I fully expect to find that lightworkers of all persuasions are exhilarated by the return of Donald Trump and the hopeful signs of energetic and focused activity that his first week in office have brought.
He’s shown himself to be masterful at the art of the deal. The Trump Effect is energizing many people, I think, around the world to make big changes.
Lightworkers, truthers, patriots, vaccine resisters, MAGA, MAHA, activists of all stripes are probably looking forward to a flowering of truth and unity.
We lightworkers are serving the Divine Mother in ways we agreed to before birth, sharing the common promise to assist at the greatest event in human history, a mass, physical Ascension into a new and interdimensional region of space.
And it’s an eventful birth. The deep state are using the weather to devastate whole regions to try to tighten their control over the rest of us.
We know the Divine Plan – that love will win and we shall ascend, no matter what.
We know the white-hat plan – that preparations have carefully been laid to drain the swamp – to take down the deep state and release the world at large from a dismal fate.
Knowing that prepares us for the big reveal – the ten days of broadcasts – and the social trauma that may arise after that. The full truth will be known but we’ll need to deal with the consequences.
All that said, I must appear before you and report that we’re still a ways away from meeting our minimum monthly needs. Please help us, would you, to keep offering you, our beloved family of lightworkers, the news from a spiritual perspective, in optimism and love.
If you have extra means and can spare it, please hop on over to the Hope Chest and make a one-time or monthly donation.
Please accept our infinite gratitude and love for your continuing support.
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