I wrote the following for the 181st issue of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter, which I offer for $11.11 a month. To begin for this week – I don’t usually care much for labels, but there’s one label I think is misunderstood in the conscious community: lightworker. People associate it with things that are […]
Lightworker Collaboration in the Game of Workability – Part 1/2
It’s sometimes easier to visualize a relationship if a diagram is used. I’d like to offer a very rough diagram that Kathleen and I developed to illustrate the collaborative relationship among lightworkers who come together to build Nova Earth. We think of the structure illustrated in the diagram as a Mandelbrot set. (1) A Mandelbrot […]
A Fellow Lightworker: Why Does the Wounded Light Worker Keep on Going?
The author looks back on the trials she passed through in life and what sustained her. She requests anonymity. Why Does the Wounded Light Worker Keep on Going? A Fellow Lightworker The number one thing that has kept us going is that Spirit in some form always comes through with a sign, some action, insight, […]
Second Last Stop: Whidbey
We’re on Whidbey Island tonight, our second last stop from home. There’s a well-developed community of lightworkers here, most with no connection to the blog, doing yeoman’s work in various areas of lightwork. I wish I had a second self or could bilocate, to write up what this community is up to. One project sums […]
Farmgirl and Me: Two Lightworker Cases – Part 3/3
(Continued from Part 2.) Lightworker victims of abuse have to emerge if they’re to serve. I know I do. I imagine the same applies to others. We have to put fear behind us. We have to let go of self-protection, remaining invisible, and flying under the radar. We have to stop being hypervigilant, close down […]
Changing the War Paradigm Within
“Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances” ~ Mohandas K. Gandhi at https://www.wisdomquotes.com/quote/mohandas-k-gandhi-67.html I need to get something off my chest that’s got me fired up, so bear with me while I vent. And forgive me if I bring up a sore […]
How a Basic Agreement Becomes a Core Issue
Prior to discussing the matter with Archangel Michael in my reading on Aug. 1, 2014, I thought that a core issue was just a strong vasana. What AAM showed me was how little I understood the notion. What I failed to understand was that a core issue was something we’d rather die than face. It […]
Judith Watts: Kundalini Energy in 21st Century Terms
Longtime reader Judith Watts looks back on her life as a lightworker. As the Annual Kundalini Conference in Flesherton, Ontario (ICR – Institute of Consciousness Research) approaches in a few days, I have been sending out information encouraging attendance. Many folks, to be honest, have not heard the word. Those involved in energy medicine practices […]
Surfing the Tsunami of Love
As a communicator/lightworker, part of my self-chosen task is to go through Ascension publicly. I think it’s time to check in and give a progress report. So let me do that. The first thing I notice about myself is that the “floor” of my emotional experience has risen quite dramatically. What would have sparked me […]
What is a Lightworker?
What is a lightworker? Let me make an introductory statement of the matter here. A lightworker is one of a group of people who’ve come in this lifetime from other planets, other dimensions and, in some cases, other kingdoms to help in a global shift of consciousness that’s happening on Earth at the present time. […]
Getting Clear on What Does and Does Not Matter
I continue to transcribe my readings with Archangel Michael for the tremendous value that there is in that material. It’s like a rich treasure trove of wisdom and good counsel and I feel deeply privileged to have it In my second-ever reading with him, in Feb. 2011, he said: “There is already a history of […]
Jeshua: The Way of the Lightworker
The way of the lightworker Jeshua channeled by Pamela Kribbe Welcome! July 12, 2011 Dear friends, I am Jeshua. I salute you all today and I am closely connected to you from my heart. We are deeply related and there is a level at which we are one. The one, undivided consciousness that unites us […]
Watch for Wayshower Werner Erhard
My brother Paul was over visiting the other day and showed me a Wayshower who is making his presence known again after years of working behind the scenes. Remember the name: Werner Erhard. We all hear that it is time for the Wayshowers to step into the limelight and I think that Werner us one […]