(Concluded from Part 1.)
Imagining Enlightenment
Once I had found a way of clearing myself of unwanted feelings, I created a second experiment. I imagined that I was raising the kundalini. And, in my imagination, I got it all the way to the seventh chakra.
I imagined I experienced the enlightenment of the seventh chakra, which Hindus call Brahmajnana or God-Realization.
One of the special properties of Brahmajnana is that we know that we are God. We haven’t realized yet that God has become everything. That’s a later stage (vijnana, sahaja).
I imagined myself abiding in this seventh-chakra state and, as I did, I was surprised to find myself beginning to remember things. I remembered that a particular set of behaviors were appropriate to Brahmajnana. Don’t behave that way and the space closes down.
For instance, rushing is not appropriate to Brahmajnana. It speaks attachment. Partiality isn’t either. Lying isn’t. Gluttony. Any extremes or excesses would belie an understanding of the fact that I am God. These notions I already knew and was now remembering. And imagination triggered it all.
I spent the day going outside, shopping, cleaning house – and all the time being mindful of every second. And just seeing the perfection of the present moment. I behaved as if I had Brahmajnana and life became very much more focused and productive.
Overarching Vision
The next experiment I tried was around envisioning.
Robert Browning in “Andrea del Sarto” said that “a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, Or what’s a heaven for?” (1) There’s profound usefulness to having an overarching vision, a vision that takes in such a large vista that it organizes the space we’re currently in.
Dream big, Archangel Michael has said.
“I have asked you so many times, dream big.” (2)
“Last year, I invited you, I asked you, to dream big. Did you think that that request went by the wayside? It did not. So I ask you again, what is the dream? What is it that you desire to create, to bring forth as the reflection of your divinity in honor of the Mother?” (3)
So I created an experiment here as well. I resolved to dream big, to create an umbrageous, overarching vision.
Creating a huge, perhaps even unattainable vision organizes the space we’re in. If we’re paralyzed in the work we’re doing now, thinking big or having an umbrageous vision makes whatever is happening at the moment seem smaller and more manageable.
It reminds us of what the bigger picture is that this puzzle piece fits into. It keeps life interesting by providing an endless source of challenges, opportunities, and rewards.
I decided to give it a try. We seem to be waiting for the starter’s gun so why not play with this in the time we have?
What could be bigger than the first mass, physical Ascension in the universe?
What could be bigger is a second Ascension from the Seventh Dimension, which Archangel Michael has told me will occur in two-hundred years. It isn’t that the Ascension as a project is necessarily bigger. It’s that my role in it, according to AAM, will be bigger. It’s the anticipation of larger responsibilities that organizes the space of this present Ascension effort.
I’m quite sure that this whole crew (yes, all of us) will be there, all of us waiting tables at the next banquet of Ascension, all of us playing bigger roles. Archangel Michael has said as much on this week’s Hour with an Angel:
Steve Beckow: Dream big! [Laughter]
Archangel Michael: Dream big! But yes, do not forget, this is a template for this Universe. …
As [this] is the Truth, as [these are] the templates, the grid, then it is ready to be replicated in other planetary systems.
And each of you will be pivotal in helping to do that. (4)
So I decided to live my life as if it was preparing for that larger role, as an experiment. Doing so had the effect of exciting me, waking me up in my present life, causing me to reflect more deeply on more profound questions, etc.
This is a personal vision. We already have a collective challenge and vision: “Building Nova Earth: Towards a world that works for everyone.” (5) This was a vision just for me, to bring out my “personal best.”
The est Training used to joke that most of us didn’t need to get rid of our problems; we needed a bigger problem. (6) We’d finished with the old problem we had or were bored with it. If we were idle or bored, that’s when we might create mischief. Time for a bigger problem that would really organize us again.
Preparing for a bigger role in a future Ascension organized the space of my work on this Ascension. Where I felt paralyzed, having the larger vision, dreaming bigger released the logjam. Fear itself so often proves to be the only cause of paralysis and dreaming bigger releases my fears.
Just a trick of mind but it had benefits, as all experiments do.
Asking for What I Want
Here’s another super-small experiment I ran the other day, not quite for a lark but out of some interest.
Archangel Michael and the Divine Mother are always saying ask for what I want. OK, I’ll ask.
I asked for ten pieces of wood that I could use to shore up the boxes in my garage so they wouldn’t fall over. I just wanted pieces a foot and a half in length, not major lumber. A modest request.
Then I went downstairs in my new apartment building (of 100 suites) to reap what I had asked of God. Often there are things left out near the garbage bins. Nope. Nothing there.
Well, maybe I’ll find it in the locker room. There’s the space around the lockers and there are unused lockers that might have something in them.
Bingo. In an unused locker, I found a banker’s box containing seven pieces of finished wood, around a foot and a half long. Imagine that.
Impressive. But not perfect. Not all that I asked for. I asked for ten pieces.
So I went to the garage and enroute I kept feeling that I should go down a certain lane, which I did. I saw no loose wood and then I realized that I had actually seen a small crate that was made of wood.
I went back and took that crate to the garage. I tried to pry the wood free but the pieces that came free were all filled with nails. I abandoned the idea and simply decided to kick the crate apart and dispose of the pieces in the refuse bin. As I gathered them together I saw that some of the pieces did not have nails in them and were usable. How many? Three.
So there were my ten pieces of wood. An interesting experiment which I’ll run frequently. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.
The upshot of the rising energies, the encouragement from the Company of Heaven, and me feeling my oats generally is that I feel more empowered to step out in new directions, to ask for what I want, to experiment and create. Whether small or large doesn’t matter to me. It’s the pleasure of experimenting and creating that has really grabbed my attention.
These experiments help me to see that we really are the creator race. They help me see why the Company of Heaven has been saying “ask, claim, create,” (7) and why the Divine Mother calls it “New Time.” (8) It’s becoming possible to create, quickly enough that it registers on our awareness. That to a person like me is good news.
(1) At https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem/173001.
(2) “Archangel Michael: Spring Means the Time of Rebirth and Awakening,” March 22, 2014, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/03/22/archangel-michael-spring-means-the-time-of-rebirth-and-awakening/
(3) “Archangel Michael: Prepare for the Celebration – Part 2/2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, August 19, 2013 at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/08/archangel-michael-prepare-for-the-celebration-part-22/.
(4) After I wrote this, I interviewed Archangel Michael and he confirmed that all of us would be taking our template for Ascension to other civilizations. He said:
(“Archangel Michael: Let Us Create Peace on Earth on Feb. 14, 2015 – Part 2/2,” February 4, 2015, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/02/04/archangel-michael-let-us-create-peace-earth-feb-14-2015-part-22/.)
(5) The phrase “Towards a World That Works for Everyone” was first enunciated by Werner Erhard.
(6) “To make a relationship work, get individual goals. Go get yourself something bigger than the relationship. Get a bigger purpose or a bigger problem.” (est 6-Day Trainer Jerry Joiner, 19 Oct. 1980.) Little did I suspect when writing this article that Archangel Michael had a bigger problem up his sleeve for us: “Peace on Earth by Feb. 14, 2015.”
(7) “Not merely a handful [of you]. It is not sufficient for a handful of you to say ‘Now we create.’ I call upon all on Earth to claim their abundance, their fortunes, whatever amount… whatever resources. So don’t even think of just dollars. Call upon the resources that are within you and outside of you.” (“Transcript: The Divine Mother: Welcome to ‘New Time,’” Jan. 27, 2015, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/01/27/divine-mother-welcome-new-time/)
(8) Loc. cit.