(Concluded from Part 1.)
The mind reacts to things with defensiveness, anger, fear, etc. I asked Archangel Michael in my last reading how I could get on top of my own aggressiveness, my edge. The answer was again to put my anger under the control of love, of my heart:
Archangel Michael: Come back to the love, my brother. This is the most radical treatment in the entire Omniverse.
Steve Beckow: I understand. After the heart opening, I do. I probably wouldn’t have before.
AAM: Let it simply wash away this anger. When you feel that lightning strike, the match being struck, and you think, “here comes the anger,” acknowledge it for what it is: fear.
I will give you a magic word that will extinguish it.
SB: What’s that?
AAM: Michael.
SB: Undoubtedly!
AAM: If you say that, I will immediately be within you.
SB: Wow, radical intervention!
AAM: Yes. (1)
Now that is a friend.
I suspect that living from the mind only, without the mind knowing or serving the heart, is like being poverty-stricken. One is perpetually hungry, wanting, grasping and rejecting. Living from the mind has been described as eating the menu instead of the meal. There’s no experience in it and hence only superficial learning. (2)
Because so many of us live from the mind, it’s said that the progress we make in any one lifetime is not that great.
Living from the heart, and keeping the mind on a short leash, is like living beyond financial concern. The pleasure of the love that comes from the heart makes one forget about things and possessions. Hence financial concern goes out the window from a lack of desire.
Finally, there’s no waiting with love. No lineups. No credit cards. No insiders, galactics and discussion groups. Love is available instantly at a fountain that never runs dry. It’s a permanent feature of some locales, which you and I intend to visit. And maybe live in.
I’m almost sure that leaving the mind behind as a controlling and directing force in my life and looking to the heart for guidance is exactly what I’m looking for. I hear myself asking: “What does the heart say?” I know who planted that idea in my mind.
I’d never have seen any of this before. It wouldn’t have done much good to even tell me about it. Probably many people tried and are happy that I finally got it. (3)
In this new era we live in, archangels can bestow spiritual gifts and by that means came my sudden windfall. It now allows me to see that Archangel Michael’s heart consciousness is for me indeed the answer.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow, through Linda Dillon, April 3, 2015. Everything he says here I assert he says to you too.
(2) Knowledge has to move from being intellectual to being experiential, to being realized for there to be motivation to action and lasting benefit.
(3) We often worry a great deal about what others will think of us now that we finally see. Mostly, I think, they’re just happy and relieved we finally got it.