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BREAKING: U.S. Officials Have Declassified List Of Obama Officials Who Were Involved In ‘Unmasking’ General Flynn
Ryan Saavedra,, May 11, 2020
Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell has declassified the list of former Obama administration officials who were allegedly involved in the “unmasking” of then-incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn.
ABC News first reported the news but initially said in the title that Grenell was in the process of trying to declassify the list of Obama officials.
A source with knowledge of the matter told The Daily Wire that the list has already been declassified and now it’s on Attorney General William Barr to release the list.
ABC News appeared to later update their report, which stated:
Grenell, who remains the U.S. ambassador to Germany along with being the acting DNI, visited the Justice Department last week and brought the list with him, according to the official.
His visit indicates his focus on an issue previously highlighted in 2017 by skeptics of the investigation into the Trump campaign’s contacts with Russia, specifically allegations that former officials improperly unveiled Flynn’s identity from intercepts of his call with former Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak.
Grenell’s visit came the same week that Attorney General William Barr moved to dismiss the criminal case against Flynn following his guilty plea for lying to the FBI about his conversations with Kislyak.
In an interview last week, Barr said that the charges against Flynn were dropped because the FBI, which was under the leadership of then-Director James Comey, were not conducting a legitimate law enforcement investigation.
“A crime cannot be established here because there was not, in our view, a legitimate investigation going on,” Barr said. “They did not have a basis for a counterintelligence investigation against Flynn at that stage, based on a perfectly legitimate and appropriate call he made as a member of the transition.”
Report: China Asked W.H.O. to Delay Declaring Coronavirus Pandemic
Beritbart News, May 10, 2020
(AP) — BERLIN — The World Health Organization has dismissed as “false allegations” a media report that it withheld information about the new coronavirus following pressure from China.
The U.N. agency said in a statement late Saturday that a German magazine’s report about a telephone conversation between WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and Chinese President Xi Jinping on Jan. 21 was “unfounded and untrue.”
Weekly Der Spiegel reported that Xi asked Tedros during the call to hold back information about human-to-human transmission of the virus and delay declaring a pandemic. The magazine quoted Germany’s foreign intelligence agency, BND, which declined to comment Sunday.
Der Spiegel also claimed that the BND concluded up to six weeks of time to fight the outbreak had been lost due to China’s information policy.
The U.N. agency said Tedros and Xi “have never spoken by phone” and added that “such inaccurate reports distract and detract from WHO’s and the world’s efforts to end the COVID-19 pandemic.”
It said that China confirmed human-to-human transmission of the new coronavirus on Jan. 20.
WHO officials issued a statement two days later saying there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan, but more investigation was necessary. The global body declared COVID-19 a pandemic on Feb. 11.
U.S. President Donald Trump has been among the strongest critics of WHO’s handling of the pandemic, accusing it of deference to China and ceasing payments to the agency.
‘R-Rated’: Reade Describes Alleged Biden Assault To Megyn Kelly ‘In The Most Graphic Terms Yet’
Shelby Talcott, Daily Caller, May 08, 2020
Tara Reade described former Vice President Joe Biden’s alleged sexual assault against her in graphic detail during an “R-rated” interview with journalist Megyn Kelly Friday.
Reade accused Biden of sexually assaulting her while she worked as a Senate staffer in the early 1990s. She sat down with Kelly for her first on-camera interview since Biden publicly denied the allegations on May 1.
Kelly told the Daily Caller that Reade described the alleged assault “in the most graphic terms yet.”
Reade began her story by telling Kelly how she was given a gym bag to give to Biden. She says she was told to “hurry” and could remember small things like her legs hurting as she tried to rush.
“He [Biden] greeted me, he remembered my name … I handed him the bag, and it happened very quickly,” Reade said as she began to describe the alleged assault. “I remember. I remember being pushed up against the wall and thinking – the first thought I had was ‘where’s the bag,’ which is an absurd thought.”
“He [Biden] had his hands underneath my clothes and it happened all at once,” Reade continued as she broke down. “So he had one hand underneath my shirt and the other hand I had a skirt on, and he like went down my skirt and then went up and I remember I was up almost on my tippy-toes.”
Federal Court Overturns Kentucky Ban on In-Person Church Services: ‘The Constitution Will Endure’
A federal judge in Kentucky has overturned Governor Andy Beshear’s ban on mass gatherings as it relates to in-person church services. The ruling clears the way for churchgoers to attend services on Sunday.
U.S. District Judge Gregory F. Van Tatenhove issued a temporary restraining order against the governor’s rule after two other federal judges upheld the ban as constitutional. The order will allow services at “any in-person religious service which adheres to applicable social distancing and hygiene guidelines.”
