We got as far as we did, folks. Not all lightworkers were funded but some were. We thank everyone for their generosity and will keep the lightworkers listed here on the books for future funding as it arrives. Thank you all. Steve
We praise and thank you sincerely, dear readers, for your heart-felt and beautiful response to the lightworkers in need last month.
The mission of the Divine Mother’s Hope Chest is helping lightworkers in need.
The following is the current and updated list of 17 lightworkers that have requested funds from Hope Chest and need your help.
#508 This lightworker is disabled and cannot work Request $500 for food
#530 This lightworker cares for 2 young children and has been unable to work at a paying job for 3 years due to ascension symptoms. Request $1200 for overdue utilities and property taxes. [FUNDED $100.]
#531 This lightworker lost their home to foreclosure and has filed bankruptcy as well. They are behind in paying rent and have had to take out a loan to pay rent. Request $1100 for back rent, $500 gas & electric for 2 months, $130 for 2 months water, and $800 for 2 months of phone/internet. [FUNDED $630.]
#533 This lightworker is self-employed and hasn’t had enough sales to make ends meet and pay rent. Request $865 for August rent.
#536 This lightworker lost his job 3 years ago and is homeless living on the streets with his children who are going without. Request $640 for rent for 4 month @ $40 per week and $1000 for food for himself and the children. [FUNDED $640.]
#540 This lightworker has a daughter who is recovering from a life threatening disease and needs funds for medical insurance to continue the daughter’s natural supplements for her recovery. Request $563 for medical insurance and $400 for 2 months of phone bills.
#543 This lightworker has lost their job and on the last leg. Request $500 for rent. [FUNDED.]
#546 This lightworker spends their time organization meditation classes in a local centre to create a place of peace for others to be confident in their intuitive healing abilities. Request $265 for overdue utility bill.
#547 This lightworker has been through several bouts of homelessness and extreme poverty. Request $2500 for 3 months of rent @$720 per month, this will enable this lightworker to find better work and a better place to live, as currently she resides in a motel.
#550 This lightworker is a single mom of 2 kids and behind on utility bills, mortgage and debts. Request is $450 past due electric and gas bills, and $950 for past due mortgage payment.
#559 This lightworker needs money to pay back rent. Request is $450 for back rent.
#563 This lightworker is an Indigo and moderator at indigosociety.com, runs a food bank, naturopath, herbalist and empath, and is living in Mexico. Request $325 for rent and utilities for 2 months, $250 for food and purified water, and $75 for shoes and clothing.
#564 This is a young lightworker that is unemployed and is close to releasing music that hasn’t been heard around the world for millennia. Request $300 for food, and $200 to reinstate driver’s license to assist being mobile and the possibility of getting work.
#565 This lightworker fell and injured both arms and is unable to work for several more weeks and has no income at the moment. Request $500 for August house payment, $85.00 Septic System Install, and $100 for July and August water bills.
#566 This lightworker resides in Malaysia where there is intense competition for jobs in his field. Request $300 for rent, $300 for food and other essentials.
#600 This is a senior lightworker with several health challenges that is unable to work. Request $400 for food and essentials. [FUNDED]
#601 This lightworker is a single mom with a son and needs basic help with the essential expenses i.e., food, rent, etc. Request $550 for rent, food and basic needs. [FUNDED $660.]
ADOPT-A-LIGHTWORKER: Your Participation is Invited
Can you believe it, the Mother’s Hope Chest will be 3 years old next month. In partnership with you the readers, the Hope Chest has been able to send funds to many lightworkers in need for rent, food, utilities and medical care.
The funds that Hope Chest gives the recipient, provide the opportunity to practice receiving, provide relief from immediate needs, often times is a stepping stone for the lightworker that attracts additional abundance and prosperity to their lives. However, many of the lightworkers have ongoing and larger needs than the Hope Chest is set up to handle.
Let me introduce lightworker #523. This is how this lightworker serves the light.
” I am interested in the Highest Good for all, I receive messages from archangels and they have directed me to write stories of kindness, goodness and hope. I participate in group meditations for sending love and light. I am not interested in the “mass arrests” only committed to a new world of compassion, kindness and peace. In my regular workday I use social conversations to spread the messages of non-judgment and love, hoping others will awaken to love for all life in, of and on our planet.”
This lightworker supports a disabled adult and is the only source of income. Being a federal employee they lost 20% of their income last year due to sequestration.
Issue #1. This person resides in Maine and uses firewood for heating during the winter months.
“We live in the extreme northeast, firewood is not sold monthly. The wood suppliers deliver all their wood by the end of August to the beginning of September. This is done because they cut the wood but do not store it. When winter comes any wood that is outside gets wet and frozen to the ground, so it is up to the buyers to store their supply.”
This lightworker needs 8 cords of wood at $290 per cord to heat the home this winter.
Issue #2. This lightworker is behind in their property taxes on the home. The property taxes due for 2013 are $3100, and for 2014 $3200. Last month you funded $900 which purchased 3 cords of wood for winter heating. Let’s keep this lightworker and family warm for the whole winter!!
