A number of readers are recommending Ruth Ryden’s newsletter. I personally have seen so many Earth-changes predictions come and go without proving reliable that I’m a bit hesitant to post yet another. But I will post one of Ruth’s and see if the predictions of the Masters of Light she channels do prove dependable. Thanks to Janis and Donna.
AUGUST, 2011
My, July has been a difficult month for so many, with terribly high heat and humidity to deal with. We have been fortunate here in Central Arizona, with the dry season dampened by the seasonal monsoon, ending, for the most part, the danger of forest fires again. Thanks to so many of you who sent birthday greetings to me – the years pass all too swiftly, but I am still getting through them without illness and just a little short-term memory loss. Some years ago I hoped I would live to see the 2012 predicted situation – now I know I shall go much longer than that. What an interesting lifetime! Lots to put into this newsletter, so will get at it. Masters, please give us an idea of what weather conditions will be in August around the world?
MASTERS: “This month we shall overview the atmospheric conditions by continents, since there are so many changes taking place even as we speak to this lady. The North American Continent is under the gun, so to speak, as the high frequencies in the upper atmosphere are affecting the ocean currents, as well as the summer season. From the Arctic down through Mexico and Central America, there is a Spiritual Community of Power that will endeavor to find a central force of nature to overcome the sporadic storms, hurricanes and earthquakes that are becoming a real problem for humanity in these areas.
Although we see, again, excessive heat and humidity where they are now causing so much difficulty, by the middle of the month these situations will grind to a halt, bringing cooler air masses and more rain to the parched land. The predicted hurricanes will hit the East Coast of the U.S. with a force totally unexpected before then, however, with high seas and waves inundating the shores of Mexico and Central America. Earthquakes inland and along the western coasts will continue to rumble and gently change the coastlines a little at a time. The volcanoes will be patiently waiting for their turn to erupt in the coming months, but not now.
The huge masses of land in Europe will be experiencing high amounts of flooding from glaciers that continue to melt as the energy from the high frequencies affect the ice itself, even without high temperatures. The Steppes of Russia, in particular, are becoming mushy, due to the melting of the centuries-old frozen tundra, which is taking a toll on the animal populations of that land. Frequent storms will be scattered from Norway down through Great Britain, and especially over mountainous areas. Unexpected frigid temperatures will hit in many spots, causing crops to fail. It is a time to listen carefully to your weather forecasters.
Asia will be the center of the plate movements in coming months, causing tremendous earthquakes and possible leaks in the great dams of China. Flooding will still be a problem, nevertheless, and temperatures will be higher than normal in the lower lands. The eastern coasts of Asia will be hit with numerous typhoons, more than normally expected.
The Pacific Island chains will also be hit with many quakes as the underlying old volcanoes and plates continue to rub against each other, in the quest for a new shape to this world. Ocean currents responding to these movements will cause huge waves in some areas and high temperatures as ocean currents change their normal patterns.
Australia and surrounding land and islands will be comparatively quiet, at least for a few months. The winter winds and temperatures have calmed the ocean currents around this continent and the rains are soaking the fire-prone vegetation for a time. Antarctica, however, is heaving up from the depths, as the earth’s shape is pushing that huge mass into new configurations. There will be many more icebergs forming as huge cracks release ice into the ocean.
Your world is experiencing many changes, as we have been explaining for some time. It is not a time to fear, but a time to change your own attitudes and feelings towards each other. Danger brings people together, to realize you are all a part of this marvelous creation and need to understand each other, releasing all of the old prejudices that have caused you so much trouble. The weather conditions are not so violent that you cannot be aware of them and be prepared. This is a time to wake up and use your inner awareness and wisdom to help yourselves and others when the need appears. You all have that ability. Know and remember that you are part of all creation – your needs are known throughout the universe, just as you are aware of the needs of your family. There is no such thing as “alone”. We are there with you.