Angelic Guides: Free Your Mind and the Rest Will Follow, channeled through Taryn Crimi, December 14, 2013 at
Today we would like to focus your attention upon the topic of beliefs. Certainly this is a rather broad topic and we have covered this topic before but what we would like to discuss in particular is your unlimited potential within the illusion you currently perceive as reality. Though we can show you the door to your freedom, only you can choose to walk through it.
Many of you are finding this time of awakening to be very challenging; though your conscious mind understands the limitations of this reality, you have not yet mastered the skill of consciously creating all that you desire. This stage in your awakening can be compared to the learning process of a toddler. Often their minds understand how to perform the task, though their motor skills and coordination have not yet developed enough to accomplish their goal.
However, just as a toddler will eventually gain the coordination and skill required to accomplish their task, so to will all of you develop and gain the ability to consciously create all that you wish to experience. We can assure you, you are doing nothing wrong, this is all part of the process.
The beliefs that you hold are so very strong, they have been carried from one life to the next so that you would have the opportunity to learn and grow from your experiences in the lower dimensions. However, for many of you, you have “played” long enough, you have seen all that you wish to see, and you are ready to shed those chains which you willingly placed upon yourself so very long ago.
Not only are your own individual beliefs changing rapidly, but so too are the beliefs held within the human collective. It is now becoming a well-known acknowledged fact that “thoughts are things”, yet only 50 years ago this was a belief of only those who were considered to be “new age thinkers”
Time is condensing and will continue to do so until it is nothing more than a marker for which your mind can track an experience. Your years now feel like months, and your months seem to fly by in days. You ponder the very malleable illusion of time when you think back through out your memories; events in your past feel as though they were eons ago and yet it feels like it happened just yesterday. This will continue as the limitation of time and space begin to unravel. The very structure of time cannot withstand the understanding of its malleable nature. It was only solid because the human collective perceived it as such.
As you continue to release the limiting beliefs that have held you captive, you will free yourselves from the jail cells you have been contained within. Your world is changing before your very eyes, faster than any of you have ever witnessed in any other of your lives here on Earth. This stage is very similar to the development of an infant; what they could not do only days prior they master days later. And so it is with all of you now in this moment. You have awakened enough to realize the limitations you experience are of your own making, yet you have not yet mastered the ability to create all of your intentions and desires into your physical reality. We are here to assure you, this will come in “time”.
As you approach the ending of one calendar year and the beginning of yet another; you are in a sense about to take your “final exam” before moving into your next phase of learning. It is a time to use all that you have learned and put it into action in these coming days. This can prove to be quite challenging for some and very rewarding for others. The only difference will be who choices to allow and trust that you are a divine creator, or resist the flow because it seems as though your desires are not manifesting as you wished.
Remember friends; things are not always what they seem to be. As we said last year at this time, your calendar year of 2013 would be a year of truth and transformation. While increasing your overall vibration you have also brought many truths to the surface for your review. And now begins the time of integration and release. We will further explain the focus of the year 2014 in our next message. Until then, we remain beside you awaiting your call if ever you should need our assistance.
We hope that you have found this message to be helpful in some way.
In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides
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