by Daniel Scranton
“We are The Creators. We are twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings and we are here to help.
You all know who you really are, and you just need reminding of that truth.
You all can feel who you really are when you are experiencing the state of being that love is. You know that the feeling of love is more than just hormones and chemicals being released in the body and brain. You have enough sense to recognize that, and yet, the reminders are needed.
The reminders are needed because there is so much out there in the world that you experience that tries to define you as something other than Source. And many of you get quite caught up in your identity, your sense of self.
When you base your identity, and/or sense of self, on that which is temporary, that which can change, you are setting yourselves up for disappointment. You are setting yourselves up to feel instability, and you are likely not to go much deeper than what the surface level can tell you.
And so, we recommend feeling for who you really are, rather than looking at the statistics and what they can tell you. In order to feel for who you really are, sometimes you must travel through the gunk of what you are not. A lot of you have accumulated that gunk over the course of this very lifetime and others.
And, therefore, you need to go through some purging, some clearing, and some cleansing so that you can reach within yourselves and find the love that you truly are.
Once you do, you will realize that home really is where the heart is. You find that the love within you feels like home, but it also feels expansive. It also feels like the connective tissue that holds us all together in this universe, and that’s because that’s what it is, and you are meant to feel it and be reminded of it frequently.
And when you make that a goal of yours, you will always find that it is a goal you can accomplish. When you make it the top priority of every day of your life, you will be happy, you will manifest more of what you want, you will have plenty of friends, and you will likely also be doing what you love.
You will find that it is easy for you to make a career out of what you love, all because you prioritized feeling love within yourself over all else that you could put at the top of your priorities list.
You are the ones who get to decide what you focus upon and what you deem to be important.
Now others may have made the choice of what’s important to you previously, but now that you are awake, you certainly are in the driver’s seat, and that is real power.
That is true power.
That is the power of Source.
It is the power of love, and it is within each and every one of you.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”