The federal judge’s order in the Tabernacle Baptist Church case said Beshear had “an honest motive” in wanting to safeguard Kentuckians’ health and lives, but didn’t provide “a compelling reason for using his authority to limit a citizen’s right to freely exercise something we value greatly — the right of every American to follow their conscience on matters related to religion.”
Tabernacle had broadcast services on Facebook and held drive-in services, but the substitutes offered “cold comfort,” according to the opinion. The opinion went on to say that Tabernacle alleged irreparable injury and was likely to succeed on the merits of its federal constitutional claim, as the defendants didn’t “dispute the challenged orders place a burden on the free exercise of religion in Kentucky.”
Van Tatenhove was eloquent in his defense of religious liberty.
“The Constitution will endure. It would be easy to put it on the shelf in times like this, to be pulled down and dusted off when more convenient,” Van Tatenhove’s opinion read. “But that is not our tradition. Its enduring quality requires that it be respected even when it is hard.”
His opinion says Kentucky’s attorney general urged the court to apply the injunction statewide, and since the executive order challenged didn’t solely apply to Tabernacle, the injunction granted would also have a similar scope.
“Both rulings affirm that the law prohibits the government from treating houses of worship differently than secular activities during this pandemic,” Republican Attorney General Daniel Cameron said in a statement.
Those who don’t want to risk exposure will stay home; those who want to worship will go to church. Citizens in Kentucky will now have the choice and not have it made for them by the state. The government is being forced by the courts to treated Kentuckians like adults, and not helpless children.
Favorable court opinions have been few and far between during the pandemic as courts generally recognize the authority of the state to override constitutional rights. Perhaps now that governors are reopening, the need to sue in order to exercise religious freedom will no longer be necessary.
Who controls the British Government response to Covid–19?
“The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants” — Albert Camus
As Britain hurtles headlong towards neo-feudalist governance with heightened surveillance, micro-management of society and an uptick in fascistic policing of the draconian measures imposed to combat the “threat” of Covid–19, it is perhaps time to analyse the real forces behind this “new normal”.
There is now serious doubt over the correlation between lockdown and saving lives. Reality is creeping into the Covid–19 dialogue. It is becoming apparent that people are getting sick because they are being isolated and effectively living under house arrest, condemned as “murderers” if they so much as think about breaking curfew, being snitched on by neighbours for “gathering” more than two people together in their back gardens.
The following graph was produced by UK Column and demonstrates the lack of correlation between lockdown and “saving lives”:
The numbers game is acting in many instances as a smokescreen. It is impossible to rely upon “official” statistics, that vary wildly from one website to another: statistics that rely upon unreliable and sporadic testing procedures. and based upon death certificates that misrepresent the actual cause of death as Covid–19, regardless of pre-existing medical conditions. Statistics, too, that were set in stone very early on in the development stages, when the perspective was limited and compressed, before a true picture could be seen. The newly emerging statistics are now increasingly undermining initial conclusions and pointing to the futility and negative consequences of lockdown.
It is now accepted that there is a high mortality rate among the elderly in care homes in the UK and globally — among the same elderly civilians who are being “asked” to sign DNRs (Do Not Resuscitate) forms. This amounts to signing their own death warrant, should they present any of the Covid–19 symptoms. They will be neglected, isolated from their families when at their most vulnerable and left alone to die, even though it is possible that they have not contracted the virus.
Instead of offering proactive and positive suggestions that will enable our immune systems to combat the disease, the British Government is ensuring conditions that will suppress immune systems to dangerous levels and create the perfect environment for Covid–19 to flourish.
Britain has now received an estimated 1.4 million new benefit claims for welfare payments, “about seven times the normal level”. The government has pledged to bail out “80% of pay of workers who are temporarily laid off” but I have personally spoken to self-employed individuals who find themselves falling between the cracks that qualify them for financial support and now face an indefinite period of time without income.
These measures are being imposed in a country that, since 2012, has seen an exponential growth in child poverty to potentially sub-Victorian levels. In March 2019, the number of children living in “absolute poverty” grew by a staggering 200,000 in a twelve-month period, to a total of 3.7 million. How will this number be further impacted by lockdown?
How did we arrive at this point? Who steered the UK Government towards this questionable and alarmist lockdown policy? The unexamined assumption is that conclusions were formed on the basis of sound epidemiological analysis and research by doctors and scientists who care about our welfare.
The reality is what we will examine in this article. Neil Ferguson, a professor at Imperial College, was responsible for the modelling of a response to Covid–19. His virtual model was recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and it passed through into policy with virtually no scrutiny. Ferguson’s dramatic prediction of 500,000 deaths in the UK became the foundation of Boris Johnson’s U-turn from herd immunity to collective quarantine.
While some understood that Ferguson later reduced his mortality calculations, he actually doubled down on his projections on Twitter, insisting that without drastic lockdown measures being taken, the numbers would be even higher.
