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This was the first interview I’ve participated in which I’ve been in bliss from start to finish. It was a new experience for me.
Sue and the Arcturians began the discussion looking at the various waves that exist in space and that we tune into or anchor into. The Arcturians went through the domains of experience associated with each wave.
Beta waves are our everyday, 3D reality. Alphas waves are peak-experience and sleep states. On up to gamma waves, which are the Ascension energies.
We’re moving into gamma-wave showers now which will activate our 97% “junk” DNA, elevate us into higher states of consciousness, and generally set our higher-dimensional abilities humming.
Airs every second Thursday at 4pm PT/7pm ET
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From there we looked at how the wave we’re tuned into opens to us certain doors of perception. The Beta wave only opens the doors of perception of the physical senses and material-centered thoughts. We live in our conditioning, projecting a self-image, seeking love and approval, on and on.
The gamma rays open the door to the superconscious states of the Fifth Dimension. We looked extensively at what we might be able to perceive with each state and what not.
My being in a blissful state meant for me that I could engage with the Arcturians in a conscious manner, not as outside of bliss. Outside of bliss I’d be busy thinking of my next question and preoccupied with any distraction. Inside bliss, I was engaged in the conversation and enwrapt with what was being said.
Come, join us as we discuss this aspect of the New Earth scenario.
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