Let me introduce lightworker #542. This is how this lightworker serves the light.
“I remain in Service to the Light by: Emanating it. By reflecting it. By absorbing it. I stay hard at daily work enacting the Will of Prime Creation, at least to the best of my current ability. I communicate and embody Truth in many forms. I recognize and uphold all Living Souls. I educate, inspire, and uplift in all that I do.
“I’ve written a 100-page educational manual that teaches People how to get out of debt through the Treasury, and I’d be happy to send a complimentary review copy along. I’ve been persecuted by commercial banks as a result of self-publishing it, having gone through severe financial difficulty since 2011. I’ve actually had the experience of staying in a homeless shelter and uplifting the entire place. I also slept in a barn for 9 months, including during the worst parts of this last winter. Unbelievable but true. I’d also be happy to send along my biographical resume, if You like. My apologies for saying ‘I’ so much here.
‘When a friend of mine learned I had been in the Montgomery County, Maryland Men’s Homeless Shelter for 5 months, he immediately offered to help get me out of there. This was August 1st, 2013. He said I could stay in the old barn on his 9.5 acre property, which, believe it or not, was much better than the shelter. My ‘work’ there has seem to have been completed anyway.
“The barn is about 70 years old, and I slept in a corner room. It has no electricity, security, plumbing, or insulation, but it did have a bed. I slept there from August 1st, 2013 until May 15th, 2014. That time period included every bit of this past east coast, Maryland Winter.
“Luckily, during this period of time, I had a 1998 Honda Accord, which acted as my furnace throughout the Winter. I would park outside of the barn until time to go to sleep, then run inside, jump under the blankets, freeze for 5 or 10 minutes, then get warm enough to drift off to sleep. When the morning came, I had to get dressed standing in that barn room FREEZING.
“Between August and February I had 2 jobs that took great advantage of me, and ultimately did not work out. So, during the entire 9 month period of time in the barn, I had virtually zero dollars. Any that I did get went largely to gas and some food. In February I was found by a large financial firm named Primerica Financial Services, Inc., a North American Company who was hiring at the time.
“Within 2 months of being hired by them I had studied for and passed my Maryland State Life Insurance Licensing Exam, but in my 6 months with Primerica so far I have only made $218 in commission, which isn’t enough to make a living. So, within the past 2 weeks I’ve gotten a part-time, minimum wage labor job at a company, by sheer Luck, unloading merchandise in the warehouse, breaking-down the boxes, and stuffing them into the baler. They were the first company I had gotten to interview with in many months which didn’t find me to be over-qualified and actually hired me!
“Anyhow, back to the barn: In late April, my friend who owned the barn did me a favor, and filed an official Sheriff’s eviction to kick me out of the barn. He knew that I could get some County moving assistance as a result, so it was a good thing. Frankly, he couldn’t *believe* I had been able to manage to stay there that long, but he realized that I was doing so because it was my only option.
“When I went to the County with the eviction notice, they were able to financially help me with the $600 security deposit for the room-for-rent in a single family home I had found near my office. The first month’s rent of $600 was to be paid on my own, which I was only able to afford to pay by selling my car. My Primerica job and my new, part-time, minimum wage, hourly job are within a mile’s walk of the house, so selling the car to move in made sense.
“So I was able to pay the security deposit and first month’s rent ($1,200.00) to move-in, but I haven’t been able to make any other rent payments since then. Frankly, I’ve barely been able to eat, all the while I’m walking everywhere. Again, luckily, the landlords that own the rental property are very much Lightworkers themselves, and have been very considerate and generous towards me, as they understand what I’ve been through in the past few years. But, it’s gotten to the point where I *have* to pay back rent or else, even though they really like me and would never want to do that. They’ve been very supportive.
“I actually owe them 3 months back rent, but I truly did not want to push my luck in my Hope Chest request. Paying them anything will be a welcome surprise for all parties and will likely buy me some more time. They know I’ve gotten 2 other jobs now, so they’re working with me. It’s been tenuous, arduous, and ‘life is mean’-feeling many times. It’s also been exhausting.”
Of course, many details are being left out for the sake of time and space, but I’ve got a real Life Story going on here! Being conscious of that has gone a long way to giving me the strength and encouragement to continue to do all that I’m to do (and Am doing)! Apparently, it is true: Shine a lot of Light, by default darkness is attracted and transmuted, so more Light shines!
This lightworker needs 3 months of rent at $600 per month to be able to stay at their current location and not be in the street or barn!
If you would like to adopt either one of these lightworkers there are 2 ways to proceed.
#1 You can donate to the Hope Chest and earmark the donation for the lightworker.
#2 You can donate directly to the lightworker and we will provide the contact information to make that happen.
We thank you in advance for your donations to the Hope Chest that will assist these people to make ends meet. We acknowledge that through this process we validate these light-workers for their work AND you validate yourselves for the work that you are doing at the same moment.
Divine love, through me blesses and multiplies all that I have, all that I give, and all that I receive.
Karen Wilson
President, The Hope Chest