Suzanne Maresca: Good morning and welcome to another offering of Heavenly Blessings with Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love and author of The New You: Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness and myself, Suzanne Maresca.
Today marks for me the fruitful beginning of a conversation that I feel is vital to the evolution of human consciousness. Mary Magdalene will be joining us to bring a greater understanding of Sacred Partnership and the role of the physical human body in connection with our divine nature.
This is far from a new topic but we’ve reached a place in the expansion of our awareness that will hopefully allow for a discussion of the sacred nature of human sexuality to become a normal and relaxed one. For too long physical pleasure and intimacy has been made into a source of guilt and shame, while in truth our bodies are innately gifted with the ability to be directly connected to Source through ecstasy.
I’m delighted to be embarking on this journey here and now and if I had any doubts about taking the discussion to our show the Divine Mother put that to rest at the conference in Tahoe earlier this month. So, thank you Linda for all your work around that gathering, it was truly wonderful to meet so many listeners and to share our hearts and experience with one another. And it’s great to be back on the air. Good morning!
Linda Dillon: Good morning Suzi and good morning everybody and yes, it was incredible to meet so many listeners and followers of both the Council of Love and the Golden Age of Gaia, and really just to be with our soul family. We did work and it was really important but it’s just the fact that we get to be together as well, that was really phenomenal.
And I’d Love to make a little announcement if I could…Everybody who came to the Gathering was told, and I’m here to reassure you, that you would be getting the link so that you could watch the Gathering and do the meditations and continue with the work because that’s really important. It’s not just about 3 days and now I’m done, it’s so that you could watch the video and continue on.
Now, there’s been a delay in terms of the video company, Pashley, getting it to us. There was a mix-up in the mail, but we’ve been reassured that we will have that video by Wednesday afternoon. We plan to have it up and available to all the conference attendees by the weekend. It will also be available to purchase for those who didn’t register for the live-stream, who want to watch it and receive all those blessings because it’s already encoded in the video. So, don’t think that we forgot. It’s just been a little screwy in terms of the delay.
SM: It has been and I would like to invite conference attendees to write to me through the Contact Us on the Golden Age of Gaia blog site. I was so caught up in being in the moment that I really didn’t exchange contact information with very many people.
LD: Who was it that used to say “keep those cards and letters coming in”? (Laughter) So, that’s what we’re inviting you to do is write to us and tell us, too, what your burning issues are, what your core issues are and what you’d like to see us talking about and listening to.
This isn’t just me sitting in a room and meditating and receiving messages from Mother Mary or Sanat Kumara about what they want to talk about. It’s also not just Suzi and I coming up with a theme du jour, it’s building community. We really want to hear from you.
SM: Yes, beautiful. Alright, are we going to jump in here with a meditation?
LD: You know, it sounds like a plan.
SM: Fabulous.
LD: Away we go…so, welcome back everybody, welcome back Linda and Suzi.
Let’s begin by taking a nice deep breathe of that deep rose color, not a red rose but a deep pink, almost fuchsia, and breathe it in through your nose and breathe it out through your mouth as you sink into the chair, the floor, your bed, your car seat, wherever you are and let go. Let go the day, of your to-do list, of what lies ahead, what lies behind, and just be.
Relax your shoulders, relax your jaw, relax your hands…put them on your lap…and feel yourself sinking in to wherever you’re sitting so that you feel like you weigh 2000 pounds, that you couldn’t move if you wanted to. And breathe that pink, that deep, rich pink; the sweetheart rose, the color of sunrise, the flush of a baby’s cheek.
And with each breath feel yourself going deeper and dropping into your heart. Now feel your heart, that beautiful place of emerald green, this morning turning into that pink rose, and feel it unfurl and blossom.
Open it wide. Breathe in that fragrance that is the blend of Mother Mary, the Magdalena and Gaia, and your beloved pink, your pink flame. Open it wide, wider, and feel that stem of the rose. Go down into your heart, your solar plexus, your Halion bridge, down into your umbilical, your pubic, and your root and feel each of these areas opening and blossoming and awake. And continue and feel that stem of your rose go down into the heart of Gaia, or as the case may be, up into the heart of Gaia, and feel that deep anchoring, not only to the Divine, not only to the Archangel Gaia, but to that earthy Mother, to that sense of being in your incredible body.
