I don’t agree with everything David Icke says – for instance, that World War III is in the making – but I have to acknowledge that he has been one of the bravest of lightworkers putting out some of the most difficult of revelations. None have been more difficult than his allegations that reptilian extraterrestrials […]
The Anglo-Saxon Mission – Part 5
In this final instalment of the revelations of a City of London whistleblower, we hear more about reptilians. Poor David Icke, who bore the brunt of criticism for so many years, talking about reptilians, now receives corroboration from another source, Our informant closes with “A new Golden Age? No, not quite.” Yes, quite. Believe it. […]
David Icke: Human Race, Get Off Your Knees
I remember around two or three years back reading the revelations of “Svali,” an Illuminati trainer. They were so shocking and left me feeling so upset that I elected to read no further and not school myself in what the Illuminati were really up to. I now think the Illuminati depend on us having this […]
David Icke: There's a Shadow Over Humanity
In this interview with Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan, David Icke explains his journey from his transformational experience in 1990, through his years of exposing the cabal, to (following 2003) his current phase of preoccupation with Self-nature. He reveals that he experienced so much ridicule during the first four years after his initial breakthrough that […]
Matthew Ward on Illuminati, Goldman Sachs, Icelandic Volcano, Polish Plane Crash
Matthew Ward’s long-awaited message for April has just arrived. I’m posting the sections that deal with the Illuminati, reptilians, Icelandic volcano, Polish plane crash, sex case settlements, and reincarnation. Matthew’s Message April 26, 2010 https://www.matthewbooks.com/mm/anmviewer.asp?a=119&z=2 1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew saying, There is cause for elation! After […]
Interview with the Pickering Brothers
I’m listening to the Pickering brothers’ interview on Project Camelot and it must be one of the most fascinating exchanges I’ve heard. They describe three races of extraterrestrials that their “Source A,” a mid-ranking U.S. Naval officer, has spoken to as a member of one or more international working groups trying to move disclosure ahead. […]