If I were addressing the whole world and telling everyone what I regard as going on right now, what would I say?
Well, I’d begin by saying that, every inhabited planet, bound by time, goes through cycles.
Where we are in our cycle is important.
It’s what’s causing all manner of activity throughout the galaxy and beyond.
We’re at the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Some call ours the Age of Aquarius. Others the Sat Yuga or Age of Truth. Many call it the New Age and a new age it is.
It’s marked by a transition from one dimension of density and consciousness to another of less density. In other words, we’re transitioning from the Third Dimension of consciousness, with its attached Fourth-Dimensional astral world, to the Fifth.
The shift involves a raising of the overall vibration of our energy fields for humanity and the world.
It brings higher-dimensional settings that were formerly inaccessible, into view. We’ll still be able to access the Third but we can also now access the Fifth and higher.
This shift is accompanied by a gradually-increasing feeling of lightness, more moments of love, a desire to do good deeds, etc. The populace is slowly perking up and picking up, as if the pause button were released.
On the other side of things, there are people whose identity is based in behavior patterns like resist, resent, and revenge, as Werner Erhard called it.
For them the call to experience more love may be an unwelcome one. It may raise fears of letting down their guard, needing to accept others, and risking. They may not trust or like that.
They may refuse the invitation and, if they do, we can know that their future has been well provided for.
Not in some version of hell. No, they’ll continue on in another Third-Dimensional setting much like this one was, unless they’ve committed heinous crimes. They’ll have more chances to ascend in the future.
If they’ve committed heinous crimes, then they attract to themselves the same future on the dark planes of the astral world that they would have in any lifetime. But again no roasting in hell and no perpetual suffering.
They can leave that dark and dank place when they forsake harming others and embrace compassion. (1) The emphasis is on rehabilitation and learning, not punishment and repression.
At some point, and this too may be gradual, there will be a time of separation – a separating of timelines, Adamu the Pleiadian called it. (2) It may be happening, again gradually, now.
For the ones who choose to go on, well, it’s hard to describe life in terms that the average person might understand or accept. Would you believe me if I said they live in complete love and bliss under all circumstances, forever and ever, amen?
And yet I’ve visited the higher planes – and they do live in complete love and bliss such as the vast majority of us have never felt or seen. But we will. That’s what ascension will bring. That’s the end of this journey.
We aren’t doing this ascension alone. Civilizations from this and other galaxies are around the planet in cloaked spaceships.
They’re keeping Gaia from spinning off her axis, removing depleted uranium from the air, cleaning up chemtrails, sealing off oil spills, preventing nuclear weapons from exploding, helping us succeed in pulling out of Third-Dimensional density.
They’ll introduce themselves when the deep state stops making war on them. Not that it harms them, but it could result in collateral damage to us, at the hands of the deep state.
The unravelling of that same cabal is happening as we speak. The plethora of legal cases we’re hearing about are no accident. More are coming revealing our world’s top leaders to have been involved in unspeakable crimes. Not a subject for an introduction to what’s happening in the world. (3)
As our vibrations slowly rise, we’ll experience some mass phenomena, some global “Aha’s!” and moments of mass uplift.
But the ascent should, apart from that, be gradual. It has to be so we don’t wear out this body or its parts. And to give us time to assimilate what we learn in the peak moments.
There’s nothing to do and there’s lots to do. The script for ascension is written; it’s the Divine Mother’s Plan. (4) It will occur whether we do something or not. However, more may ascend if we “do something.”
The first and most obvious thing to do is to inform others of what’s happening right now.
Then there’s the work to revive and rehabilitate the world – to clean up the planet, restore its poverty-stricken millions to a decent lifestyle, make medicare available to everyone around the world, remove unfair debt burdens from countries, purify drinking water, banish disease, etc.
Roll up your shirt sleeves and dig in. You’ll be doing the Divine Mother’s work. This is one generation whose efforts will produce results.
The world we enter when we ascend – the Fifth-Dimensional world – is, in the words of Werner Erhard, a world that works for everyone. We’re just bringing that world into being sooner. Some are calling it “Nova Gaia” and “Nova Earth.”
That’s where we’re headed. That is our future.
(1) OK, that’s an oversimplification of a longer process of rehabilitation. See “The Astral Plane – The Dark Plane,” New Maps of Heaven, at https://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=The_Astral_Plane_%E2%80%93_The_Dark_Plane
(2) Suzi Maresca, “Notes on Adamu Speaks ~ Timelines… and the Dissolution of the illuminati!” August 13, 2019, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/08/13/notes-on-adamu-speaks-timelines-and-the-dissolution-of-the-illuminati/
(3) See “The Near Victory of the Dark” here, https://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=The_Near_Victory_of_the_Dark, for an historical overview.
Otherwise, enter “Illuminati” or “Deep State” in the site’s search box.
“I know very clearly, sweet one, as do you, if it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur.” (The Divine Mother through Linda Dillon in “Enter the Delegations – Part 2/3,” May 5, 2019, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/05/05/enter-the-delegations-part-2-3/. Reading, April 30, 2019.)