I feel no need to be right or to have others agree with me – and I’m quite sure Archangel Michael doesn’t.
I thought Kat put her case very well.
Steve Beckow: It’s the Love Quotient – Part 1/2
Dear Archangel Michael,
With the greatest reverence, respect and love for you, Linda Dillon and Steve Beckow, I disagree with your latest channeling.
In full disclosure, you have saved my life many times, AAMichael, and you know how I feel about you. So I’m talking to you, for just a moment, as a friend, and not as a teeny human being talking to a mighty Archangel. If you can’t argue with the landlord then what’s the point of healthy discussion ? 🙂
You told Steve, via Linda, that the delay for the Reval was “…some of the attitudes of the Lightworker community; [primarily,] the belief in ascendancy… There is a very strong sense of entitlement and [the growth of] greater division [in the Lightworker community] – that there are those who are blessed and there are those who are not; those who are the chosen people and those who are not.”
With respect, Sir, that is no longer a good enough excuse to delay something that will help uplift billions of souls. As a matter of fact, all the excuses for the delay of the RV aren’t good enough anymore.
Everyone I know who has been on this path for decades, who can rightly be termed a “lightworker” is an angel. EVERYONE. You and I have talked about them, Sir, those whom I have gifted some of this Currency to. You took the time to outline the Heavenly qualities of all those I mentioned, qualities I didn’t even know about.
So the ones I personally know who can be termed “lightworkers,” are like the blessed teachers who are never paid enough, yet who dig into their meagre pockets to help buy supplies for students even worse off than they are. The lightworkers I know are “healers” and have been healing all their lives. They give and give and give of their healing without payment in order to help. Lord, they have been doing that ALL THEIR LIVES.
One of the reasons for this Reval, according to Sheldan Nidle, is to help lightworkers and their families financially for just this reason. It hasn’t been “lucrative” to be a healer in any capacity on this Earth.
Another reason for this Reval is to help lightworkers’ dreams come true. That is a beautiful reason. The people I know just want a roof over their heads, food on the table, bills paid, debts forgiven and to be able to finally and for once, BREATHE financially. Then they want to roll up their sleeves and help this planet, her kingdoms and humanity in myriad wondrous innovative ways. To help us all Ascend into the Higher Realms of Light where Kindness is supreme. Not go out a buy a yacht or whatever (not that there’s anything wrong with that.)
You said, Sir, “Everything is in place [in terms of the Reval]. Everything is ready to go but we want to shift some of these attitudes before…. Well, it is a matter of days…”
Changing attitudes, in my experience, takes YEARS of trudging the inner path, not days or weeks, unless you know of some Miraculous Angelic Alchemy, (which, of course you do,) that can transform a human heart from greed to generosity; from power-over-others to compassion; and from selfishness to love, instantly.
If you can do that, then why hasn’t that been done already?
I can’t think of a world more in need of something wonderful than this one. Because of the Mother’s Tsunami of Love, and all the light waves being beamed at us from the Galactic Central Sun, and all parts of the Multiverse, the darkness in this 3D wretchedness is coming to light to be washed away: The rampant pedophilia, needless perpetual wars, unceasing deception by governments, corporations, banks, the MSM—EVERYONE; endless poverty, starvation, crushing debt, theft, greed, filth, pollution, tyranny, laughable political shenanigans, destruction of our beautiful Gaia, poison in her air, waters, Earth; millions of slaughterhouses of angelic animals, illness and death, etc.
Seriously, AAMichael—we need some good news at this point. Actually, we need happy miraculous MANIFESTATION of wondrous changes at this point.
So if it’s attitudes that need shifting—good luck with that. We always knew there would be a few bad apples, but I thought that the tsunami of abundance would kind of wash those attitudes away. I guess I was wrong.
I’m at a place where, again, with respect, I’m sick of excuses. I can’t read anyone’s articles or channelings anymore. I can’t read “so close” anymore. I can’t read “the changes that are coming are wonderful” anymore. I can’t read MOAB and Boom and “Big week” anymore. I can’t read “nearly there,” or the unhackable “QFS is up and running,” or the “geopolitical” moves are coming to an end, or “there was to be an RV but there was a storm,” and on and on. As Ron Giles puts it, “blah, blah, blah.”
AAMichael, bottom line—is the Reval real or a scam?
Does GESARA actually exist or not?
Are there really 6000 patents of technologies that will help clean the Earth
and heal Humanity?
Will there actually be Full Disclosure and then First Contact?
Seriously, Lord. Let’s GO!! On any of it.
I know this is Divine Mother’s show. This is Her creation. She’s the one who gives the downbeat. I’m hoping you’ll pass along my message: Let’s GO, Divine Mother!! With respect.
With unceasing thanks for eternal help and healing from the Angelic Realm — especially you, AAMichael, who can be everywhere at the same time — helping little me while organizing a Peace treaty.
With blessings and light,
xo, Kat