Credit: The Matrix (1999)
Cheryl has brought a video to my attention. The Canadian Centre for Constitutional Law released a leaked memo in April 2021, originating from the Prime Minister’s Office.
The memo, itself from Oct. 2020, allegedly lays out the Canadian government’s “road map” going forward to meet the Covid19 pandemic.
Folks, I found it chilling. Every detail of what has happened here in Canada is in there. And the future they propose?
They’ve taken parts of NESARA like debt relief and are calling it their own. Moreover, in exchange for debt relief, the individual forfeits all claims to ownership of any and all property and assets.
They’re offering a universal basic income but then they’re eliminating Canada pension, unemployment insurance and other benefits programs. UBI will be our one source of income – from a corrupt regime?
With no other benefits except one basic income and a corrupt government, won’t it be easy to withdraw that from (say, unvaccinated) individuals and control us?
And we must be vaccinated – twice. Those that won’t suffer an escalating variety of consequences.
Oh my gawd. Where is government that served the people?
Hit graphic to view video
Now all manner of unconnected bits of information are tumbling out – the Picton farm, child trafficking in Vancouver, Satanism, missing native women, residential schools, the Highway of Tears, oh my heavens. Not Canada too.
Rocco goes into the role of the press in labelling the leak as fake news. It wasn’t fake news.
Wasn’t this all laid out in documents like the Rockefeller Lockstep 2010 Report (1) and the cabal’s “Great Reset.” (2)
Never mind an “emergency” response. This is the plan for Canada’s part in mass extermination and world domination.
Pierre Trudeau was my hero. I was proud in those days to have shaken his hand. He represented bringing Canada into a very much better world. He gave us the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
I had heard from George Green that Pierre attended cabal parties. That shook me a bit.
But seeing how thoroughly the government of Justin Trudeau has succumbed to the deep state’s playbook – seeing it in black and white – I am weeping at this moment. What am I to think?
Well, Ok. What does it feel like to be redpilled? We need to know, right? We’re in the business of red-pilling others. So how does it feel?
I’m shocked. I’m dizzy. I don’t know what to say next. I’ve just lost something I never thought I’d lose – a belief in the basic decency of the Canadian government, personalities aside, philosophies aside – basic decency.
Right now I’m in grief. I anticipate anger. I think I’m past denial.
I’ve had quite a few experiences now of my world falling apart and this is another of them. The Canadian government is actively engaged in the New World Order’s “Great Reset” plan to take over the world.
Thank heavens I know how the play ends.
Thank heavens I know the deep state will fail.
I’m still weeping deeply.
I’m very sad for my country’s leadership today. How low we have fallen. So this is how it feels to be red-pilled.
(1) See attachment to “Ghanaian President Alleged to Have Read Cabal’s Covid Plan (2010) to the Nation.” March 9, 2021, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2021/03/09/ghanaian-president-reads-cabals-covid-plan-2010-to-the-nation/
(2) See “The Cabal’s Game Plan: The Covid Action Platform,” COVID-19: A Precursor to a ‘New World Order?’ aka ‘the Great Reset,'”