(Concluded from above.)
To return: Behind the scenes, marines and soldiers, sailors and airfolks have stepped aside from the chain of command, disobeyed orders, and mutinied against the existing regime, all in the name of our planet’s freedom and safety.
This is a second American Revolution.
So often in past conflicts, when the wounded came home from war, it was too bad for them. VA services were inadequate and unhelpful.
In my unequivocal opinion, the men and women risking dying for us deserve the best of care and treatment when they “come home.”
The wars of the past have been corrupt. But this one is not. There is no other motive here but the welfare of the human race.
And appreciating that, I ask us to remember, along with the trafficked children who require urgent care, those injured and killed (1) in setting us free.
Those in charge of informing the public are looking closely at how much the public can hear all at once. Liz Crokin called it “slowly redpilling” the public. (2)
I’m not just going to blurt “everything” out. I know a single word I can say that might have you vomit. Too much and your head would spin. And at some point you’d begin disbelieving me. So this is what the Alliance is up against in revealing the truth.
At Xenia Resort Center in 2018, I watched and listened to a video on The Truth Unsealed of a child being horribly tortured. (3) That so impacted me that it took a powerful spiritual experience the next day to allow me to even function.
Based on that traumatic experience, I can vouch for the fact that some of what lies ahead will require us to be prepared.
They (the Constitutionalists, the Alliance) are taking that into consideration. Theirs is a delicate task: To inform enough but not too much.
I predict that there will be levels of knowledge available, allowing people to choose how much they want to hear.
It’s rumored that President Trump will talk on three separate broadcasts over three days after the roundup of the cabal has occurred.
If it were left up to me, I’d release the Reval (4) after the cabal have been arrested and before everyone returns to work so that money would then be available to fund the recovery. Before that time we’d have money and nothing to spend it on; after that time, the need for money would be pressing.
Meanwhile, as seen from this vantage point, the whole virus-and-vaccine fraud seems set to come tumbling down soon. The hard questioning Dr. Fauci is coming under from doctors, led by Drs. Shiva Ayyudurai and Rashid Buttar, together with the studies coming online are popping the pandemic bubble for the conspiracy to depopulate the globe that it seems to be.
I expect Drs. Fauci and Birx to be fired soon and indicted with Bill Gates. They’ll join a flood of corrupted individuals in facing charges.
Now to end with what’s becoming increasingly obvious: Everything I just wrote here will be “overtaken by events” in the next few days. The pace will continue and it may even speed up.
It’ll become a paradox after a while: Flowing will be required of us after a certain point, while at the same time holding on to basic values.
We’re about to be spiritually refined by events. What remains, I predict, will bring us closer to Ascension. (5)
(1) “Injured” – Affected in any way in a manner that requires treatment; all expenses paid with good care delivered; life restored as close to normal as possible; accessible housing and education provided; medicare, pharmacare, and dental care provided; future assured and honor given.
“Killed” – To see to the needs of the widow and family and honor given. Same treatment as in “Injured,” as required.
(2) Liz Crokin, “Is Coronavirus Being Used As A Cover for Mass Arrests Part V,” at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSMTdT8chQI, at 13:37.
(3) It was on more than just one child being tortured.
But even so, see how I’ve pulled my punches. I don’t even want to name it.
What I saw was so traumatic and searing that, when I watched Out of Shadows, I was retraumatized – even though, watching this latter video a second time, I found it mild compared to what I’d seen earlier. The mere sight of a reminder in my first viewing of Out of Shadows triggered me. I was the one retraumatizing myself, not the movie. (I call this a triggered vasana or core issue.)
If I’m affected this much, I assume others will be as well. And it won’t be a process most people will feel they have a lot of control over. This is the process I use to handle a triggered vasana: “How to Handle Unwanted Feelings: The Upset Clearing Process,” December 29, 2018, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/12/29/how-to-handle-unwanted-feelings-the-upset-clearing-process-2/.
(4) The Reval is an opportunity for those who’ve purchased Zimbabwean Dollars, Iraqi Dinar, and Vietnamese Dong, primarily, to exchange their currencies at higher than usual rates. It’s designed in part to get money into the hands of lightworkers, who are then asked to take part in Mother’s Earth’s recovery and the recovery of all the kingdoms on the planet.
Enter “Reval” in the site search box or read Financial Wayshowing and Stewardship R18. If you wish to participate, purchase a $50 Trillion Zimbabwean banknote on Amazon or eBay or Vietnamese Dong from your bank.
(5) I actually know what remains. The same 2018 Xenia experience referred to earlier showed me that purity and innocence remain. Lots of other divine qualities as well I’m sure. But I was given the experience of purity and innocence.