“Many people want to have love, but few are willing to become it.” ~ Rumi When John Lennon convinced millions that “All you need is love,” I think he was wrong. Unless, of course, he meant love in a more all-encompassing sense than the feeling of love, which I don’t think he did. Maybe this is […]
5 Tools to Help us Reclaim Our Rights
Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, November 30, 2014 – https://tinyurl.com/macvuwt I wrote the following for the ‘planetary healing’ section of the 123rd issue of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter. This week, I’d like to outline 5 things we can do to peacefully reclaim our rights. We’re living in a time when […]
The Reinvention of the Law – Part 4
I’d like to look here at how the cabal will be dealt with legally. And then in a future post, I’d like to look at other, non-legal and non-penal actions that will be taken to right the situation we’re in as a result of the dark ones’ actions. Reaping What is Sown SaLuSa tells us […]
Statement of V-Men Congo
V for Victory is the sign of 1 Billion Rising for Justice. Here is a recent declaration made by V-Men of the Congo. Thanks to Krista. STATEMENT OF V-MEN CONGO At The Launch Of Their Movement In Bukavu At BODEGA On 7 March 2014 STATEMENT OF V-MEN CONGO At The Launch Of Their Movement In […]
Are We There Yet?
I wanted to draw attention to something SaLuSa said yesterday: “Progress is still being made to bring you release from the many conditions and restrictions that have been placed upon you by the Cabal.” (1) We’ve discussed numerous times in the past that the galactics and all the the “guys [and gals] in the rafters,” […]
On Being Placed on the FBI Watch List
I’ve been told that I’m now on the FBI Watch List. How nice. An article I posted about Attorney Al Hodge made its way to Dinar Recaps (1) and earned me a place. Well, ladies and gentlemen of the FBI, now that I have your attention… Undivided attention, I hope…. I can’t think of another […]
Having a Game to Play
Well, I had a wonderful holiday – not as much about consumption as past holidays but I enjoyed the sunny weather and the seaside views. I also had much time to reflect and I’ll share some of those reflections today. Here is one. When I first entered the hearing room, my wife, to remind me […]
Saul: Your Human Form of Justice Leaves Little Room for Love
by Saul through John Smallman https://johnsmallman.wordpress.com 07/11/2010 Full consciousness — your true state of eternal existence in the Presence of God, our loving Father — will not remain hidden from you for very much longer. Your lengthy series of lives in the illusion have been a training-course to show you how, and to assist you […]