Some channeled messages are long and flowing with little grammatical accuracy, and in most cases, this is because we simply don’t speak like you do. We don’t use the same rules, phrases and mannerisms you’ve become accustomed to on earth, nor do we physically speak like you do. We communicate via instant telepathic thoughts, feeling […]
Oversoul Teachings via Wes Annac: Connecting with Your Intuition
Note: I’m thinking about offering short, daily ‘Oversoul Teachings’ channeled columns (as opposed to the longer messages I used to bring through) and today’s my first go at it. I’ll probably continue to do it daily if it sticks, and I hope you all appreciate this first column. Reading the messages channeled (or articles written) […]
Oversoul Teachings via Wes Annac: Participate in Your Conscious Revolution
Oversoul Teachings: Participate in Your Conscious Revolution, Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, November 6, 2014 – Aligning with the divine as much and as often as possible will help you find a calm and centered frame of mind when you could otherwise descend into anger or myriad other negative qualities that drag […]
Oversoul Teachings via Wes Annac: You’re Purifying the Collective Consciousness
Oversoul Teachings: You’re Purifying the Collective Consciousness, Channeled through Wes Annac, November 4, 2014 – Channeling, like many other things, is a form of art, and those of you who enjoy channeling the energies and impressions of various higher-dimensional souls are encouraged to embrace this practice and the greater spiritual energy that comes with […]
Oversoul Teachings via Wes Annac: Your Work is Greatly Needed
Credit: Oversoul Teachings: Your Work is Greatly Needed, Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, October 30, 2014 – Like many of you, we’re excited for the time when love and awareness can replace the hatred and division that are common in your society. We, like you, are ready for humanity to embrace […]
Oversoul Teachings via Wes Annac: Life is Meant to be One Big Spiritual Party
Credit: Oversoul Teachings: Life is Meant to be One Big Spiritual Party, Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, October 7, 2014 – From our perspective, serving others is one of the best and most fulfilling ways you can occupy your time on earth. Not only have many of you made it your […]
Oversoul Teachings via Wes Annac: Your Love is More Potent Than Your Beliefs
Oversoul Teachings: Your Love is More Potent Than Your Beliefs, Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, October 3, 2014 – Allow your opening and expanding hearts to guide you in every endeavor, and you’ll have little difficulty feeling the wholeness so many of you desire to feel. With the immense and miraculous […]
Oversoul Teachings via Wes Annac: Let Others Traverse Their Chosen Paths
Oversoul Teachings: Let Others Traverse Their Chosen Paths, Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, October 2, 2014 – A person’s anger, hatred or judgment expresses more about them than the person they choose to judge or be angry with, and we don’t want any of you to feel as if you should […]
Oversoul Teachings via Wes Annac: Focus On Your Inner Work
Oversoul Teachings: “Focus On Your Inner Work” Channeled through Wes Annac, July 28, 2014 – The best advice we can give any earthly seeker is not to take yourselves or your existence too seriously, and there’s nothing wrong with lightening up and enjoying your existence instead of feeling like you have to endlessly strive […]
Oversoul Teachings via Wes Annac: You’re On the Earth to Be Peacemakers – Part 2/2
Oversoul Teachings: “You’re On the Earth to Be Peacemakers” Part 2/2, Channeled through Wes Annac, July 24, 2014 – Concluded from Part 1 We can envision humanity taking numerous physical and spiritual routes to healing your planet and finding a higher state of consciousness. Physically, you’ll have a lot of pollution-based damage to heal […]
Oversoul Teachings via Wes Annac: You’re On the Earth to Be Peacemakers – Part 1/2
Channeled through Wes Annac, July 23, 2014 – If you cry over spilled milk, you’ll find that you nearly drown in your own tears. If you constantly sweat the small stuff, you’ll find that you’re constantly unhappy and you might wonder why you can’t seem to find the wholeness you want to feel. Some seekers […]
Oversoul Teachings via Wes Annac: You Can Expand Your Reach
Oversoul Teachings: “You Can Expand Your Reach” Channeled through Wes Annac, July 20, 2014 – In everything you do and everywhere you go, remember that spirit is with you. Your higher selves, guides, and the rest of the Company of Heaven watch and assist you along your growth and development, and if you knew […]
Oversoul Teachings via Wes Annac: Never Lose Faith in Where You’re Going
Oversoul Teachings: “Never Lose Faith in Where You’re Going” Channeled through Wes Annac, July 17, 2014 – Your ascension process requires you to be as strong and diligent as possible, and as you make your way through the lower vibrations, you’ll find that a lot’s required of you before you can find the greater […]
Oversoul Teachings via Wes Annac: Transforming the Earth Into a Hub For the Light
Oversoul Teachings: “Transforming the Earth Into a Hub For the Light” Channeled through Wes Annac, July 16, 2014 – When you let yourselves fade into your sacred center, you begin to rediscover all of the divine wonders so many of you have strived so hard to find. In finding them, you’ll realize that striving […]
Oversoul Teachings via Wes Annac: Embrace Your Mission
Oversoul Teachings: “Embrace Your Mission” Channeled through Wes Annac, July 12, 2014 – What some souls know as ‘meditation’ is an act of opening up to the flowing energies and impressions that live within, and the practices that help you align with the energies and impressions you’re being lovingly given are intended to strengthen […]