(Read more:
COVID-19: The Big Pharma Players Behind UK Government Lockdown
Part Two
“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.”
— Dr George Brock Chisholm, who served as the first Director-General of the World Health Organisation (WHO) from 1948 to 1953
In Part One of Who controls the British Government response to Covid-19?, I began an investigation into the individuals and entities that are, effectively, driving the UK Government response to Covid-19. In Part Two, I will expand upon the Big Pharma and Artificial Intelligence (AI) links already identified and will introduce new connections that appear to have considerable bearing upon the UK Government’s Covid-19 strategy. I will expand upon the Bill Gates connections to the various organisations that are advocating global immunisation.
The UK Government chief medical adviser and Chief Medical Officer for England, Chris Whitty, is saying that a return to “normal” in the short-term is “wholly unrealistic”. Whitty is telling us that the “highly disruptive” social distancing policy will be in place “for really quite a long period of time”. “Highly disruptive” is a euphemism for the devastation of the world economy and the horrifying knock-on effect — an estimated 50% of the world workforce are at risk of losing their livelihood.
The UK Government has been promoting the concept of “immunity passports” as a means of loosening the draconian lockdown measures. It is very possible that facial recognition technology may dictate who can exit lockdown and return to work. To get a passport, individuals must upload an image of their face to the app along with their ID (passport or driving licence). They are then tested to ascertain if they have had the virus and developed immunity. The app will then generate a QR code, which the employer will use to verify ID and immunity before allowing the employee back to work.
Onfido’s track and trace app, under serious consideration by the UK Government.
The UK health service’s innovation agency NHSx has called for businesses and technology experts to submit their ideas for providing immunity passports. Companies currently making proposals to the UK Government include Onfido, Yoti, IDnow, OCL, and iDenfy.
These UK Government “track and trace” plans still face various obstacles — including the questionable accuracy of some of the antibody tests — but the spectre of increased surveillance and government control over the workforce, and many other aspects of civil liberty, looms undeniably on the horizon.
As I pointed out in Part One, it is no coincidence that the Oxford University start-up, Microsoft-funded facial recognition firm Onfido “has recently raised $100 million (now $200m) to boost its ID technology” to enable the creation of immunity passports. According to an interview with Onfido’s CEO, Husayn Kassai, the firm had previously offered a service that “automates background checks on prospective employees before they are accepted for work”; it would appear that immunity passports are a logical extension to what is, effectively, private sector spying on the workforce.
A more recent article proclaims: “Onfido in talks with government about systems to help Britons return to work”. Onfido, already at “pilot stage” in other countries, is claiming that its proposals could be executed within months and that the “health certificate through app technology” is “gaining traction”. Onfido claims this technology could be the linchpin of the new “normality” and key to stimulating the economy — as backed by Bill Gates/Microsoft and undeniably in lock-step with ID2020’s manifesto.
Many analysts have highlighted the danger of ID2020 being introduced under cover of the Covid-19 “crisis”:
We may indeed be just at the beginning of the implementation of ID2020 — which includes forced vaccination, population reduction and total digital control of everybody, on the way to One World Order; and global financial hegemony — Full Spectrum Dominance, as the PNAC (Plan for a New American Century) likes to call it. [Peter Koenig]
The team behind the UK Government Covid-19 response
My focus in Part One was largely on the role of Imperial College and Prof. Neil Ferguson in “modelling” the virus infection trajectory and influencing the UK Government response, as he has done previously, with a 100% failure rate on the accuracy of his virtual predictions. My focus in Part Two is to put the spotlight on other members of the UK Government advisory committee and to reveal their connections to Big Pharma and the for-profit sector linked to the Covid-19 response.
Neil Ferguson defends lockdown policy while conveniently forgetting the failure record of his “model”
In a recent interview, Neil Ferguson defended his Covid-19 predictions, which now appear to have been greatly exaggerated.
Ferguson reinforced the message that Britons “cannot go completely back to normal, until we have a vaccine there will be a degree of social distancing in place” (emphasis added).
Ferguson also confirmed the UK Government’s track-and-trace policy: “Longer-term social distancing will be required, not at the levels we have today, if we have contact tracing in place” (emphasis added).
With numbers not adding up to Ferguson’s alarmist projections, the subsequent lockdown of the economy, and now the UK Government’s potential roll-out of mandatory vaccinations and biometric surveillance of the workforce, we could be forgiven for suspecting that the overarching agenda was always the increased surveillance and control of the majority of the population.
Ferguson H1N1 case study — Patrick Vallance — GlaxoSmithKline
At this point, I would like to go back in time to 2009 and Ferguson/Imperial College’s analysis of swine flu, H1N1: they claimed this virus would take the lives of 65,000 people in the UK. In the end, 457 people died from the virus.