I’m a Legal Futurist, a Soul Coach to Lawyers and a Spiritual Channel. The last bit means I work with a variety of spiritual guides, and channel messages for lawyers, as well as receive information about what I am here to do.
In December 2020 I had a vision while meditating of a council of lawyers I was to convene. I kind of forgot about it until, in a conversation with my friend Kim Wright who wrote Lawyers as Changemakers, in January 2021, she asked if I had thought about convening some sort of council/ committee/ group of lawyers interested in working on the legal system metaphysically. “Yes, I saw this in my meditation last month!” I told her.
I soon channelled this message: (you have to admire the way our guides are so direct yet tactful – they know I have a habit of “busyness”)
We wish to remind you of The Metaphysical Council of lawyers. The time is coming for this to be convened. We know you have many other projects on your plate which are important and deserving of your attention. We remind you only that there are certain directives for this lifetime which you agreed to undertake and therefore at times priority must be given to the projects we instruct you to undertake.
There are to be 12 members of this council. But the number will come and go in the beginning stages so do not worry about this. Energetically the power of 12 will be very strong in this group regardless of the number of actual people that may be present.
You are to gather the lawyers online as physical gatherings at this stage are not very easy to arrange. You will instruct them that you are gathered to receive the frequencies for the coming legal system. Higher frequencies of harmony will be sent via this group to emanate outwards. Many of you will not feel anything, others will feel a deep sense of wellbeing, almost as if a radiant glow had passed through their bodies. You can share your intentions for what each of you wishes to see in an emerging alternative legal system and to imagine collectively as each person speaks, that this were indeed the case. So allow each speaker to draw a picture for you of something they see in the new system.
You have been preparing for this for many lifetimes. Do not think for a moment you do not have what it takes for this work. And that it will be joyful and all you wish for.
Of course I have the “who, what me?” going on. But I’m overriding those voices and proceeding in faith. Sometimes it seems like progress is so slow! I am finding awakening lawyers but not at the pace that is now required as we enter the final 8 years of the Ascension Period as I understand it – 2022 to 2030.
We need to speed things up! To me this means gathering #1000awakeninglawyers as well as identifying the 12 lawyers who it appears are intended for the Metaphysical Council.
What is the purpose of this council?
To receive the frequencies we transmit from the higher realms to the earthly realms in order to facilitate the creation of new systems on your planet that support the flourishing of all humanity.These beliefs are not yet real in the minds of so many people there who have been so heavily programmed in the last centuries that it seems idealistic to perceive or discuss a system in which every lifestream is revered and sanctified and law is a holy practice. Thus you are working with those who are at the forefront of a new era, who can see beyond where most can at this time. At the same time, they are individuals with a drive to bring about change so as well as holding the vision, they will birth it into the world through books and podcasts and seminars.
The council will anchor these new frequencies in every corner of the world. Bringing in the new beliefs and anchoring them into the crystalline grid as it reprograms itself to hold positive imprints not the dramatic, painful imprints it once held.
June 2021 I ask who the members of the council are supposed to be:
The people intended to be part of this will make themselves known to you. It is necessary that you start to send the beacon out, so to speak, in order for this energetically to have a presence so that those intended to be part of this can find you.
Do not worry about how to do it all, or worry about getting it right. Only know you must take these first steps so that the energetic presence of this mission can be established through this group.
July 2021
There has been much progress. People are awakening to new frequencies and there is change taking place on a daily basis on your planet right now. Much of this will be indiscernible. Do not become discouraged by any apparent lack of progress. Remind yourselves that changes are made first energetically, then only do they become apparent in the 3rd dimensional world. The people with whom you will work in the council are aware of this….
This is Me.
I’m Amanda Lamond, an ex-attorney who ran for the hills when I saw the dysfunction and toxicity in the legal profession. After working as a law lecturer, a director of a non-profit college for impoverished students, a facilitator of corporate leadership programs, an organizational development consultant and an entrepreneur running events for women lawyers, I started listening to the spiritual guidance that said I’m here to work with awakening lawyers.
Awakening Lawyers are legal professionals who are on a spiritual journey, helping the new legal system emerge by being peacemakers, justice warriors and activists for social change. It’s taken me 20 agonising years to get this clarity, so I know what it’s like to feel lost in your career and to undervalue yourself. I’m now living my purpose which is supporting YOU to fly so that together we create the next legal paradigm our planet is crying out for.
I am aware that 99% of the profession isn’t at this level of consciousness, they haven’t heard of the Ascension or thought about conflict as a soul’s evolutionary opportunity for growth. But we don’t need to try and convince the 99% of this. We only need to focus on gathering the 1% of lawyers who are awake, connecting us, and ensuring the LIGHT we share as Legal Lightworkers is enough to light the way for all in the profession.
If you are an awakening lawyer, or know anyone who you think is, please visit or direct them to to watch the videos and download the free gift The Lawyers’ Guide to the Great Awakening.
Please please reach out to me so I can connect you with the beautiful souls I’ve already gathered, and we can speed up the work of preparing ourselves for the transition period of Ascension and the period thereafter in which we will require a new legal system.