I’ve been following the discussion of the concept of a universal basic income on other blogs and the basic objection seems to be that we don’t have enough to afford it. We’d bleed other equally-good projects dry. Etc.
Of course the Reval will change those circumstances. Nevertheless, I used the occasion to go deeper into what it was I was trying to do by starting as many UBIs as I could afford after the Reval.
When I looked deeper, what I saw was that, at a more basic level, I’m about a global redistribution of income. And I see UBI as the way to go about it . The Reval, sequestered Illuminati wealth, and other similar sources are the origin of the necessary funds.
If I had the ability to personally stage a global UBI I would. But I think I’d crack under the pressure the requirements would make of me.
I think my best role is as a visionary and a financier, not as an administrator. I’d quickly succumb to the pressures of the latter.
But a global UBI remains the answer to the redistribution of wealth, whoever takes it up.
It’d take a lot of discussion and planning.
Do we take a benchmark (say, this nation’s currency) and give everyone in the world the equivalent amount?
In some economies where there has been great scarcity, how will they adjust to sudden wealth?
How can I, a westerner, judge what an eastern country might need? To do so would be to perpetuate the problem that led to the unequal distribution of wealth – someone other than local people are determining their future. The answers have to be local, in my opinion.
So how do we decide how much to give to the citizens of each country? That’d be the first matter to be resolved.
Is the money dispersed monthly, biweekly, or when? How is it dispersed? Who will do the dispersing? How do we ensure the money reaches its intended recipient? How do we prevent prices from simply rising to cancel out any benefit from UBI?
On and on the questions go. How will we settle them?
Every matter of reform or reconstruction that we conceive of in the building of Nova Earth probably will have to go through the same stages of project development that UBIs will.
Universal medicare, clean water for the planet, housing the homeless, cleaning our seas of plastic – all will meet the same barriers, I believe.
So if global UBIs don’t excite your passion, apply the same questions we’re considering here to your own cherished project. The totality of it all, the tapestry we weave will be Nova Earth.