How can the Ottawa truckers remain fluid while being stationary?
Perhaps some of them who are not anywhere close to the action can be detailed to go to other cities where their presence would be better used. And they might be better received!
The rest of us need to consider what we can do to keep the truckers fed, hydrated, warm, and cared for.
My mind is continually going to logistics!
Remember that this is a global effort. It’s reach may not yet be global. But its intent is no less than the freeing of humankind from tyranny, worldwide.
This is not about the Aryan race. This is not about white over black, North over South, rich over poor. It’s about the human rights and freedoms of every single person on this planet, without discrimination, and once and for all.
Covid was just the deep state’s latest ploy. 9/11 was another of their moves in a baneful playbook. Ebola, AIDS, chemtrails, tsunamis – all of these have been attacks upon humanity by those who wanted to control the world, as melodramatic as that sounds.
It turns out that the melodramatic is real, that the conspiracy theories are true.
I remember the day I awoke to the deep state’s plans. I’ve mentioned it before. It was July of 2007 when I watched In Plane Site. (1)
I’d just retired from adjudicating Canadian refugee claims and relied for my decisions on Department of State documentation. That documentation now seemed hopelessly suspect.
I now looked at all my work in refugee law and realized that I could very well have been serving a deep-state agenda without knowing it.
More than that, however, I was now brought face-to-face with a much wider possibility – that our governments would kill us to win control of the whole planet.
The 9/11 death toll is said to have been 3,000. But I’ve heard figures an order of magnitude larger. What government murders its own citizens? A government unfit to govern. A government the Constitution of the United States says needs to be undone by its people. As we are doing at this very moment.
We are taking the institution of government itself apart and will rebuild it in a way that works for everyone, not just a few.
After I awoke, I went nuts letter writing. Every Member of Parliament, the Senate, on and on. Burning my bridges and taking my stand.
I eventually began this blog, one of whose aims was to fight the deep state. (2)
I lost all aggression in me over the years but not the desire to defend and protect. And I find that being very strongly called forth by events all over the world right now.
Why am I telling you this? Because what’s happening right now is the culmination for me of what has been going on in my life since John Kennedy was assassinated. When the “suits” came back in power after Kennedy’s death, I thought the world had entered a dark age and would never emerge.
This that is happening right now is for me our emergence. I never thought it’d happen and I’m laughing and crying for joy at the same time.
All that having been said, I also recognize that love is what will bring success to these endeavors of ours. Firmness, perseverance, but with love.
And when I see the truckers building a bale mountain for the children and, later, a miniature castle playground (see graphic, above), I get that the people in Ottawa know that: They know that love is what will win.
Two weeks ago I was dying of boredom. Today I’m on the edge of my seat.
I know how the movie ends and it gives me hope and inspiration. How does it end? I’ll let the Divine Mother say:
Divine Mother: Make no mistake, Sweet One, Love will win because that has been my Plan always. (3)
Love wins in the end. We talk a lot about being on the right side of history. In my view, if we want to be on the right side, be loving.
(1) At
(2) For instance, see “I Accuse!” Oct. 22, 2009, at Originally published in OpEdNews.
Written: October 18, 2008 and “High Noon,” October 29, 2009, at
(3) Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 30, 2019.