ET Disclosure, free energy, child trafficking – and the truth of 9/11 – are subjects we seem not to be able to trust our governments to be truthful about or get involved in.
Or the mass media to give press time to. Or any elected representative to want to take up, police officer to get involved with, etc.
Just think about that for a moment. The very worst crimes of commission and omission are being perpetrated on the people at large (1) and no one with any kind of influence or power wants to do anything about it.
What does that tell you?
Folks, we need to create a better version of government and its departments than that which exists at the current time.
More generally, we need to withdraw our attention and energy from that part of the world that has become so badly corrupted that it no longer knows how to do the right thing.
9/11 happened on our watch. Granted most of us were unable to read the signs, although some were, the time has now arrived for those who “were there” to wake up to the truth of 9/11.
The truth is that 9/11 was a conspiracy (2) of influential government, military, banking, media and other officials – up to and including the President of the United States and his predecessors. (3)
The truth is that this group carried out its carefully-contrived, false-flag attack on the country for the purposes of further capturing Middle-East oil and poppy fields and creating a new meme of “terrorism” to make it easier to restrict civil rights.
We for our part accepted “the official story,” which shifted the blame onto Muslims and “terrorists.” Muslims had little or nothing to do with 9/11. Our time to apologize to them will come.
I’ve been asked to use less vinegar and more honey. But I feel insistent. There’s work to be done arising out of 9/11.
Holding uncorrupted investigations into various 9/11 features is one task. (4) Apologizing to Muslims is another.
After the Reichstag fire, Adolf Hitler imposed decrees that made him Fuehrer and dismantled Germany’s fledgling democracy. He went on to make war against Europe.
After 9/11, the vast majority of us swallowed the government’s “official story” and allowed it to make war upon Afghanistan and Iraq. We have apologies to make to Afghanistan and Iraq as well.
We need to refuse to be silent. We have the Internet. We can build a New-Earth home on it, again opting out of what the Powers that Were offered us (Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc.).
There are many savvy people in Silicon Valley who can come together and build a new Internet community of truth – and want to. Now is the time.
We know where matters are headed and they’re not headed in the direction the Powers that Were laid out for us and wanted us to take. (5)
As the Divine Mother observed recently:
“I know very clearly, sweet one, as do you, if it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur.” (6)
Continuing chaos and bloodshed are not in her Plan. Peace, harmony, and unity are, if we embrace them.
(1) People were assassinated for speaking out on the extraterrestrial presence. Inventors of water cars and free-energy devices or theories were murdered. Witnesses in child-trafficking and corruption cases and other whistleblowers were killed before they could testify or in retaliation for testimony.
(2) Yes, I’m a conspiracy theorist and proud of the label. Since the Robertson panel, alphabet agencies like the CIA have used ridicule to silence people. I won’t be silenced by ridicule. Some day “conspiracy theorist” will be a Red Badge of Courage.
(3) One of whom, by the way, was not born in the United States. No, not Barack Obama but George Bush, Sr. See “This President Was Not Born an American Citizen (Repost),”
(4) Including the cause of the destruction of Building 7, what hit the the Pentagon, what brought down the North and South Towers, who authorized the shipping of the rubble to China, who ordered NORAD’s disappearance into Canada, why are there traces of thermite in the WTC debris, where are the surveillance videos – on and on the holes in the official story go.
(5) A nuclear World War III which the elite survives in deep underground military bunkers (DUMBs) and 500 million surface dwellers also survive to serve as slaves for the few. Archangel Michael stated very clearly:
“I wish to communicate to you and the people of this planet very clearly there will be no nuclear war. There will be no nuclear holocaust. The price is too dear. Gaia in Her infinite, eternal, patience has suffered enough.
“And let us be clear about this. When these nuclear tests are done, wherever the vicious malintent of such destruction is held and operated upon, it injures her. It hurts Her.
“Not only the Mother declares it but we who are the Legions of Blue, and the Legions of Light, and the Legions of Hope, and the Legions of Love also declare: This simply will not be permitted. It is a departure from and an aberration of the Divine Plan. …
‘Now we also tell you with the greatest clarity, that your Star Family, your Brothers and Sisters particularly of the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxy, have been capturing bombs for ages and they are continuing to do so. So let us also say to you that if such a situation were to arise, they will help, and take care of it.” (“AAM: There Will be No Nuclear War … Period,” September 5, 2017, at
(6) The Divine Mother in “Enter the Delegations – Part 2/3,” May 5, 2019, at