It’s funny to think back to 9-10 years ago and remember how I conceptualized ‘awakening’ and ‘enlightenment’ then. At that time, I see that I thought of it in terms of an escape from the mundane or even unpleasant reality I was living in. My thought process was something like, “Once I’m enlightened, I’ll be […]
Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension via Suzanne Lie: Transmutation of Life – Adapting to the Shift
Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension: Transmutation of Life – Adapting to the Shift. Channelled by Suzanne Lie. June 30, 2014. Sandy Speaks: The day after our Kundalini experience we primarily slept, relaxed and played in the nearby pond. It was too cold to stay in the water for very long, but we would lay in the […]
Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension via Suzanne Lie: Transmutation of Life – Living In-Between
Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension: Transmutation of Life – Living In-Between. Channelled by Suzanne Lie. June 20, 2014. Jason Speaks: The next morning we awoke to a gorgeous day. Lantern had let us sleep in, as he knew we needed it. Sandy and I had thought we were going on a year-long vacation and gradually getting […]
The Planets Speak via Suzanne Lie: Cardinal Grand Cross of Transmutation (April 23/24)
The Planets Speak: Cardinal Grand Cross of Transmutation, as received by Suzanne Lie. April 20, 2014. The Planets Speak You may have heard of the Cardinal Grand Cross that will be exact in Earth’s sky on April 23 and 24th, 2014. There has been much written about this astrological event, so we the Planets […]
The Human Side of Ascension – Part 2
(Continued from Part 1.) This is undoubtedly where I got highjacked by egoic pride, this place where I conquered fear and death, separating and compartmentalizing myself away from all that could be threatening to my life continuing, all this coming from a deeply unconscious place by the way. This pride has been masquerading as a […]
The Ascended Masters: Ego is Energy that can be Transmuted
The Ascended Masters: Ego is Energy than can be Transmuted May 24, 2012 -Channeled through Wes Annac- You are all beautifully carrying forth the Light that you have held within yourselves for every bit of your Earthly experience, and this Light has gone unnoticed by so many of you throughout most of your Lives […]
Lightspeakers: Allow Transmutation to Occur
This message from the Lightspeakers, “non-physical teachers from higher dimensions,” through Christie Pennington, speaks for me, that’s for sure. I’m definitely feeling this “new wave of fatigue.” If I’m a bit slow off the takeoff, it’s because of, as the Lightspeakers describe it, a felt “inability to move.” All I can do in the face […]