Simply to get the discussion going, let me propose that, in my opinion, the appropriate combination of divine qualities needed, at this point in time, to tackle building Nova Earth are love, will, and neutrality.
The love I refer to is transformative love, a much stronger and deeper form of love than we’re ordinarily used to. It includes what some call compassion and others loving-kindness.
Will includes strong intention, persistent determination, and courageous action.
Neutrality implies balance, not leaning to the left or the right. It includes neutral word choice and true and accurate descriptions of events.
Neutrality also implies transparency regarding one’s self and openness towards others – as far as prudence allows. It offers the transparent one – all other things being equal – a sense of inner peace and tranquillity and implies much clearing.
One can only be truly neutral who has the space in him or herself to allow the other person to show up just the way they are and just the way they’re not. Without fear of reprisal.
Put all this together with a financial wayshower or steward of the Mother’s wealth and what do we have? This is my ideal vision:
An individual in transformative love, with compassion towards all, who has the strongly-held intention to join together with others to end the unworkable problems on this planet.
She or he is able to lead because they’re transparent, as far as prudence permits, open to the ideas of other wayshowers who are in service to others, and neutral in their presentations and critiques.
Their being in transformative love buoys them up, but they can weaken under sustained attack and fall out of it. (1)
Imagine one of them being the way I just described and hosting a discussion among other financial wayshowers – let’s call it a Lightworkers Congress. Their being that way would make the maximum scope of conversation possible and speed the conversation along. It’d make it easier to get down to brass tacks.
In my vision, in my imagination’s eye, integrity at such a congress would be quickly established. “Soundings-out” of other people would be seen as unnecessary and abandoned. An open rapport and a desire to turn and attend to the business at hand would arise naturally.
Leaders would feel “at home” and yet face a big enough challenge that it whets their appetite.
Who will organize such an event? Not me. I write. Someone else will have to take the idea and run with it. You?
Getting down to brass tacks at the Lightworkers Congress would mean discussing what the world’s problems are, what can effectively be done about them, and how we can coordinate our efforts as light stewards to make a real and concentrated effort to build a new world free of those problems. Our combined wealth allows us to make a tremendous difference in our world and to open or inspire whole, new directions, everywhere. Let’s use it – collaboratively.
All our efforts in the beginning would be halting and soon superseded. That’s to be expected.
But the fact that a new territory is being entered and seen and mapped is the most important result of what we do. To inspire others to follow us would be a wonderful and productive outcome. Or to explore new territories of their own.
Only if we come together and collaborate can we reach this level of influence – that what we begin globally will bear fruit and contribute to the direction of future efforts. What we begin, others will finish. And the end may not have been imaginable in the beginning.
If we cross the threshhold between not being willing to work together and being willing, we’ll become able to tackle problems of global proportions. I’m committed to ending leprosy on the planet. That’s the piece of the world’s unworkability that I’ve chosen to take responsibility for, with others or alone. I invite others to choose a piece of the world’s unworkability to address, by yourself or in collaboration with others.
It’s my firm belief that our determined response to the planet’s problems will bring a response in turn from wealthy benefactors and patrons (2) who are looking to channel their funds to lightworker/philanthropic foundations funding humanitarian projects. Archangel Michael appears to promise as much, here:
Steve Beckow: I have been saying to readers that the Company of Heaven is watching financial wayshowers and stewards…
Archangel Michael: That is correct.
Steve: … And that those who do well – in other words, do the job of hydrating society – will find themselves supported to go forward.
AAM: That is correct.
Steve: … It’s correct. Okay. I don’t want to be saying something to them that’s misleading. Thank you for being definite about that. (3)
The Company of Heaven is watching us, not to see who fails but to see who succeeds so they can be used to flow more funds through to the general population, before NESARA finishes the job.
The way I see it, the relationships I’m describing are all part of the Divine Plan. As per their agreements, the wealthy benefactors channel their wealth to lightworker/philanthropic foundations that have shown themselves capable of channeling it in turn to promising humanitarian projects and individual lightworkers.
The projects build Nova Earth. All of this provides background to and smooths the way for Disclosure. And it creates a group of leaders who’ll be ready to treat with the galactics on an equal footing after Disclosure.
To come back to the Lightworkers Congress, to even contemplate attending, we’d have to do a self-review. Am I joining simply to promote myself, to come out a hero? If so, I’d suggest that’s not a good enough reason to come to such a meeting.
Puffery, claims to being the hero of every battle, desires to be right and come out on top will no longer serve us. We – the being in the human being – now need to make ourselves known, in whatever way we can and do. (4)
Finally, a while back St. Germaine put “purity of intention” at the top of the list of divine qualities the financial wayshower needs to have. (5)
I’d like to add courage, courage, courage to step out in the name of the Divine and be OK with whatever results. To allow this historic story we are all part of to unfold around us but also, and just as importantly, through us, without the felt need for credit or reward.
(1) We need a new way of being with our leaders if we want them to sustain a state like that.
(2) The Chinese elders, the European Royals, the St. Germaine World Trust and many other sources.
(3) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, July 1, 2016.
(4) As harsh as it sounds, I’d suggest that those still in service to self rather than service to others would not find this an hospitable environment. Having one member of the group strategize to end up as the one who [fill in the blanks] usually is a huge distraction to a group and can in worst cases effectively block the accomplishment of the business of the meeting. In this case, it’s a service to select one’s self out. I’m not sure I have transcended ego myself. I fear not. But I’m willing to lash myself to the mast of commitment nonetheless.
(5) “The Divine Qualities of a Steward and Financial Wayshower” at