The gift of the galactics’ life-force energy, Porlana C, is allegedly providing a significant boost to us on our road towards Ascension.
In order to get information on it out quickly, I use a question-and-answer format.
A bibliography follows the body of the article.
Life feels challenging these days.
The Arcturians: Things are getting pretty challenging these days for a lot of our Ascending ones. …
What is actually occurring, especially for those who are the leaders is that the leaders are being called into active duty NOW. The reason for that is because there’s a lot higher-frequency Light in the area through which Gaia is travelling within this NOW. (LIE)
What is this higher-frequency Light?
St. Germaine: What is current is the Mother’s Tsunami of Love. What is current is the Mother’s Tsunami of One. What is current is your star brothers and sisters literally beaming into you Porlana C energy. (SG)
Grener: Because of our agreement at the Intergalactic Council, we are flooding your planet with Porlana C. (GR)
Ashira: These electromagnetic pulses that are being identified and noticed – that is putting it mildly – upon your planet [i.e., Porlana C] are impulses that are being sent by us – yes, the Unified Forces – but it is also being done in tandem and in cooperation with many of the Fleets.
And it is a benevolent, non-intrusive – yes, we do use that word very specifically according to the regulations, I guess you would say, of the Intergalactic Council who also by the way sends their greetings….
It is a non-intrusive energy that we send to you. And it has not been felt previously – and I mean to everyone upon your planet. (ASH)
Ashira: We are not interfering, let us be clear about that. But this is something that the Mother – and through Her, the Father – have given acknowledgement and permission to share with you. It is the energy that we use to create, but it is also the energy that sustains much of our very being, not in totality but shall I say for you it is like the fuel of food. Now, it is not that we don’t eat food, but the life force is Porlana C. (ASH)
Ashira: This energy is what you can think of and what we would call by two terms: “sheer energy” which the Council of Love has spoken of for decades; but also, the energy specifically in our scientific terms is called “Porlana C”. That is the term for this energy, and it is important for all beings upon the planet to understand the gift that is being sent and rendered unto you.
It is a gift of love, and that is why we will often use the term “sheer energy.” It is the energy that we use that you can think of as a ‘life-source’ energy, a ‘soul-source’ energy, a fully interdimensional energy that is a significant upgrade to assist you in the full assumption of your lightbodies and of the quotient of light required to complete your ascension. (ASH)
Can you tell us more about it please?
Galea: Think of Porlana C as an energy that is utilised throughout the omniverse, the universe, and certainly by all Star families who have raised [up] to an expanded sense of being. Think of it as universal life force; think of it as universal kundalini.
Very often what you have done, each of you in your own journeys, is you have learned to work with your kundalini, with that essential life force that exists within all beings. And you have pulled that from the base of your spine and you rise it up and you direct it, depending on your level of efficacy in this matter, to your 3rd eye, to your 4th eye, to your crown, to your heart, to your organs, it matters not.
So you are not used to working with kundalini energy that comes down through your crown. But that is what is happening. Now it is also penetrating your very pores; it is also coming through the feet of your body.
So we have this energy that is surrounding you and surrounding your entire planet, and is being absorbed like a sponge by many, consciously and unconsciously. (GAL)
How can we compare it to the other energies that are washing the planet?
Archangel Michael: Think of it in this way. There are various frequencies that act as life force energies for various species at various levels of consciousness or evolution.
So you may think of the energy that Porlana C is. It was harnessed by the Intergalactics long ago and is used in a variety of ways, but basically what you can think of as essential life force energy of a vibratory nature, of a frequency that is much higher than the quotient of life force energy that has been available to human beings up to this point.
Now if you think of the type of levels of energies that have been made available to the planet as a range, you can think of, say, the previous standard of life force energy that human beings were operating on, say for the discussion’s purposes, if you think of it as 0 to 1000… Human beings have been operating at about 400- 500. We are putting numbers on the energy simply for purposes of understanding. This is not technical…
So when the Mother has sent her Tsunami of Love that has been a 1000. And think of it in this way: It has been like a lightning bolt into each of you as an ignition factor.
Then you have had the Tsunami of One which has been an energy influx into all of you (all of this is continuing by the way) that has been from our realm and the realm of your Ascended Masters, etc., and many others, and that has been slightly lower, say about 850.
