by Meg Benedicte
The cosmic blueprint for 2025 is ‘transformation’!
This year’s astrology, numerology and energetic patterns all point to a global reset. All outer generational planets are switching signs, entering zero degrees in a new direction. The rapid changes, or Quickening, have been accelerating for the past 60 years.
Similar to personal growth breakthroughs, the global collective also experiences significant bursts or shifts in consciousness.
According to the Cosmic Ascension Plan directed by AA Metatron, an alternative global timeline began to form in the 60’s/70’s. I remember it well. I lived through the equal rights movement, women’s liberation movement, yoga/meditation/spiritual movement, marriage equality, BLM, #Me Too movement, and more.
For the past 60 years we have seen an upward spiral of conscious expansion in human evolution and progress. This has birthed alive an alternative global timeline, called the New Earth. It is a collaborative operating system that resources life force at all scale, be it personal, community, planetary and universal circulating energy field. It functions in unity consciousness. It is a self-sourcing ecosystem that enhances life on the planet.
Encoded in the Cosmic Ascension Plan are potent initiation points. In 2012, the blueprint activated the First Wavers, the Light Leaders. In 2012, I was activated to relocate to Mount Shasta, CA, (root chakra of Gaia) and begin my mission as an Ascension Gatekeeper. You may have experienced a similar cosmic activation as well.
In 2020 the Cosmic Ascension blueprint activated a global healing crisis. In 2024 the blueprint activated the new global Ascension Gates to replace the matrix locked down entry/exit gates. In 2025, we are witnessing the global matrix mind virus in the collective, called Wetiko, a ‘sickness of the spirit’.
As we move further into the 2000’s, we are witnessing a global shift from a dying ‘heartless’ system into a newly forming world system of collaboration. The cruel, destructive system propels souls to join, unite, support and assist each other. It is happening.
It is permeating every level of life on planet earth. If you look, you will see it. It is available to all of you.
All it takes is a conscious decision to extract and remove your energy from the parasitic hierarchal power system. Every day, every hour, every moment you focus on removing the matrix mind virus and immersing yourself in the New Earth, into the Ascension Timeline as your foundation, your homebase, your field of operation. As an Elder and one of the angelic gatekeepers, I will guide you through the process. Then feel the magic begin!
This Wednesday, January 29 marks the New Moon in Aquarius and the start of the Chinese New Year of the Wood Snake.
New moons usher in new beginnings, new opportunities, a new era. In Aquarius, the new moon inspires new ideas and perspectives. The Sun, Moon, Mercury and Pluto are in Aquarius during the New Moon, initiating a change in direction, new solutions, new awareness and innovation. Humanitarian Aquarius pulls our focus outward beyond ourselves, contemplating how we can make the world better.
The Aquarian New Moon and Year of the Snake encourages you to shed the old skin, to drop the excess baggage, let go of the dead weight. This ‘reset year’ accelerates the peeling away of outdated density so the new can replace it.
In Chinese Astrology, the Snake, the sixth animal in the cycle, is a symbol of wisdom, intuition, transformation, and rebirth.
During the Year of the Snake, you can develop certain Snake traits:
• Snakes are known for their strong will and determination, they don’t give up easily
• Snakes are often deep thinkers and great speakers
• Snakes are known for being loyal and caring, they form deep bonds with the people they care about
• Snakes are known for being strategic, and they know what they want and aren’t afraid to go and get it.
• Snakes are known for being curious and enjoy listening and learning of other people’s stories.
The Year of the Snake is a time to shed old habits and perspectives and uncover deeper truths.
Take advantage of 2025’s momentous zero degree reboot in the Year of the Snake to focus on self-discovery, introspection, and personal growth.