Take a moment and love your body, love this physical form that you have chosen, that you have designed in concert with your guides, with the Mother, with the Council of Love, with the Company of Heaven. Love yourself, not just your soul but your physical form.
Now, come back up to your heart and feel that blossom expand even further and allow that Love to be spread out, to be beamed out to every living person, every flower, every animal, every being upon the planet, no exceptions, because Love never judges. So beam and as you beam open and receive.
The continual and final message of Universal Mother Mary while we were together in Lake Tahoe was to prepare to receive. So, open your heart and receive.
Greetings, I am the Magdalena, I am Mary, but I like and I choose to be called the Magdalena as well, for it is how I am known throughout, above and below. And I welcome you, my beloveds, this day and I embrace you, I enfold you, I reach out to you, I receive you and yes, I come this day to continue our conversations on the very nature and essence of Sacred Union, of Sacred Partnership, with yourself, with your beloved other, with the Divine, with your family.
These are inseparable, it is not merely a continuum; these are the pieces of a whole. You do not have one aspect of sacred union, of partnership, without having it all. Oh, have you thought and limited yourself in this manner? Yes.
Now, let us begin. Why do I deliberately choose to use this word? As you know, the Council has been redefining words and the understanding of many words in your languages, plural, because there has been grave misunderstanding.
I use this word ‘sacred’ because so often there is an actual or subtle belief in your psyche, in your emotional body, your mental body and certainly in your physical body, that ‘sacred’ somehow means ‘holy’ and that ‘holy’ somehow means ‘chaste’ and that ‘chaste’ means somehow not to engage in the physical realm.
My beloved family, why, why on Earth or Arcturus or Electra or Cee Cee Cee or Venus, why would anyone assume a physical form, particularly for the purposes of Ascension in this time, in this place, and then wish to divorce themselves from the physical reality of being in a body?
The physical vessel is a sacred creation; it is a co-creation with you, with the Mother, with your guides, with many. But the purpose is to know joy and to know Love, in all its forms, in form. There has been too much, and I speak of this from a very personal perspective, too much denial of, what we would say, organized religion, perhaps with the purest of intent…we do not judge, we simply discuss…but there as been too much denial of the physical reality.
There has been this, misconstrued is the nicest way to put it, misconstrued belief that the purpose of the body is to overcome the temptations of the body. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Many throughout history…well brief history – 2000 years…have tried to portray me as a whore, as a wanton woman who was saved through the chastity of my beloved husband, Yeshua. Why was this so?
Well, one of the reasons, and there were many, but one of the reasons, in my training as an adept, as what you may think of as a priestess…that is not a term I would use…I was taught and I came to Gaia with the full knowledge and understanding of the joy of being in form, of the blessings of being in form.
The Universal Mother has spoken to you about her grand passion for her beloved husband, Joseph. I will tell you the very first time I saw my beloved Yeshua, yes, my heart began to race and I felt that sense of desire, of passion for this man.
I did not merely love Yeshi because he was the son of God, because he was a savior, because he was a king, because he was chosen, in fact, in many ways that was part of the challenge of our relationship. Yes, we had and have a very deep soul contract but we also had a very sacred soul union.
But I did not long for this man, this human being, because of his position or the fact that the path that he walked and that I would walk and had already been walking. It was not merely about our sacred work as you would term it.
Our relationship, our sacred marriage was about the fullness of being on Earth, in loving one another in every sense of the word, of loving and honoring our sacred selves, of having a family, of sharing the joy and the sorrow, the laughter and the tears, the physical and the spiritual, the tangible and the intangible, the ordinary and the sublime. It was not limited, otherwise it would not have been a sacred partnership.
One of the areas that was, in many ways, overlooked with the marriage between Yeshua and myself was the patterning, the laying down, the example of what sacred union would look like, what it would feel like. It was not meant, and it did not, exclude sexuality or our physical form. How could it?
That would be like saying ‘yes, they lived upon the planet but they did not eat, they did not drink, they did not break bread or drink wine together.’ That was part of the joy, not only amongst us but with our friends, our family; it would have made no sense at all.
Part of being in form is knowing your divine connection and knowing your divine connection is not merely or restricted to spiritual practice, it is also in the physical reality, it is in the emotional body, it is in the mental body, and yes dear hearts, it is in the physical form.
To ignore your body and what that means in terms of physical intimacy in relationship; that is critical. You cannot separate, you can try, and therefore you are absenting yourself from one of the greatest joys.
So yes, we come to talk more and more, not exclusively but more and more, to bring your attention to your physical form because this Ascension is about being in physical form. And if you are not fully inhabiting your body, if you are constantly trying to get out and deny your body, then what is happening is you are only half-way present and you cannot be fully inter-dimensional, multi-dimensional, doing your physical work, your spiritual work, your family work if you are not present.
Let us start there. Yes Suzi, you may begin my dearest friend.
SM: Aha, you know, I have so many questions! I’m just wondering how gently we need to step into this dialogue because so many of us have deep conditioning around sex and intimacy. But conversations that I had with folks at the conference told me we we’re more than ready to launch into this. It’s time, and if people have discomfort around this, we can look at that as a road map for healing our sexual wounding.
Earlier you asked why we would look at our bodies in such a way but it’s been a mission, it seems, of religions to make us feel that our sexual nature is a lower form of expression. It just seems to me that it would be a really great way to perpetuate the illusion of separation.
In my personal experience our physical bodies are a perfect conduit for connecting to the Divine through orgasm and ecstasy. So, what I would really like to know is if you have any suggestions as to how people can undo their conditioning because there’s so much shame and guilt around it?
MM: But understand and that is one of the reasons why we can have this conversation. Guilt, blame, shame, fault, all of these were constructs of your old 3rd dimension. Now, do you really wish to carry them into the renewed 3rd of physicality, into the 4th, the 5th, the 6th, the 7th? Of course not.
Now, what this sense of orgasm, which is very brief when you think of a day, orgasm is usually about 27 seconds. It is not that long is it? So why such a fuss? Well, I will tell you why, and it is the same conversation that we have had for thousands of years.
Now let us begin with singular orgasm, so yes, we will use the word masturbation. If you are having to pleasure yourself and you have that moment of ecstasy, everything falls away and you feel that connection, not only to the Divine, you become that spark of light once again so you remember. And what that does, dear heart, is it disempowers those who say, “I am your conduit to the Divine.”
So, of course they have to suggest that this, in fact, is not a legitimate way to connect. So, the way that that has been done is to say, “No, I speak directly to God and he tells me that such an act of bliss, of orgasm, is, in fact, dirty and a sin so you’d better stop doing that and go through me.”
Now this is the patriarchal that was then also passed along to the feminine, to women, to say, “Now, don’t you think of doing this either.” So, of course, since they did not want women to be empowered, and that was their greatest difficulty with me, I knew the sense of connection, spiritually, mentally, physically, every way.
And I also knew, as do you, that when you conjoin with your partner, with your sacred partner, because there is nothing casual about sex and intercourse, it is such a blending of energy.
Many of you spend time meditation, sometimes for a few minutes, sometimes for hours, sometimes for years, going into the cave to seek that merger with the divine, and yet when you engage in sexual intercourse what you are doing is you are merging with the energies of your partner and in that moment of bliss you are also merging with your twin flames and you are returning to that spark of light and merging with All.
So, it is a reinforcement, it is a signal to you that, in fact, there is no separation and that being in your body and taking joy, not only in sex but in brushing your hair, brushing your teeth, feeding your body, loving your body, loving each other’s bodies, that there is a joy of connection to the divine, not a disconnection.
So, to answer your question about how does one rid themselves of this guilt and shame or a fear. You did not mention thus but I will…in allowing oneself the ecstasy or bliss there is also that moment of surrender. There is that relinquishing of control and this is a point of great fear for many.
So, how do you let go of it? Give it away; it is that simple. Give it to the Mother, give it to me, give it to Gaia, give it to your guides. Look at it. Do not simply say, “Okay, now I am giving it away” because that does not work.
So, look at what the function of that guilt or fear or that shame really is in your life and the role that it plays is to deny you joy, connection, Love and bliss. So it is a form of self-punishment.
SM: Exactly. May I ask you about your training? You said you came in to this life as an adept, so you were fully trained already?
MM: I was aware, the veil between my, shall we say, my oversoul and my being was fully open and yes, I was trained in many ways and in many traditions. I have said before and I do not think that many have fully heard me, is that when Yeshua and I came together it was a pact, a soul agreement, but I was already a full and open channel and I was already, what you would think of, as the specialist in ritual.
So, it was a perfect complement to our union. Not that it overrode the human aspect of being in relationship and family, but because I had had, from a very early age, about 4, had that open conversation directly with the Mother. I had the insight, I was very clear in my path. Some of my training was more to make me culturally appropriate for the times and for what lay ahead, but it was not training that brought me to be in the place of being in open communication with home.
Then the sacred rituals, which are so important, yes, many say now I do not need rituals, but certainly in that lifetime, the culture, and particularly Judaism, was very deep in ritual. So there was a strong belief system that things were done in a certain order; and this was true of many of the sects as well.
So yes, I was trained in various schools, what you would think of as mystery schools, to know the rituals and also…and that would include the ritual of physical body as well.
SM: May I ask you if there are many in form on the planet who might have trained in those schools with you, that maybe carry the responsibility of bringing the Divine Feminine back and the nature of our Divine sexuality?
MM: Yes there are. I was not a loner and yes there are many in the circle, can I say, of my sisters in particular.
But, of course, many incarnate now as men and yes, most are upon the planet.
SM: Wow. Will there be a time when we become activated and ready to spread the word? I mean, it feels a little awkward at this point but I really feel this is a vital message for people to get and understand.
MM: It is a beginning, dear heart. This is the beginning. Do you not think that the Mother, in her announcement or discussion has not opened that door? And it is time. You see, there has been so much beautiful work, strict adherence to reaching that sense of reaching, of yearning, of trying to connect and to ascend and many, to this day still think of Ascension as leaving your old body behind.
The Mother has been very clear and I will be very clear, it is about bringing it all into your body. And you say, “Well, I do not know if I can carry all that.” Dear heart, you are constructed to carry all that and when you think of the term of orgasm, of that sense of bliss, yes you return to the spark of light but it is also a precursor, a sample if you would, of what it feels like to live and to be in physical divine union at all times.
SM: Right. Alright I have a question and this is somewhat personal, I’m just wondering if the rituals have changed? Because before I started reading about any of this I’ve been feeling it and practicing it with the Sun in my back yard in my hammock. It’s been a wonderful time and there’s so much information it seems like a wonderful manifesting tool. You talk about the importance of ritual but I feel like I’ve been doing this without even knowing what the rituals are. So, has that changed? Are we in a more direct access place at this point?
MM: One of the things that I taught, in addition to ritual, because I would prepare, for example, when we would have a gathering, whether it was in the middle of a field or in a sacred home setting, one of the things I would always teach is to develop your own sacred ritual.
What is ritual other than doing something in a sacred manner, of suggesting and connecting and the universe with all that is divine and holy and saying, “Now I join with you”? Do not think sweet angel that your hammock occupation is not a ritual because it is.
So, the key is not to follow what somebody else, whether it is me or the church or anybody tells you it is a sacred ritual, the way to do something. That is one pathway, but the point of ritual is for you to find what works for you.
Now, let us be practical because we are talking this day about physical intimacy. We are beginning to speak about physical intimacy and I am sure all of you have noted this: Sometimes a ritual for one couple will be to hold hands and to look into each other’s eyes ~ and perhaps it is always the prelude of a sweet dinner together or a glass of wine. For another it is jumping on one another as soon as you walk through the door. For another it is a lengthy prelude of a weekend together building up to the crescendo of intimacy.
It is a ritual, it is a mating ritual and is different for each person. So, why would sacred ritual not be different for each individual? It is the same for families; for some it is a ritual…Sunday dinner…there is an entire ritual in the laying of the table, the family coming together, what foods you cook, how you eat.
For others the ritual is Friday night spaghetti. For others it is we go as a family to the movies or we have a conversation every Saturday morning around the kitchen table. Each family has their ritual in how to come together. And these are sacred rituals and are borne out of what works for you.
SM: Right. Perfect. Thank you for that. I have a kind of a difficult question here and it’s about sexually transmitted diseases. It feels like there’s a lot of fear, that people don’t want to engage with one another for fear of sexually transmitted diseases. They’re all over the place and you can have it without even knowing it and pass it around and…are these things created specifically to keep us from this sacred knowledge?
