I am at the moment in the experience of peace as a divine state.
Again (1) there is this feeling of sufficiency, satisfaction, fulness even though I haven’t eaten. I want for nothing and I want nothing.
This is different from bliss. I don’t feel lifted up. If anything, I feel grounded.
But notice I haven’t said a word about peace itself, only its impact on me. I only know peace from its impact on me.
This is the same for all the divine states I’ve experienced. Peace is much, much different from bliss, from love, from joy, from anything I can think of – in its impact in me.
We want our parents to be this way. If they were peaceful, they’d be natural Adults. (1)
They’d never be caught taking advantage of someone. No matter what they did, it would end up being win/win or it wouldn’t happen.
This is how we naively think our leaders are and then we discover the truth.
Peace, like all divine states, is something I’m immersed in. It isn’t located in my throat or my chest as a feeling is.
And, like all states short of Sahaja or Ascension proper, the peace I’m in at the moment will likely be transitory.
But it reminds me of what we’re aiming for and what we’ll have soon enough. The peace I’m feeling at this moment is a taste of what awaits us with a raising of our frequency. Shortly after we began our readings, Michael said to me:
Archangel Michael: Your job is to participate and to lead in a worldwide peaceful revolution, for peace the time is now. …
And we do not mean an absence of war. We mean the presence of peace as you have been describing it. (2)
I not only feel ready for it. I feel eager.
(1) For an earlier experience of peace as a divine state, see “The Peace that Passeth Understanding,” July 18, 2017, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/07/18/the-peace-that-passeth-understanding/
(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 18, 2011.