I’ve racked my brain for the best descriptive term for our modern versions of the Illuminati. Centuries ago, the Illuminati thought themselves the illumined ones, fit and destined to rule the world.
They reinforced each other’s view of themselves as the chosen ones and did all they could to tighten their control on the people. (1)
“Cabal” and “deep state” are my current front runners for terms. But if I were to look for an even more precise term I’d choose “elitists.”
And precision here matters, in my opinion. Left/Right doesn’t capture what’s happening. Socialist/capitalist? Nope. …. Liberal/conservative? Not the way I understand either term.
If you look, you see all of these in this unnamed camp. But we still don’t seem to have hit upon what brings them together yet.
Elitists/Freedom-loving people? Now that looks promising.
The elite want to control the masses. The masses love and treasure their freedom. Some people, like the late Klaus Schwab (2) speak for the elite and some like Heritage Foundation President Dr. Kevin Roberts speak for the masses. (3)
Unless our descriptive term takes in most, if not all, the people we mean to include, it’s not useful. Looking at this group as “the elite” provides an umbrella that takes in, it turns out, pedophiles, Nazis, royalty, adrenochrome users, Satanists, etc., all of whom share a sense of fitness to rule, to decide the fate of the world and its people. (4)
The terms “cabal” and “deep state” already have an established community of usage and so I’ll continue to use them. But always for me what distinguishes them is that they believe themselves entitled to be among a select few destined, in their view, to rule the world.
(1) In my view, in the United States, some of the false flags that supported their desire to extend control over the people were the Oklahoma bombings, 9/11, and the Covid pandemic and vaccine.
(2) See Michael Baxter, “JAG Pulls Plug on Klaus Schwab,” April 26, 2024, at https://realrawnews.com/2024/4/jag-pulls-plug-on-klaus-schwab/.
(3) See “Heritage President Dr. Kevin Roberts Talks Straight to the WEF,”
(4) Matthew Ward’s discussions are relevant here:
“The Illuminati is not an organization of card-carrying members, but rather the ‘umbrella’ name of disparate groups and a large number of powerful individuals who have been controlling or heavily influencing the most important aspects of life throughout your world for centuries.
“In recent years they also have become known by other designations, such as the secret government, New World Order, dark cabal or the elitists; and they include the top figures in financial institutions, investment markets, multinational corporations, religions, education, media, military forces, judicial systems, entertainment, the medical ‘establishment,’ regulatory and advisory bodies, royal families, Zionists.” (Matthew’s Message, April 26, 2010, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm.)
“They have controlled governments, started civil and international wars, caused famines and widespread impoverishment, created boom times for industrialists and depressions for the poor, released laboratory-designed viruses, assassinated opposition.
“They are the perpetrators of unjust laws, Satanic rituals, chemtrails and other toxic pollution, destruction of animal life on land and in the seas, mind control, the ‘illegal’ drug industry, erosion of civil rights and denial of God-given freedoms, suppression or misuse of technology, political and ideological divisiveness. In short, the Illuminati have been profoundly adversely affecting all life on Earth—indeed, the very life of Earth herself!” (Matthew’s Message, April 26, 2010.)