There’s better ways to use our creative gifts, right?
Yes, of course, if you’ve been paying attention at all, things are looking a little iffy right now, to put it mildly. Predictions were certainly made that after the inauguration, there would be rioting in the streets, etc. Instead, what we have is a situation that is quite potentially more dire than even rioting would have been, and more dangerous to the country than most of us know (or even want to know).
For some reason, the anti-deportation position ignores the danger entirely. We aren’t just talking about young mothers trying to carve out a life here somehow. The men who’ve been allowed into the country by the Biden regime are not here to assimilate into our culture and way of life, but those ones with ill intent aren’t mentioned by the legacy media. Nor are the missing children, nor are the lies that were told by persons unknown to the vulnerable in order to incite them to come to America.
Team dark has weaponized everything imaginable against humans, the most notable one being other humans.
Yet here we are…still standing strong in our faith, and truly at the very edge of the shift that we’ve been talking about, reading about, and literally living for throughout however many years, decades or even lifetimes on Earth.
Why do you reckon we’re still fighting the good fight? Why hasn’t humanity already been openly captured? “Openly” being the operative word here, because by now, it’s becoming more generally accepted that this world was never meant to operate the way that it has. Nobody wants to see our reality as a slave system in disguise…
We don’t get to exit that reality until we’re willing to look at it.
The wonderful news is that lots of us have been looking at our Big Picture situation with a clear heart, and the view is actually pretty good! In the Big Picture, Love wins, God wins, humanity and the Earth and all of Creation wins.
What’s happening on Earth is far more important than many of us can really take in. It’s likely that the White Hats are and have been engaged in missions here that they know will include unintended “collateral damage.” Missions that include difficult decisions and which ultimately serve and lead to the greater good. Contemplating this has literally launched my attention out into the cosmos…
What if the Earth experiment was ultimately about populating a planet with a culturally diverse, Divinely seeded race (humans) to watch them (us) develop and evolve while being subject to a series of hijacking efforts that were actually expected to occur? Clearly, that isn’t my original idea, so maybe I’m the Hundredth Monkey coming to that realization.
But the vision expanded to include the potentially alarming idea that this planet, and especially the life she supports…we serve as bait in a way. But this bait has a strategic surprise inside, and that is our ability to access long forgotten parts of our Divine, Original Selves. The parts of us that never left Creation, and which could never be truly captured or overcome.
It’s all coming back online now to one degree or another, I suppose depending upon our willingness to receive whatever new / old codes are being offered to us individually. Once the transformation of the human collective gets a respectable head of steam going, it’s Game Over in the plan to irretrievably enslave and ultimately destroy the Earth.
See, word has it that the biggest of the bad guys, the ancient AI that Ismael Perez refers to…that entity has been destroying entire universes on its quest to end all life. What if our whole gig here across every incarnation, multiple thousands of years, across lifetimes and in many forms…what if every bit of it is and has been leading up to the final showdown in which that evil energy is finally and actually neutralized?
Could we do that with our Love? Our love of all things beautiful, of nature, of life itself? Perhaps mostly with our inner Light, the Divine spark that lives in our DNA? The DNA that survived even having been reduced to a mere two-strand sequence? We can’t be stopped now because we have the entirety of the Light collective with us. We’ve been in the dark for way too long, and those days are now long over.
It’s likely that the dark minions, unwitting and otherwise, will hold their positions until they’re told to stand down. It’s one reason why so much emphasis is being placed on locating and deporting dangerous criminals from our country. Tom Homan and the patriots in our military are quite serious and capable of getting that very important task done in short order.
It seems unlikely that we’ll see much financial relief trickle down to us before that issue is under control, but President Trump and his new administration aren’t wasting any time in implementing his clearly stated intentions to make America safe again.
So shall it be…