I’d like to share some comments that Archangel Michael made during my reading on July 8, 2015. These are all grist for the mill, as we contemplate our future roles. Thanks to Dana for our transcript today.
I asked him what was expected of me? Why had he asked me “eons ago” to be part of this effort? And he replied:
“First of all, the Mother has sent out a clarion call for those who, long, long ago, committed to the fulfillment and, can I say, the practical implementation of her plan.
“And one that could in the broader sense, both be proactive in the physical realm but also flow and understand from a higher perspective the continual variables that are in play. …
“It needed to be those with the strength to withstand the bombardment – mental, emotional, physical – and to understand with determination, with a single-mindedness, what was really required.
“So we have begun this day by talking up about stamina and few carry more stamina than this small group [the Nova Earth team].” (1)
He then said something which I had not heard him say in five years of discussions with him:
AAM: Your role is about completion.
S: Completion…. As in a pillar? (2)
AAM: As a pillar and as one that does not simply go through the process, but will see it through, no matter what. And we are fully aware of the challenges. Have there been many variables and many things that have interrupted and interfered and changed a particular motion? Yes. But one who would see it through. That is why you are here. (3)
And I daresay why all of us are here. While many may choose to leave at or even before Ascension, the hope is that we’ll “see it through,” including building Nova Earth.
All quotes are copyright by Linda Dillon and the Council of Love, Inc., 2015, and are used here with permission.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow, through Linda Dillon, July 8, 2015.
(2) A “pillar” is an Ascension role equivalent to the last person to leave, who turns out the lights and locks the door. Pillars are here for the duration.
(3) Archangel Michael, ibid.