What sustains you? What brings you up to a level where you can truly be in a vibratory match and frequency with your star family? It’s the Porlana C. This is the level of frequency that they operate at and occasionally through healing modalities have been available to human beings, but not on a regular basis.
Now if you can think of it as something the size of the Hubble telescope literally being sent to you continually from your star family and that is ranging 750 to 800. That is the juice that is going to get you moving.
What I am saying is, if you take it from 0 to 1000, the Mother is at 1000, the Ascended Masters and the Tsunami of One is at about 800-850 and the Porlana C is about 750 to 800.
This is the flow of the energy that we’ll get you as the constant flow. So you have had ignition. You have had reinforcement and now you have the steady flow of a frequency that will streamline your ability to move forward. (AAM)
How can we envision it?
Ashira: If you wish to envision this energy that we so graciously, generously and humbly share with you, send to you, you may think of it as a very fluorescent blue. In fact, it is the blue that is part and parcel of your halion chakra, and so it is not simply electro blue or electric blue.
It is the Porlana C blue which, if you have seen a gas stove or a gas flame, it is similar to that but a lot more of the violet built in. The Violet Flame of St. Germaine is akin/related to this Porlana C, but there are significant scientific variations in the quotients, etc. (ASH)
It’s ours for the taking?
Galea: That is what we mean – it is yours for the taking! It is in the very air you are breathing, but if you wish to in some ways slow yourself down, speed yourself up and pluck it out of the air… because there is an infinite supply. We have massive transmitters sending it to your planet, so if you want to access it in a greater quantity, by all means do! (GAL 2)
How does Porlana C travel?
Galea: The Porlana C is moving in a clockwise, circular motion, faster than the speed of light really, completely around, creating what you can think of as a vortex, as a whirlwind – a tornado! – of energy surrounding your planet continually.
In that, the same as all beings absorb air – not only because you breathe but your skin, your pores, the energy that your plant life, your oceans give off – they are receiving it, you are receiving it, everybody is receiving it in this way – all kingdoms, all humans. Then there are some that are plucking it out of the air and saying, “I want more!” (GAL 2)
How do we absorb it?
Galea: Think of it this way. If you are a sponge and you have squeezed yourself out, and you have squeezed yourself out of what you have thought of as negativity, as vasanas, as obstacles, as debris – it matters not how you term it – and then from the squeezed-sponge position you say, “Now I wish to absorb,” and you are filling yourself by choice with the Porlana C – what this is doing is giving you the energy, the life force energy, the love force energy to proceed at a faster pace, at a higher frequency, in an expanded sense of consciousness and the fulfilment of your mission. (GAL 2)
If you wish to intensify your personal receipt of our gift to you of this sheer energy, Porlana C, what you would do is open your crown and to feel as if you have literally, that your central corridor from your crown to your root – and yes, you can continue into Gaia for she is like a sponge in this matter – to simply see that you have been cracked wide open and your entire chakras, your meridians, your central column, is being filled with this blue fluorescent energy. (ASH)
Is there a safe absorption rate?
Grener: Yes, there is an absorption rate that is in alignment with what human beings, generally and specifically, can manage and handle. And some of you say, “Please, turn it up, turn it up.” For most of you, and I speak to those across this planet, I say, “We are not turning it down.” (GR)
Tomorrow we look at the impact of Porlana C on us.
(Continued in Part 2, tomorrow.)
AAM Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 20, 2017.
AG Arcturian Group, Jan. 5, 2017, at
ASH “Transcript ~ Commander Ashira Of UFOG ~ The Gift Of “Porlana C” Sheer Energy, January 3, 2017,” Jan. 11, 2017, at
DM The Divine Mother in Linda Dillon, The New You. Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness. Linda Dillon: 2013, p. 47.
GAL 1 “Transcript ~ Commander Ashira Of UFOG ~ The Gift Of “Porlana C” Sheer Energy, January 3, 2017,” Jan. 11, 2017, at
GAL 2 “Transcript ~ Galea of Neptune Returns to Speak of Intergalactic Language & Porlana C, Jan 31, 2017,” February 20, 2017, at
GR “Grener of Ashira: We Come in Peace,” March 5, 2017 at
LIE “Suzanne Lie and Shawnna Donop: Conversation With The Arcturians,” January 20, 2017, at
SG St. Germaine on An Hour with an Angel, Jan. 12, 2017, at
SHGF SHGF through Sheldan Nidle, Mar. 1, 2017, at