We need you to remember all the multidimensional traits of your SELF, not just within your meditations or while we are attending a class. We need you to remember your SELF in your DAILY LIFE because it is within your third dimensional life that this transmutation will begin. No longer are you protected by your […]
We Gaians (Repost)
Several members of the Company of Heaven on Heavenly Blessings have suggested the word “Gaian” as a replacement for terms like “terrestrials” and “Earthlings,” etc. In light of that, I repost a discussion of the subject from 2010. Sept. 10, 2010 Each time I type “terrestrial,” my fingers become the hundred feet of a caterpillar […]
A Remarkable Statement on Extraterrestrial Life
Submitted to OpEdNews for publication – with appropriate changes! I was just reading an article that Genele sent me, which talked about the “remarkable statements” that people like Paul Hellyer, Edgar Mitchell and John Podesta have been making. (1) They’ve been saying that extraterrestrials – or galactics, as we call them – are here and […]
No, Truer Words Were Spoken
There’s an article I’d like to respond to, not by way of criticism, but by way of trying to bridge a gap if I can and if you’ll permit me. I don’t like to respond to another’s articles. But in this case I feel I should. I’m responding to one in Rumor Mill News, not […]
We Live for Hundreds of Years in Bodies that Do Not Die
Higher-dimensional civilizations don’t need to eat and sleep as much as we do. Here Commander Ashira of the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies explains what rests look like for them. “We rest, so do not be under the impression that we are ‘workaholics’! … “We have the ability – you have the expression of […]
We’ve Been in Sacred Partnership for a Long Time
In a very memorable quote, David Wilcock pointed out that the human body is common in the universe. “The human body shows up in the galaxy on every planet where life can form. It’s a natural evolution. Some might get there by an insect; some might get there by a lizard; some might get there […]
Stephen Cook: Is Putin Working With the Help of Our Galactic Family – and Others? (Revised)
Intro by Stephen Cook – March 5, 2014 I’ve been communicating with a number of people over the past few weeks who seem to have the same ‘gut’ feeling I do about the current Ukraine crisis: that it is a hugely important, monumental ‘moment’ that will change the course of this world we currently inhabit […]
Meetings with Remarkable Galactics
Folks, I’ve gathered all your accounts so far of meetings with remarkable galactics into one page (I’ll keep adding to it as you send in more experiences). You can it find here: https://goldenageofgaia.com/disclosure/who-are-the-extraterrestrials/meetings-with-remarkable-galactics/ It’s remarkable how many of you have met galactics, work with them in your sleep state, and know your own galactic origins. […]
Still More Meetings with Remarkable Galactics
Your stories of actual or possible contact continue to flow in. Here are more accounts. First a clarification from Anne on her previous post. Steve, Allow me to clarify my previous post. Where I spoke of my “conversation” with my guides, I feel I was not specific enough about what the message was that they […]
More Meetings with Remarkable Galactics
Here are three more accounts which have surfaced as a result of AAM’s clarion call. Since the insertion of the Golden Age of Gaia, it has been my life line to the Truth, so with that being said, please allow me to relate several “visits” from our Galactic family. All my visits happened during my […]
Meetings with Remarkable Galactics
You’ve been sending in accounts of your meetings with the galactics in response to AAM’s clarion call! Six have arrived so far. The first one is Maria from the Caribbean area. One evening in January I went outside with my dog and my binoculars. As I waited for him to finish, I counted the craft […]
Are We There Yet?
I wanted to draw attention to something SaLuSa said yesterday: “Progress is still being made to bring you release from the many conditions and restrictions that have been placed upon you by the Cabal.” (1) We’ve discussed numerous times in the past that the galactics and all the the “guys [and gals] in the rafters,” […]
Working with the Galactics – Part 2/2
(Continued from Part 1.) Let’s continue looking at Archangel Michael’s instructions, in this case to me, not because I somehow want to puff myself, which I feel no need to do, but to listen to a celestial instructing a lightworker. “You are a communicator. You are one that brings the clarity of information, of news […]
Working with the Galactics – Part 1/2
We all have our missions and I’m learning more and more about mine as time goes on. Apparently mine is to serve in the area of communications, as a go-between between us terrestrials and the galactics. In the course of my personal readings with Archangel Michael, he’s been coaching me on numerous matters related to […]
Stephen Cook: Closing Filled with True Humanity – Now for the Galactic ‘Opening’
Closing Filled with True Humanity: Now for the Galactic ‘Opening’ By Stephen Cook I’m sure, like me, you’ve probably just sat on the edge of your chair for the past three hours wishin’ and hopin’ and prayin’ for the Galactics to come and join London’s (and the world’s) party. (Well actually, I was shakin’ and […]