Conversation with the Arcturians
Align to the Reality of Power Within
PART II: What Are You ‘Tied Into?’
This is a continuation of our conversation with the Arcturians.
Shawnna: Well, it is interesting how all of the information that you’ve shared follows this harmonious theme, and as we choose to resonate and choose to align to the frequency of service to others, then we radiate that Unconditional Love. So we embody that Presence that we desire others to adopt as they become aware and connected to their Multidimensional Selves.
That just naturally expands into what you mentioned about Planetary thinking. In that way, we don’t necessarily rise above the chaos, but we’re able to serve as role models for those who lack that feeling of self-worth and Unconditional Love within themselves to make that shift to power within.
Sue/Arcturians: Yes, absolutely. It is your role as a role model that is of primary importance, for it takes quite a lot of humans to work as One being to allow Gaia to move into her transitional process. Gaia, your Mother Earth, is a very loving mother in the transitional process of birth. Just look at humans. When humans give birth, it is painful.
However, there are species of animals that are deeply aligned with the Earth, and they don’t have pain when they give birth. So why is it that the lesser evolved beings do not have pain over something as vital as birth when humans, who are supposed to be the more evolved, have great pain when they give birth? This has not always been the case.
There have been societies in which women were taken away from the herd, the tribe, the others, and with their husband or whoever was there protecting them, and they would just lay down their blankets, go behind a tree, and give birth to their baby, and they wrapped up their baby and went back home. And so it has become a belief system that rebirth includes pain, and rebirth does not need to include pain.
Shawnna: That’s an interesting perspective. I suppose that in a way that is a metaphor for the paradigm shift that is required, the letting go of the old and embracing the new and just imagining the possibilities. It’s not always easy when we are tied into a system such as we find ourselves in and all of the indoctrination of our society. It is in a way difficult, it’s a challenge.
Sue/Arcturians: Yes. And we like the analogy of being tied into, and so we invite anyone who might listen to this message…..
Visualize yourself and see yourself and what you are tied into.
Are you tied into a job that doesn’t work for you?
Are you tied into parenting, which has lost its joy?
Are you tied into a negative marriage?
Are you tied into a living situation that you don’t wish to explore?
So now take this moment and feel yourself as being tied into something.
Now how are you tied into this?
We recommend that you see this invisible rope that ties you to that which you wish to experience freedom from. And as you feel that, feel that which you wish to release, that you have been tied into.
So begin with just one thing within this Now.
We ask you all to take a long moment, and what would you like to release within your reality?
Now, first we would like to ask you to release something within your personal reality. Because you do deserve this.
If you are here, if you are listening, if you have come this far within this conversation, and you are still listening, then You are amongst those who are here to serve Gaia and to communicate with your Higher Dimensional Self who can be Arcturian, Venusian, Antarean, any other beings that you might be.
And now feel how you are tied into your Higher Being.
And now that changes the whole concept of being tied into, because it is a good tying. It is a good connection. It’s a loving and kind connection.
Now feel how loving and kind, good-feeling the connection is, and now take it and send it from your Higher Self who is listening to us into your physical self.
And assist your physical self to unbind any part of your life, and say to your physical self, “You needn’t be bound to this, because if it’s yours, then you will do it from love, and if you feel that you must do it, then please don’t do it.”
Because the energy you put into doing whatever you do is actually much more important than what you do.
So if you have a job that you dislike, stop that job. Find a job that you like, because then you will spread like, enjoyment, fulfilment, and security. You will spread that.
Whereas, if you have a job that you dislike, then you will spread, “Oh I have to, and I must, and I can’t, and how do I get out of it. It’s not enough for me.”
It’s not what you wish to share, but whether or not you realize it, you share who you really are, you share what you are really feeling and what you are really thinking.
And, therefore, to be a conscious sharer, you must take some time within your daily life, and we mean daily life.
Take some time within your daily life, and go inside and feel yourself.
Feel that which you love, and send it more love.
And feel that which is challenging, and send it love and endurance and courage.
And feel that which is hurtful, harmful, distracting, unhappy and……
Blaze, blaze, blaze the Violet Fire, transmuting all shadow into Light, Light, Light.
And as you see that component of your reality blazing with the Violet Fire, send it Unconditional Love. And that Unconditional Love automatically sends it up into that next octave of reality.
And that lower frequency of reality that once was the rope has now disappeared. It’s no longer visible. It’s no longer audible. It is no longer a component of your reality.
Now we ask each of you to take a moment, and if there is one thing that you would like to expand, encourage, raise the frequency of, indulge in, live in, feel the Unconditional Love that you have.
And if it’s a mate, feel yourself loving your mate. If it is a child or a family member, feel yourself loving that child or loving that family member. If it’s a job or something that you are learning or a place that you are living in, something nonphysical, love it completely, and surround it with your love.
And in all of those cases, say thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you. Thanksgiving for the substance at hand will duplicate the substance indefinitely.
And Unconditional Love and Violet Fire will transmute that which you do not wish to experience into that which you wish to experience.
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