Intro by Stephen Cook – March 5, 2014
I’ve been communicating with a number of people over the past few weeks who seem to have the same ‘gut’ feeling I do about the current Ukraine crisis: that it is a hugely important, monumental ‘moment’ that will change the course of this world we currently inhabit – for good. And on many levels – energetically, politically and, very very possibly, abundantly.
Some have suggested it really is the last gasp of the cabal as they try – and I repeat ”try’ – one last time to instigate war. No matter what evolves, it will not become a major skirmish. Even Matthew Ward tells us that’s the case in this week’s latest Matthew Message (see link 1 at end).
And remember, in the past 12 months alone, they’ve already failed in trying to create similar such human and fearful disasters with the Iran, North Korea and Syria crises.
Only this time, they’re trying it on by goading the other former world ‘enemy,’ Russia – now in the form of its president Vladimir Putin. Yet he remains stoic in the face of seemingly worldwide criticism.
And he’s still standing stable and tall – despite all the signs that there’s a plan in place against him. One that’s been slowly and effectively put into gear in the lead-up to this ‘situation.’
Think about how much bad media coverage the Russian leader had in the lead-up to what ended up being be a hugely successful – and incident-free – Olympic Winter Games. It was scandal-plagued before the (totally ‘un-dark’) Opening Ceremony with headlines screaming: ‘most expensive games ever’,’major terrorism target’ and ‘anti-gay legislation’.
Did any of those things impinge on the quality or operations of the Sochi Winter Games? No. Because it was all part of what I believe is globally-strategic cabal and mainstream-media-fuelled assault on him.
One in which even the supposedly-leaked recording of US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland (link 2 below) – not-so-eloquently speaking her mind on the Ukraine situation – played a key role.
But so do other things the cabal may never have imagined.
My friend Nancy Detweiler has been pro-actively putting together some unique and well-researched pieces on Putin (link 3) (and even Obama – link 4) using her knowledge of esoteric astrology, her personal beliefs and the assistance of her twin flame Uriel.
You can read what Nancy (and Uriel) has ‘unearthed’ about Putin especially at the end of this main article below – which I feel may be one of the most symbolic articles on the Ukraine situation I’ve found this week.
While I don’t agree with some of the more aggressive theories and themes the author espouses – and which may be disturbing for some of us – the indications of a Galactic involvement are a joy to behold. Deep down, I know it to be true.
Thanks also to Joe R and John B for sending in the audio link to the Dr Paul Craig Roberts’ interview. While Roberts, who worked under Ronald Reagan, seems to believe Obama is not as good as some of us know, I’ve included the link (link 5) to that audio at the end of this article, too. Mostly because Dr Roberts offers yet another very non-mainstream view of the Ukraine situation. More food for thought.
There’s also talk and a video (link 6) sweeping through the alternative media that ‘the oldest pyramid on earth,’ which was discovered in Crimea in August 2012 (also link 6), is actually the real reason for the current situation.
So there’s a lot ‘going on’ in and around the Ukraine situation right now, possibly more than ever before in the 4,000 years since people began living there (well those that we’ve been told about, anyway…).
Yet, in addition to talk of Putin’s ‘assistance’ from the Galactics, as highlighted below, I’d say there’s a very large Celestial influence underway (or, rather overway), too. There has to be.
Which is why I say: Ukraine could well become the ‘You Crane’ – the ‘apparatus’ that lifts us all out of the current paradigm.
It’s also why it strongly feels to me to be one of the more significant ‘events’ in the series of events that form “The Event”.
Note: At this point, my original story referenced and included an article which, in hindsight, we felt – as did some readers – was not compatible with the philosophy and ethos of this site. Should you wish to still read that particular article, Secret Space War XIII: Alien Partners tell Putin, “Don’t Worry, We’ve Got Your Back”, you can do so by heading here. Although you may wish to read the various comments from readers below before you do.
Links from my intro:
1. Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward March 3, 2014:
2. Victoria Nuland gives her opinion on the Ukraine situation:
Nancy Detweiler’s articles:
3. Nancy Detweiler’- Who is Vladimir Putin? As Seen Through Esoteric Astrology:
4. Nancy Detweiler’ – Who Is Barack Obama? As Seen Through Esoteric Astrology:
5. Dr Craig Paul Roberts Interview – talking about the Ukraine situation (audio only):
6. World’s Oldest Pyramid Found in Crimea – See this video too –