V for Victory is the sign of 1 Billion Rising for Justice. Here is a recent declaration made by V-Men of the Congo. Thanks to Krista.
STATEMENT OF V-MEN CONGO At The Launch Of Their Movement In Bukavu At BODEGA On 7 March 2014
STATEMENT OF V-MEN CONGO At The Launch Of Their Movement In Bukavu At BODEGA On 7 March 2014
We, members of the conceptual framework established as V-Men Congo, concerned with injustice which women are subjected to;
Are aware of the cries of women “where are men?”
Understand that women are our most precious resource, pillar of the family, the basic cell of the Nation, and backbone of the economy. Today, in the twenty-first century, despite their daily struggle, determination and courage, some customs and cultural practices of our retrograde patriarchal societies keep them in an inferior status of second-class citizens and modern slaves.
We daily see them carrying heavy burdens, and suffer other degrading practices in our cities and countryside;
Understand that sexual violence exists in a latent state in all cultures and in all social classes in peacetime, and is exacerbated during wartime where women and girls are the primary victims of conflicts decided by men;
Considering the fact that women are not only our mothers, our sisters, our wives and daughters, we know that all human beings are equal and therefore everyone should be able to make choices freely and without discrimination. The gap between the daily realities and the rights recognized in international conventions, the Constitution and the laws must be bridged;
Knowing that equal access to education, health, work, property, political rights for girls and women are not only a way for states to comply with their legal obligations, but it is the best investment to contribute to social progress and generate economic prosperity, ensure opportunities for all and everyone’s participation in the public interest.
Today, one day before the celebration of the International Women’s Day, We, V-MEN Congo address the following message:
Women’s rights are not only of interest to feminists, it is a global issue, it is our common humanity, and concerns the future of our society. We must all be mobilized; men and women, for more fair society that promotes the development of all;
We reaffirm our commitment to the struggle for gender equality where men will fight hand in hand with women so as to change the current marginalization of women and the limited access to resources;
We appeal to political, religious and traditional authorities to end discrimination and misogynistic attitudes that shame humanity and undermine prospects for sustainable development;
We call everybody to break the silence, change the mindsets of our sons and daughters, our sisters and brothers, fathers and mothers and put an end to impunity, sexual violence and gender-based violence.
We commit ourselves, together with boys and men, girls and women, political leaders and civil society, in a spirit of mutual respect, complementarity and solidarity, to build peace and a fair and prosperous world where everyone has the right to live in accordance with human dignity.
Done in Bukavu, 7 March 2014
Nbr | NAMES | CORPORATION | Signatures |
1. | Jean Moreau TUBIBU | Groupe Jérémie | |
2 . | Dr Denis MUKWEGE | Médecin Directeur et Président du CA de la Fondation Panzi | |
3. | Nico MUKENDI | Président de Rotary Club de Bukavu | |
4. | Elisée MUDWANGA | Past Président Rotary Club de Bukavu | |
5. | Jean Michel MWAMBUSA | V-DAY | |
6. | Maître Jean de Dieu MULIKUZA | ADH asbl | |
7. | Patrick LWABOSHI | V-DAY | |
8. | KALUME KAVWE | Directeur Provincial de la RTNC | |
9. | Major KANGANDA Kasala | Dpt Genre PNC | |
10. | Prof Justin KABANGA | Coordinateur Nationale CAMPS | |
11. | Dr Dieudonné KALUMUNA | Président de l’Ordre des Médecins | |
12. | Olive MUDEKEREZA Namegabe | Président de la Fédération des Entreprise du Congo/ Prov. Du Sud-Kivu | |
13. | Didier KATOTO | FIBA Arbitre & Rotary Club de Bukavu | |
14. | Major BASIMA Ntumwa | Aumônier Protestant 10è Région Militaire | |
15. | Roger BUHENDWA | Coordinateur Assistant Projet BADILIKA /Fondation Panzi | |
16. | Gustave CHIRHA | V-DAY | |
17. | Dr Géronce BALEGAMIRE | Polyclinique Impact Médical | |
18. | Désiré SHAMAVU | Groupe Jérémie | |
19. | Dr Prince IMANI | HGR Panzi | |
20. | Pascal Ally HUSSEIN | ISP/Bukavu & V-DAY |