On our planet, money is a tool that basically decides what we’re able or unable to do.
Money determines the level of sovereignty and freedom we’re able to enjoy, and it seems that the few who’ve amassed the world’s wealth have done so in an effort to institute classes and keep themselves above the rest of the general public.
In the new paradigm we’re building, it’ll be important for us each to restructure our views of money and abundance, and by us each I mean the entire world.
Money is something that’s meant to be shared by all. The concept of everybody sharing the wealth and resources has been given scary labels like “socialism,” but despite any fearful connotations that could be given to sharing, it’s what we’re meant to do in this time.
I’m certainly not the first person to say this. The concept of sharing and working together to keep ourselves and our planet sustained is beginning to be picked up on by more and more people who are responding to the growing awakening.
How we feel within will dictate the abundance we experience in our Lives. To speak from my own experience – at the time of writing this, my family and I have little more than five dollars to our name. We lost three newsletter subscribers just today, but despite all of this, I feel like a millionaire within.
The unparalleled sense of spiritual and physical liberation I’ve been able to experience is providing all the abundance I need. Eventually, as I become inspired to increase my drive to work for humanity and my physical or monetary abundance catches up with how I feel within, money troubles will be things of the past.
To be honest, money troubles are already things of the past for me. I’ve long grown to recognize that true unhindered abundance comes from within, and the resulting personal benefits I’m able to experience are massive.
Perhaps I’ll laugh myself into financial oblivion enjoying the personal and spiritual abundance I feel within, but such an outcome seems quite out of resonance with what I’m feeling. I never quite realized that a growing perception of the realms of spirit would herald personal abundance and liberation unlike anything I’ve ever felt before, but now that I’m here, I have to say that I don’t want to leave.
This amazing year of 2013 has opened me up exponentially to ideals and deepened perceptions that see me personally liberated and free from worries or concerns regarding my fate. It helps to know that we’re endlessly looked after by spirit, but in this fast-paced and unforgiving world, for some people that just doesn’t seem to be enough.
Having properly communicated the personal and abundance-related liberation I’ve been able to enjoy, I’d now like to address the inequality purposely fed on our world as it stands today. This goes back to the need for us to begin sharing the wealth, and perhaps humanity would learn quite a lot about working together if we were to, say, return to the barter system tomorrow.
The “every man for himself” attitude and mode of thinking has been the established means to Live by for generations, and has seen the few remain ahead and the many struggle to make ends meet. When coming to find an unbounded sense of personal and financial liberation, one begins to understand how much of a distortion it is to collectively Live in such a manner.
This is in part why our planet has remained held back from the glorious future we’ve been hearing about. Humanity as a whole still exists under divisive ways of Living, and for our new paradigm to manifest, we must collectively cultivate the Divine qualities and adhere to the Golden Rule.
The Golden Rule is especially relevant to the idea of sharing our abundance with all. I’ve had times where my wife and I struggled financially and were helped out by generous friends or family who were able to help, and I’ve also experienced abundance to the point of being able to help others who asked for assistance.
I’ve had to ask for rides from family in the past, and I’ve also given rides and turned down gas money if the person didn’t have much to their name. To me, this is an example of the new paradigm in action: helping when we can and seeking nothing in return, beyond the personal satisfaction of knowing we were able to assist.
Warren Buffet’s son recently wrote a spot-on piece for the New York Times about billionaires throwing large sums of donation money at various causes and looking generous in the public spotlight, while the unequal system of classes churns on and the problems don’t really get solved. (1)
He mentioned that plenty of “foundation money” could be used to begin building a new system that works for everybody and sees no man lacking abundance, but we’ll see how many billionaires pick up on that idea.
The referenced article really resonated with me because it expressed the ideal of helping others if we’re in a position to, without seeking anything in return.
Personally, I await the time when there’s more than enough to go around and as I’ve discussed with my wife, were our little family to somehow fall into great financial abundance before widespread change or disclosure comes about, every bit of what we wouldn’t need would be given to others.
I, like many of you, am more than ready to see the new paradigm come about and to begin displaying it in everything I do. An aspect of doing so will be recognizing that even if we experience an easy and free-flowing financial existence, others struggle on a daily basis.
I know one person in particular who works harder than three of me combined, yet had their house recently foreclosed on and struggles to get by. Where’s the value of hard work there?
The principle of working hard and getting to enjoy Life because of your hard work is thrown out the door on a world whose citizens feed into a system of financial inequality, without thinking to help those around them who struggle. Hard workers especially deserve a free-flowing financial existence, just as we all do.
In wrapping this article up, I want to stress the importance of not hinging one’s perception of personal liberation on one’s physical situation. If your finances are dipping below your comfort level, recognize that you’re still a liberated and sovereign being of spirit who’s in full control of your destiny in every moment.
Shift your vibrations around if needed, to match the personal abundance we all deserve to feel. Being able to feel it myself, I can honestly say that beyond the desire to feed and shelter my family and enjoy a comfortable enough existence, I don’t need anything else. This, my friends, is why any surplus abundance I receive would be given back to you.
Wes Annac – Abundant, happy, and in control of my fate.
Contributing Editor: The Golden Age of Gaia
(1)- “Peter Buffet: The Charitable Industrial Complex” at: