Matthew asked that the “Special NESARA Edition” of his messages be reproduced and so I post it here. It is composed of several messages from 2003 and 2005.
Special NESARA Edition
NOTE: Although Hatonn and I have communicated ever since the opening of my telepathic connection January 1994 (and he gave me information for two chapters of Voices of the Universe,) this is the first message he asked me to circulate with one of Matthew’s.
July 18, 2005
1. HATONN: I’d like to lay to rest this NESARA announcement business for once and for all. Getting to the point of proving that NESARA is real is an ongoing process with a great deal of progressive activity that has not been given to any channel. Any and all messages that have been giving dates and telling of hostages and CNN takeovers and especially the killings! – are NOT coming from any of us! I assure you, nothing I’ve ever said to any channel has been in that realm of the absurdity!
2. That leaves the DISinformation specialists in either spirit or in body as the “newsmakers.” What’s to be accomplished besides confusion and disillusionment in the believers and jeers from the crowd that always has doubted there is a NESARA? Isn’t that enough mischief? From our viewpoint, it is! The energy wasted in both camps is distressing! I’m in charge of all communication between Earth and all points elsewhere, and there’s this hodgepodge of false information going around that I’m trying to get straightened out! I wish the well-meaning people who are sending around those messages with such elaborate explanations would stop and think, “Would ‘ETs’ and Sananda really send us all those details?” They would see how unlikely that is and look elsewhere for verification of true happenings. I strongly suggest they look to their godselves, where all truth is known!
3. By the day we near the time when NESARA will be known – no, I didn’t say “announced” because I don’t mean “announced” – I mean “known” – but we don’t know when that day will be. We aren’t sitting idly waiting for it to amble into sight – we’re doing everything within the processes that govern any US legislation so that never can they throw at us, “You took over our planet!” Of course this is bigger than the US president and his administration’s power group, but they always have the ear of the rest of the world.
4. Those of you who are familiar with Matthew’s messages know that he has made the point several times that even without NESARA’s announcement, forward movement is constantly underway toward the same goals. That is exactly what is going on – we’re progressing on the same fronts by other means. Anything we do is not by our decision alone, but in conjunction with your own people who will emerge as the vanguard of the transitional government.
5. There are two ways this can go. Nothing is written in stone and we don’t know which way at this point will best serve you. Things can be changed by going what you’d call forward or backward in time. We don’t expect you to understand this, so you simply have to trust that we’re proceeding cautiously and wisely so that the logistics of major changes will come about as smoothly as possible.
6. This isn’t a revolution in the sense that your history books tell, but many of those who are in prime roles now or soon will be have served in multiple changeovers of ruling bodies. They have learned what is necessary and what isn’t, and that’s why they wanted to come back and achieve change without the chaos and bloodshed of your past. We know your patience is exhausted waiting for NESARA to come and with it, the resignations of the US president and his administration.
7. Stop waiting and live fully and let NESARA lie! If you must think of it, think of it as a blueprint or a set of short- and long-term goals and not as the whole enchilada — yes, I know your expression –- coming all at once. Processes in motion will be slower but just as certain in the results that NESARA intends. The house of cards that is the US Congress is falling like dominoes in slow motion behind the scenes. There are holdouts, and we can’t say that we didn’t anticipate this, but the many who are responding to the light—and light is our ONLY weapon!—will be helping us to influence the ones still on teeter totters.
PS. July 26, 2005
8. Suzanne, please add to my message that when we undertake important missions, such as assisting you all in this transition out of darkness into light, we DO NOT MAKE MISTAKES! The series of bumblings given as “reasons” that NESARA never gets announced time after time are just plain nonsense! Anyone who knows the truth of us realizes that, but the people whose discernment is just developing could see us as part of the problem, because however could bumblers be part of the solution?
December 31, 2005
HATONN: I bid you “Good evening,” Suzy, with thanks for receiving me in these last hours of your year 2005. I ask that you send out my message with the next one from Matthew.
This is Hatonn speaking in my capacity as director of communications between Earth and all points elsewhere during the era of Earth changes. You may know of me as commander of an intergalactic fleet. That is another of my “hats,” but in this moment, my focus is communications about another area of my activity, what you commonly refer to as NESARA. I am here to give a definitive statement in particular, but not exclusively, to all who have been working diligently to initiate NESARA’s wide-reaching reforms and now don’t know what to believe.
The National Economic Security and Reformation Act—please note this accurate name—is as real as anything else on Earth, so to all skeptics, please put to rest the impression that it is merely a wish in the minds of some who intensely desire a legislated remedy to your world’s problems. Nevertheless, that view does have some validity. Like everything else in the universe, this Act’s formation was preceded by and manifested through thought forms. You are inured to living within manmade laws, so we had to put this within an acceptable legal framework. In accordance with universal laws, the framework had to specify means to achieve the Act’s objectives so the universe knows what situations to present in aid of manifesting the desired results of peace, justice, equitability and accountability starting in the United States and extending worldwide.
That said, a great deal of DISinformation about NESARA has been promulgated by various sources to discredit this Act. That isn’t surprising, because its provisions strip them of political and economic control over you. But it’s unfortunate that NESARA has become better known through those means than the correct information from knowledgeable sources, such as Matthew. Approximately two and a half years ago we asked him to issue our collective statement that described NESARA as the divinely inspired co-creation of highly evolved beings on and beyond Earth to engender good will among her humankind and a fair share of good fortune for all. Food for the spirit is not enough for the majority of your population, who are oppressed and deprived, and NESARA was born of Earth’s desire for betterment in the lives of all her resident souls.
In that message Matthew also spoke of Dove’s credible reports, and at that point and for a time afterwards, she did faithfully report what she was told by lighted souls both on and off-planet. That changed about two years ago, when it became evident from our higher vantage point that the control of the ones we call “dark” was sufficient to prevent NESARA’s implementation well past the optimum universal timing. Ah yes, the movement of celestial bodies has great bearing on what happens in your world, and they don’t wait for procrastinators. To adhere with that timeframe, we opened new avenues to accomplish the identical aims of NESARA, more slowly, but with equally certain outcome.
Dove’s preoccupation with the success of the program in its exact design that was the basis of her reports clouded her receptivity to the new multi-faceted course. In spirit this course is aligned with NESARA’s provisions, but it can move independent of the Act’s restrictive legal requirements that the dark ones were manipulating to their advantage. Dove’s dedication that had been admirable in its fervor and exhaustiveness turned into egotism with her choice to report what she felt would be more effective than our new direction. Light and egotism aren’t compatible, and with her change in attitude, her light faded. She lost her former high connections along with her ability to discern that she was reaching dark entities or to properly evaluate information from Earth sources. The natural consequence is the inaccurate information she has been issuing.
Until a very short time ago, that made no difference at all in the “behind the scenes” progress. Although further efforts in the old direction were futile in one respect, in another, and far more important respect, they were powerful. The light generated by the intent of all involved enabled the “lift-off” and then sustained energy momentum of the new processes to fulfill NESARA’s objectives. But Dove’s recent contentions that are strikingly without factual basis have caused considerable confusion. Introducing this kind of energy attachment is not helping to propel our activities’ momentum to surge pace, and that’s why I am telling you what has transpired. The energy of your belief that NESARA’s objectives ARE being met, albeit on a parallel track, is as imperative now as before.
This is not a place for anger or shame, but rather sadness that the soul who once correctly reported on NESARA unwittingly veered off the light course. We honor Dove’s service within her original mission and we beam intense light for her return. We beam the same to the dark entities that falsely claim to be me or other beings of light, and to the receivers who believe them and send out that false information. Be keenly discerning about all channeled messages! Especially in this late phase of Earth’s transition out of third density, knowing what is true and what is false is critical for your own sakes! We urge you to look beyond the mass of muddled information about NESARA, Second Coming, First Contact, disastrous destruction to land masses, nuclear war potential, a dying planet—listen to what your souls are telling you!
Hold within your hearts the vision of the world you want for yourselves and your families, for all the inheritors of Earth:
A world where peace and love replace war and hatred; where governments are led by just, prudent and spiritual women and men, not power-mongers led by darkness; where fair distribution of all resources replaces the extremes of egregious greed and desperate poverty; where universal and planetary truths replace the web of lies that has controlled your lives.
The concept and intent of NESARA is to help you create that world on Earth. You do not have to know of this Act or, if you do, you don’t have to believe in its actuality—wanting the same intentions that it embodies is what counts. IT ALREADY HAS COUNTED! You are reading this in the early days of your year 2006, when wars, suffering, tyranny, corruption and the like can be seen wherever you look. But in this very same instant in the continuum, where everything is NOW, Earth is peaceful and beautiful and all of that negativity is gone. She has reached her chosen destination where low-vibration manifestations don’t exist. The world of your vision, the “future” world you are helping to create right now, already IS!
[This is Matthew’s message that Hatonn referred to. Before becoming a chapter in Voices of the Universe, it was widely distributed and posted/archived on many sites.]
August 7, 2003
MATTHEW: My greetings in love to all! I have requested my mother to receive this important message and pass on to her usual sources for disseminating. I believe that my credibility as one of God’s messengers has been established with those who are familiar with the Matthew Books and my messages that have been posted on various Internet sites. In any event, I have been appointed by the highest light beings to speak more comprehensively than I have previously about the vital Earth reformation program commonly known as NESARA. Before that, I say this: NESARA WILL be implemented, and it will be done more quickly if its reality is trusted and all who know of it hold convictions toward that success!
Some consider NESARA to be political and economic in nature while others view it as spiritual because of the high level light beings affiliated with it. NESARA is both. When people are severely oppressed by political and economic conditions that foster impoverished living circumstances, lack of health care and education, monopoly of natural resources, slave labor, unjust laws and courts, starvation, and tyrannical regimes, offering “soul food” isn’t enough. When people are preoccupied with mere survival requirements, giving them only spiritual messages is not going to bring about the global reforms they need to rise out of their misery. That is why the provisions of NESARA are monumental in scope, embodying sweeping reforms for Earth that will begin as soon as the legislation is officially announced. When people become aware of the reforms, they will be motivated to participate according to their capabilities.
As in all other aspects of polarity still existing on Earth, NESARA is at one extreme and the dark forces that Dove and the members themselves call the Illuminati are at the other. Mother, I need to interject something here. The work Dove is doing to inform about the progress of NESARA is imperative, and it is essential that her credibility and value be understood on Earth just as it is in the higher planes, where it is given great honor. Now I return to explaining the darkness of the Illuminati. This powerful cabal has long recognized that to retain their control of Earth’s people, they must keep them in ignorance and fear, and for millennia that has worked well for those currently in power and their dark predecessors. Now they are realizing that it cannot work for them much longer, and they are sparing no tactic to hold onto their fast-ebbing control. They rightly see NESARA as their total uprooting, because once the program’s reforms are implemented, the control of the darkness will crumble totally.
It is necessary that you understand the reality that is beyond the religious and scientific dogma that have structured, dominated and limited your awareness. NESARA is far more than a piece of legislation in the United States. The extraterrestrial beings at high stations of soul evolvement who initiated the ideas within NESARA’s programs to assist Earth humans’ rise in spiritual clarity are doing so at the invitation—indeed, the plea!—of Earth. Your planet could have not survived any more assaults of the negativity being continuously generated by human brutality to each other, to the animal and plant kingdoms or to the physical body of Earth. All wars and other violence, famine, disease, ruthless leaders, environmental destruction and economic strangulation have been instituted by the influence of the dark forces.
Relief from all the suffering caused by these conditions was essential or your planet would die. Over half a century back in your counting, Earth had reached that point of damage to her body and soul. She had the choice of her soul ascending and allowing her planetary body to die, or surviving intact. Her soul chose to survive in its physical planetary form, but in her greatly weakened condition due to the extent of trauma she had long suffered, she could not do it without massive assistance. Light beings of extraterrestrial civilizations responded to her cry for help, and among these countless souls who have come to her rescue are those who have been working with diligence and dedication to the reforms embodied in NESARA. So you see, it is by Earth’s quest for help that these beings, in conjunction with Earth humans, are performing their various missions on and off-planet to get this vast, vital program underway to rejuvenate physical Earth and enlighten and uplift her people.
It is understandable that you who are familiar with Dove’s reports could become discouraged by the delays in NESARA’s announcement because you have no “behind the scenes” knowledge of what is causing these. There are two major reasons. First, the NESARA legislation is being processed within the laws of the God-inspired original US constitution. It is important that you understand this is not a take-over by ETs to initiate the light in these programs, however desperately needed by Earth. In collaboration with wise, just and highly spiritual Earth humans, ETs are helping in myriad ways to restore health to your planet. Knowing of Earth’s travail and out of their love for her, souls chose to reincarnate as Earth humans and assist their universal brotherhood in recreating heaven on Earth, and some are doing this through NESARA’s provisions.
Second, the dark forces are fighting tooth and nail to prevent even the awareness of NESARA, much less its implementation, and at this point, delaying the announcement that must by law precede enactment of the widespread provisions is the only weapon left to them. They have been successful thus far in achieving delays by many means: assassinations of influential people who favor initiating the provisions without delay as well as others actively working toward this end; death threats to the families of light workers and to the workers themselves; double-agents within the ranks of the light workers; and terrorist assaults. The US internal terrorist act of September 11, 2001, was the most dramatic of these tactics. The laboratory-produced SARS disease was meant to be another global fear instigator, but its effects were greatly reduced by efforts of light workers.
Another delaying tactic is disinformation and non-information through control of major media. The disinformation program includes claims that NESARA as reported by Dove and she herself are frauds. Dove has reported information accurately as it has been given to her, and it has been discouraging to her, not only to you readers of her reports, that time after time the announcement has been delayed. In the beginning of spreading the word about NESARA, it was necessary to get your attention, to encourage you to generate positive energy attachments to the program and give it impetus, and that is achieved by the power of your thoughts and feelings. I cannot emphasize too strongly that your active participation in adding to the light energy momentum is essential—NESARA is to your benefit! However, since nothing in the universe is isolated in its effects on everything else, it is within universal interests that Earth be lifted out of the third density limitations that for eons have kept you from knowing your eternal and inseparable connection with All That Is. NESARA is an integral part of this planetary ascension into higher vibratory dimensions.
Additionally, it is not correct to believe that even at this high station we can make accurate predictions in the linear time that exists on Earth and nowhere else in the universe. We can look into the energy field of potential and see the increased momentum of the light progress, which at that moment is optimistic and is reported as such. Then the dark forces strike again, and that optimism is tempered by the energy momentum they have gained.
When my mother first was asked for my viewpoint on NESARA, over a year and a half past in Earth counting, I confirmed its validity and the great benefits of its provisions, and I said that their implementation was not imminent. There was limited action in the field of potential then, and nothing registered there indicated that sufficient energy was being generated by the combined on and off-planet light forces so that NESARA would be announced any time “soon.”
Two factors were—are—affecting NESARA as in everything else: A great deal of planetary and individual karmic balancing still had to be played out, and by Creator’s law, souls’ free will must be respected except in the case of nuclear detonations in space. That includes the free will choices made by members of the dark forces to hold up and weaken—preferably doom—NESARA. Both Earth humans and extraterrestrials among you who look just like you have been using one tactic after another to delay NESARA’s announcement. Please don’t be disturbed by the fact that darkly-inclined extraterrestrials are operating on Earth—even more powerful extraterrestrial light beings also are among you. The dark ET’s, through inculcating in you greed, hatred, violence, ignorance and fear, want to continue to control you and your planet. The light ETs are there to help you take back control of your planet and your lives!
Whereas a year and a half ago there was limited energy being registered in the field of potential, now it is in total frenzy. This reflects the unprecedented extent of energy being generated by the light beings to dislodge the darkness and that forces’ last ditch efforts to hang onto their pockets of power that will be lost with the global changes NESARA will usher in. So, while you now can see why it simply cannot be estimated with accuracy the date of NESARA’s announcement, you can see that time is coming closer with each passing day!
Light is the tangible, directional facet of love, and love is the most powerful energy in the universe, the original creating material. NESARA is created in light-love. Do not doubt its power to transform Earth into the paradise it once was. Your part in this transformation is to let this truth of NESARA be known and to trust in its glorious intent and outcome!
With divine grace and the love of the universe, this is Matthew.
As Matthew mentions, a great deal of government disinformation is in various sites on the Internet. The ONLY site with truthful information is . Among other things, this site explains the provisions of this U.S. legislation, its history and the Dove reports.
[I’m including the following message especially because of the last two lines, which also refer to Matthew’s August 2003 NESARA message. But this entire message is enlightening and thought-provoking – it’s a chapter in Voices of the Universe too.]
October 4, 2003
GOD: This is a time for rejoicing! The polar extremes in what you call “human nature” have been reached. By universal law, nothing is static for a nanosecond, and the momentum has started to return Earth to the state of balance wherein the extremes will be reconciled. This does not mean perfection, that sublime state that exists only within Creator, as your planet will continue to be a learning placement for souls. But the violence, starvation, disease, cruelty—all the devastation caused to Earth and all her life forms by the will of the darkness—will continue to lessen until all are planetary history, and this is to happen quickly.
Earth will be restored to her former paradise self as she is rising into higher vibrations—this is assured! The critical question still is: Will you accompany her? And the answer still is, you will if you have enough light to physically survive in those higher vibrations. The choice is yours—that’s good news, and there doesn’t have to be any bad news unless you consider that absorbing enough light for your personal ascension isn’t automatic. You have some work to do.
Too many of you still don’t see what is so essential—it’s going to take some doing on your part to straighten out the mess your world is in. Yes, other civilizations all over “space” are in this with you—you wouldn’t be alive there if they weren’t—but it is not their world, it is YOURS. They can’t just pull the strings they know would swiftly return my beloved Gaia to health and rouse all the sleepyheads into remembering who they really are. That isn’t their responsibility. It isn’t even their prerogative. However benevolent and powerful those light civilizations are, they can only help you—they cannot do it all. This is the law of the universe, not an arbitrary cut-off line.
Moreover, what you do affects the entire universe. You are putting out energy with every idea or action, and the motives behind those carry an intensity that most of you don’t understand. Energy is neutral in this—it acts only in accordance with what you attach to it, and that is determined by your motives and intentions. So not only do you have the choice to uplift your home planet or not, you have the choice to do the same for the universe.
Regardless of your individual choices, Earth is going back into the higher vibrations where she was created and she would love to have all of you go along, but that decision isn’t hers—it’s YOURS! She has her free will and you have yours—it’s that simple.
Free will is Creator’s gift to all souls. Some have misused this gift, foremost to the detriment of their own soul evolution, but with fallout to billions of other souls to whom the few are denying the exercise of that same gift. I’m not overlooking the fact that karmic experiencing is part of what is happening. It is in the many, many cases where this is not what is happening that the situation is being corrected in this unprecedented era throughout the universe.
Even though this universe is my domain, I’m bound to honor Creator’s laws, and usurping or denying the free will of others is against one of those laws. So it’s my responsibility to get this situation back on track and I can’t do it without help. Maybe I’d better elucidate a bit here or I’ll make myself look like a wimp, which I’m not.
I have explained that I am each of my parts regardless of their station spiritually, and as parts of me, each is loved equally regardless of free will choices, even when those choices are against their own spiritual evolvement because they’re interfering with the free will of others. Your religions have defined what “sins” are. Not correctly, though. The ONLY “sin” is interfering with the growth of a soul, whether it is one’s own soul or others’ souls. Furthermore, “sin” is simply an error. It’s not what some religious dogmas have judged as evil or as a wrongdoing that can be atoned by performing a prescribed ritual—and certainly not by a sentence of death! If you didn’t make errors, you wouldn’t be on Earth—you’d be somewhere among the angels or highly spiritually evolved civilizations.
Earth is your school ground—it’s one of many, even some you know but don’t remember—and it’s a good one. The idea is to learn from what you perceive as errors so you can avoid more of the kinds of decisions and actions that are harmful to your soul’s growth and often to others’ as well. You were given a conscience so you can know when you are aligned with your soul-level contract and when you are straying from it. But a conscience, like anything else that is ignored time and time and time again, goes away or atrophies from lack of use.
Along with learning from the karmic circumstances you chose for bringing balance to your souls’ experiencing, you are just as free to make choices that aren’t in your soul-level agreements and thus not in your best interests. I cannot impinge upon your individual choices—nor would I want to! I just wish you would use your free will wisely. I can’t take sides in a great conflict, either, because even though I am all of you, I am foremost EACH of you. I am as strong as the strongest and as weak as the weakest. As the amalgamation of all my independent yet inseparable parts, I cannot act to change or exclude even one. Balance is what all souls are aiming for because within balance is the spiritual strength of reconciled polarity—that’s another of Creator’s laws—and I am only as strong as my parts that have achieved this status. So you see, all of my children collectively determine my strength.
There, Suzy, that should take care of explaining why I need help, and now I shall get on with what I have been leading up to. I requested you to state right up front in the last book that these books are not political forums. That still is so, but I cannot ignore this topic of politics because that is what has been running your world—mostly running it into the ground!—almost from the beginning. Not necessarily by that name, but by that ideology, where the strongest rule over the masses. That can be done wisely, benevolently, with the strong uplifting the weaker to the benefit of all. But instead, what I see is greater and greater political oppression to the detriment of all. The politics that controls all countries, all peoples, all economies and resources of your planet homeland has been instrumental in bringing your world to the devastated state it’s in.
In no country on Earth are people free. For millennia the dark souls of civilizations beyond your planet have been influencing their willing Earth brothers and sisters in leadership positions to deceive and intimidate the rest of the people. Regardless of who holds national leadership roles, they rule by the dictates of those forces that are unknown to the people and perhaps even to the rulers. The influence of those dark alien puppeteers has resulted in all declarations of war and all decisions regarding economies and resources of the world. Their secondary aim is increasing the control and wealth of Earth’s leaders, whose greed for power makes them eager puppets, thus today you have a world with unprecedented concentration of vast riches, impoverished nations, willful environmental destruction and corruption oozing out of corporate connections with governments.
The ultimate aim of the puppeteers is annihilation of your planet, and even though that will not happen, for beneficial changes to come, first there must be a change in the character of your world’s leaders. Voices must be raised with demands for leaders of spiritual integrity—that kind of character is exemplified, not merely proclaimed. I don’t mean that no leaders ever have been strong in virtues or that no voices ever have been raised in protest of injustice and inequities—indeed there have been those individuals. Many of those brave souls suffered or died for that, and much of their good works has been undone by succeeding generations who blindly followed self-serving leaders.
Now, the collective will of the people is rising in opposition to this continuing. Lies are being exposed, more lies are coming and those will be exposed, too. Oppressive governments in all nations will change. Although plans are afoot for this peaceful revolution through a joint effort between your civilization and many of your space family, that does not absolve any of you whose desire is a finer, brighter world from the responsibility of helping to create it. You all chose to be where you are at this time precisely so you could do exactly that! Actually, some of you embodied in other lifetimes as the greatest leaders of Earth and beyond, and you are back to take on similar inspirational and constructive roles now.
I’m not being contradictory here. Yes, wonderful changes are coming as Earth is rising. But that is with or without you! If you want to go along, you need your own light!
It is on three levels that you must act so that honorable governing bodies will be achieved. The first level is spiritual, and I’ll tell you what spiritual is NOT: It is not membership in any of the multitude of your religions. It is not the self-righteousness that is evident in great abundance. It is not escaping into a head-in-the-sand prayer life. It is not believing that neither good nor evil exists because those are only judgments. It is not accepting that everything is in divine order and will run its course without your participation. It is not refraining from seeing what is going on in your world because you’ve been told it all is an illusion. I am not saying that there is no truth in any of those; I am saying that spirituality is not inherent in any.
The spiritual level on which you will change your leaders from being ruled themselves to people worthy of being leaders—true leaders with spiritual integrity—is within your hearts. That’s your usual depiction of where love resides, is it not? Actually, the sensation of love is a province of the soul, but it has strong physical effects at the heart that instantly spread throughout your entirety to uplift your spirit, mind and body.
Love starts with self, with living so that loving self is as natural as breathing. Only then can you give and receive love. Love is contagious, unlimited, omnipresent. It is what changes bleakness of spirit into fullness of spirit, illness into health, lack into prosperity. It is the absence of love that breeds all the woes of your world, and it is filling the void that will cure the woes.
This is not asking you to love what brings misery and deprivation and harm! It is asking you to simply feel love so you can send forth that energy—it will seek its way to the void.
The second level is mental—deeply thinking to discern what is truth and what isn’t instead of buying into what candidates say. The catch is, what information is truthful and what is not? What sources can be trusted? You have been deceived for eons by a few souls in one generation after another after another who intend to retain the control over you, so access to the truth is not easily come by. How can I put this so it is not a series of Don’ts? Always I prefer to be positive in statements, and I’ve already compromised that by my explaining what being spiritual isn’t.
Very well, Suzy, I know how to proceed. Think of what you want in your world. If that is peace and harmony and cooperation, that’s where to focus your thoughts. What will bring that to the world? Think of what will: Respect and dignity for all races and faiths and genders; help wherever help is needed; equitable sharing of Earth’s vast riches; cures of all diseases; education, fulfilling work and comfortable homes; honesty, kindness, compassion, fairness, sharing, justness, forgiveness.
Think of all those qualities and circumstances and let your heart and conscience guide you to the candidates you most closely identify with them. The words of campaign promises are worthless without a candidate’s heart and soul in them. Let your heart and soul, not just your eyes and ears, lead you to the one person who embodies the love and light to uplift your world.
The third level is action. If you want to have a leader whom you trust, work toward that end. Publicly and financially support the person you want, but if that isn’t possible, then put forth your intention through the power of your energy focused on that person actually being in office. I cannot emphasize too strongly the power of energy sent out with attachments of intent! You can be sure that the current people in power will be amassing the strength of their supporters’ energy, because those supporters get the trickle-down largesse in exchange. You who want love, peace and harmony will receive those incomparably greater victories in exchange for the energy you issue forth to create them.
Because that grand and beautiful country called America is pivotal in determining what happens all over the planet, its 2004 presidential election is of international concern. The three levels of involvement I have just delineated apply to all people in the world as pertaining to this election. Discernment of information and energy are without national boundaries or distance limitations, so a South African or Brazilian or Chinese or Egyptian has the same power of focusing intent as any USA citizen.
That country may appear to be the haven for democracy, but that is a farce of the highest order. You may believe that legal and honest processes are observed in “democratic” elections, but it has been many, many decades since the last of those. There haven’t been any honest elections anywhere else on Earth, either, but it’s just not as obvious that there haven’t been any in the United States, where the citizens have been duped for such a long time into believing their voices and votes count.
The men and women in the federal government are not ruling that country “with freedom and justice for all.” Those are hollow words, just as the two-party system is meaningless insofar as giving voters a choice—the dark forces have influence that knows no party boundaries. Government officials who have acted in accordance with their sense of honesty and right-ness have been disposed of by one means or another. Those who are not killed are threatened with it or they are ridiculed into non-credibility or are forced into oblivion insofar as any influence. That is what has been passing as the “democratic system of government” in America.
Only with an honest voting process can the people’s choices be given their true value, and you citizens of USA don’t have that. Your votes are denied, ignored or manipulated to serve the interests of the “power elite,” one term used to denote the few most powerful people on Earth who are controlling everything to serve themselves. If you want to have an honest election for a change, work toward that end. Investigate the voter eligibility rolls and balloting mechanisms, the people who handle the ballots, the corporation that counts them and releases the totals to the networks for announcing. I tell you, there is deception and corruption up and down the line, and curing that ill has to precede the next presidential election.
Do I endorse a candidate? No, not by name, and telling you my choice isn’t what this is about. I’m ALL of the candidates, remember, and I’m not about to tell you which is YOUR choice. It’s your free will decision that counts, but first you need to get an honest balloting system in place, which is NOT the case now, or your vote won’t be worth a fig.
That’s it, Suzy. What do you think of that for a nonpolitical message?
S: I like it because I see my choice for president fitting in there exactly. I hoped you’d name him even though I didn’t really expect that. But would you comment on him, please?
GOD: He’s the one with the most light.
S: Isn’t that the same as he would be the best president?
GOD: It’s more. He would be in the position to lead the reforms your whole world needs and he is the one who can do that. Let’s talk about something else.
S: How do you feel about the President Bush part of you?
GOD: Oh, my. I saw that coming, of course, and I’m not side-stepping your question, little Suzy, but my reply isn’t going to satisfy you: As a part of me and I of him, he is loved by me without reservation, just as are all of my other myriad soul parts.
S: I think that is side-stepping my question.
GOD: That is the only answer I can give. Is there another issue you’d like to talk about? I’m asking even though I know your mind is blank—well, other than a bit of annoyance.
S: I’m sorry. Would you like to talk about something else?
GOD: Sure—anything else! It’s nice to see you smiling again!
S: OK, how about NESARA? [National Economic Security and Reformation Act.]
GOD: My dear, I can’t do any better than what Matthew has told you. Please insert that here, and then let’s call it a day.