MM: This is a difficult question as you have put it. Now, there are many aspects to this. Now, I begin by saying as you know when I suggest to you that sacred sexual intimacy is so much more than what people have thought of as sex, that it is a blending and a coming together of your entire field with another.
It is a merger that does not really have any other point of comparison in physical form. And that doesn’t matter whether it is heterosexual, woman to woman, male to male, it is still a sacred union because it is a heart union. So, sex without the heart is meaningless and in fact it can be risky, not sexually transmitted risky, but risky in terms of you are involving your field with another without truly considering what that means.
So, am I suggesting that casual sex is something that is encouraged? No I am not because it is sacred. Now, better to have sacred sex by yourself. Now, let us talk about the issue of transmitted diseases; yes, of course, there are pathogens, et cetera, but what are these? Oh, if you were a scientist you will tell me all the suggested ways, but truly they are ideation, they are beliefs that have morphed into form and it is a, what you can think of as a two headed hydra.
On the one hand, it prevents you from engaging in sexual activity that is not beneficial to you. On the other hand it is punishing you for what you want to do, which is absurd, And actually there is a third head to this hydra and that is to give you the fear factor, that in fact I truly want to engage but I don’t dare. So, you are held hostage by the fear.
Now, you are almost, and when I say you I mean the human collective, the vibration at which disease can flourish is actually quite low. So, if your vibration is low, and I do not say this, do not judge yourself, the vibration at which sexually transmitted diseases and many diseases can exist is an extremely low vibration. Now, because I say it is a low vibration it is also voracious.
When you are at a very high vibration, appetites, for example, are not voracious. When you are at a lower vibration, and I am talking energetically now, when you are at a lower vibration the appetite is voracious and it sinks its claws into your physical body. And so what happens is it feeds into your guilt, your fear, your shame, it holds you in the old 3rd dimension.
Now, is this some kind of plot on the part of those who wish to control? Not necessarily. Is there great money to be made by the various pharmaceutical companies? Yes. So, there is not a true human desire on the part of humanity to cure and eliminate these diseases whether it is AIDS or herpes, which by the way is probably the most virulent, voracious infection to cure. And so, it holds you in a lower place.
The solution, until such time as you have learned as a collective, not to simply know what drugs to use but to simply not allow the existence…and you are almost there…of such disease…dis-ease…is to practice safe sex but to not allow things like guilt and shame to bar you from your joy.
That would be like saying, “I do not like my body, it is slightly overweight, therefore, I will starve myself to death.” That makes no sense; the key to that is to eat more green, to connect more deeply with Gaia.
SM: Right, Ah, beautiful. I so appreciate you coming here to talk about this topic, it’s really important and I was wondering if you have any closing comments?
MM: Dear heart, this is probably a surprise and I hope not a shock to many of you; I do not hold myself in a place of ascended master or saint. I speak to you as sister and for some of you as mother. I want you to know and embrace the joy of being in form; it is such a magnificent gift.
You are the carriers of Nova Earth, of the future, not merely of this planet but far beyond. How would you ever do that if you are not in joy of being in your body and that means all of your bodies, the physicality included?
So, I reach out to you as sister and I encourage you to not practice denial ~ practice fulfillment. Let go and truly embrace sacred intimacy because it is a gift. We have spoken of the issue of merging but what we have not really touched upon is the enormous gift that your partner gives you in that merging as well.
It is not merely you giving, it is the infinite ebb and flow of give and receive, it is that perfect balance. It is you saying, “My heart is open enough, vulnerable enough, and strong enough to truly engage in becoming One.”
And in that union is the creation, not merely of new life, of the continuation of the species, you are creating new life in each one of you and in-between you, you are creating beyond your imagination such an expansion of energy that it touches every heart upon the planet. That’s what Yeshua and I were doing.
SM: Beautiful. Would you be willing to come back to discuss in more detail…maybe things that we can do on the topic?
MM: I would be glad to for this is a conversation and it is my time to step forward and have it with thee.
SM: You’re most welcome, most, most welcome.
MM: Go with my Love sweet angels. And if you wish help with this issue, turn to me. If you wish to know what your sacred ritual is, turn to me, I will help. Go with my Love.
SM: I Love you.
MM: And I Love you, I Love all of you. Farewell.
SM: Farewell.
Listen to the full show here.
Channeled by Linda Dillon 10-21-14
© 2014 Council of Love