Dear Family,
For several months now, we have been experiencing a gradual decline in participation numbers, both in the spiritual activism events and in donations. We are poised in our knowing that this gives us a very strong reflection on many levels.
Children of the Sun Foundation is now at a tipping point, of whether we will remain open or gracefully close out this blessed mission of 9 very influential years. Our story is imprinting a legacy, especially considering all the years preceding the heralded 2012 cosmic alignment and our collective accomplishment to help shift the prophecies and an entire planetary timeline.
Today, what we know to be true is that the idea of “sustainability” is the CRITICAL FACTOR for us to continue serving as a bridge to the new field of conscious evolution that is anchoring, bringing with it greater levels of unified cooperation.
Our passionate and dedicated team is willing to keep doing the work if YOU, the empowered public, VOTE YES to help sustain our organizational operations and collective mission of spiritual activism.
We serve as a non-profit public charity and greatly depend upon your financial support to thrive.
To conclude, we are deeply grateful for your participation in our events and the generous donations that we have received over the years. It has been a sincere pleasure serving alongside you and we hope we can continue do so.
If you find resonance and value in our services and would like to see this continue,
What Is Spiritual Activism?
Spiritual activism refers to working with the inner dimensions for societal change. This activity places great emphasis on the unifying influence of group coherence as a means to initiate positive transformation on mass scale.
Our team comes together in massive demonstrations of global meditation and remote energy transference, while invoking the best possible outcome in situations of world crisis according to the highest benefit of all.
Why Is It Necessary?
While this type of activity does not have the same outwardly visible effect as front-line activism, its results are equally as tangible and play a VITAL role in catalyzing incredible changes in a highly polarized world.
All of the dramatic outplay we see on the planet today is a direct reflection of the thoughts held in the mass consciousness. Until we, as a global community, shift the way we think, we will not realize the more beautiful world we know is possible.
This is why our work in spiritual activism is so important as it can inspire the emergence of new, more loving perceptions in the global mind, helping to shift the reflection of separation we currently see.
How Does It Work?
A plethora of scientific studies have been conducted to prove the positive effect of meditative group intention and on places of trauma, war and unrest.
Building upon the natural coherence existing within our collective grouping, we use this transformational energy field to send intentional waves of thought and feeling to a targeted area. This is accomplished through the Unity Matrix, a complex grid-like pathway or matrix of high-frequency energy transference that is part of the Earth’s energy field.
Through this field of unified awareness, spiritual activism can impact MILLIONS of lives, reaching into the higher consciousness of the entire human race to uplift, transform and inspire.
To amplify our positive influence, we invoke the immeasurable and invincible support from the subtle spiritual realms, which guarantees that all unfolds in accordance with the highest benefit of all.
What Can You Do to Help?
Your participation is crucial to the success of this mission of spiritual activism.
We rely entirely on public funding.
1. Make a Regular Donation
A recurring monthly donation is an ideal way to show your support for our group mission. These ongoing donations provide us with sustainability to keep delivering the best in spiritual activism.
Donate here.
2. Help us to Spread the Word
We encourage everyone to get passionately involved in promoting our events on social media. Invite your personal networks and other like-minded groups to join in this powerful movement.
3. Participate in the Transmissions
Our spiritual activism is every month during the time of the full moon. We always make announcements so make sure you are on our mailing list. Subscribe here.